Nash The Eliatrope, the seventh primordial Dofus, the forgotten ones. Nash and Bieta also know as the forgotten ones. They were forgotten trough time and reincarnation after the second fight against Mechasm they where killed and forgotten by there brothers the only one who still remembers is Qilby, but he has no need to tell the rest of the council of six. After the war against the Mechasm Nash gets reincarnated together with his twin dragon brother Bieta but being just babies Nash gets lost and finds himself in another place far away from his twin brother Bieta. ----------------------------------------------------- Okay, so I will be making references most people won't understand because they haven't watched Wakfu or Played the game (I haven't played the game). PS: If I had the lore wrong in some parts please say so I'm getting most of the information I didn't know from the fandom wiki so I don't know if the information on that website is correct (already saw some incorrect information). Disclaimer: This is a passion project, this means I'm writing it for fun and to get better at writing. if you don't like stories that aren't completely without plot holes then don't read it. One last thing I am certainly not a good writer!
Alright, so I have been really busy and trying to write 2 novels while 1 novel is already too much so I'm gonna set this novel on pause for a bit I'll post when I have a vacation but don't expect me to post until I'm done with my other novel.