
The Forgotten Elder God (Dropped)

WARNING: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE WORLDS NOR CHARACTERS FROM THOSE WORLDS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Tags: Wish Fulfilment, Incest, AU, World Travel, no NTR on MC Just FYI, I don't care about your complaints, I just don't. Feedback is one thing, useless complaining, or stating you don't like something, I don't care, it's my book, don't like it, don't read it. 1st world: Highschool DxD 2nd world: Overlord (Probably) Valerian Maara is a young man recently graduated from college. Even though he was extremely popular, having lots of on and off relationships, he never felt comfortable in them, always taking to anime, and Lovecraftian Mythos for comfort instead. His grades we exceptional, even though he never studied, though working out was one of his few joys outside of anime. Due to the recent pandemic that has swept around the world, he was doing all his schooling from online, which gave him plenty of time to indulge in his hobbies. Now that he has graduated, he has an interview with the biggest company in the United States, though it is a tele-interview. He sits down ten minutes before the interview, in a nice suit jacket and button up shirt, but obviously without pants on, and sat for three minutes in anticipation. Though there was still two minutes a popup came on his stream which said... "Read the first chapter to find out!"

Xeranas · อะนิเมะและการ์ตูน
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32 Chs

Chapter 13: Bane Wolves.

So apparently the picture of Inanna didn't load for people even though I did post it, so I'll try posting it again here. If it still doesn't show up then the picture RomanPopov posted just with white hair and red eyes works just as well. Also you can stop asking, Inari is going to be in the harem for sure.

" " = Dialogue.

' ' = Inner Thoughts/commands.

{ } = System response.

[ ] = Telepathy message.


It's been two weeks since we got to Kyoto and I decided to leave the girls there so they could train. Now I'm headed to meet the East faction. I was originally planning to go alone, but a certain fox goddess refused to leave my side. Thus, Inari and I headed north east, though I did give her a condition, which is she had to make herself a small fox while we were traveling so no one would recognize her.

If anyone from the east faction saw her, and recognized her, it could mess up my plans. I've been itching to see how physically strong I am compared to others, so I want to fight one of the stronger members of the east faction.

During these two weeks, Inari and I have gotten much closer and her behavior has gone beyond simple teasing, not that I mind.

The area we were traveling through was a forest, but the deeper we went the thicker the foliage got and mist started to shroud the ground, which also started to thicken. "You sure we are going the right way Inari?" I said to the fox curled up in my arms.

She nodded, "Yep, Nurarihyon lives at the center of this forest. There's a few other races throughout the forest as well, some youkai. Though there are a few non-humanoid ones as well. One of them, the strongest of the non-humanoid ones, are called Bane Wolves. If you're lucky we'll meet a pack of them, they're fairly easy to tame. Though they have are strong physical strength, their real strength lies in their psionic abilities. Beat the Alpha in a mental fight, and they will follow you willingly."

I nod my head and we kept walking forward for a few more hours before we decided to rest for the night. According to Inari, it would take us another two or three days of walking to get to the center of the forest. We were both asleep when we were suddenly awakened by a loud howl, followed by numerous quieter ones. The howl was like a demonic scream, it sounded horrible.

"Ahh, those are bane wolves' howls." I hear Inari yawn beside me, though she didn't let go of me and buried herself into my chest more trying to go back to sleep.

"Guess we better go find them then huh?" I said pinching her butt, causing her to moan. She shook her head into my chest, "No~. I want to back to sleep! I know I said it's easy, but that's not how I meant it. I meant it straight forward, not that it was easy to actually do. You have to have strong psychic abilities to tame them, and psionic abilities are one of the rarest in the world." She whined, clearly just wanting to stay asleep.

With a smirk on my face I looked down at her, who was looking up at me with pitiful eyes, and said, "Don't worry about the details. Lets go find them."

She sighed and said with a pout, "Fine, but you owe me a kiss and cuddles after this..."

I laughed lightly and kissed her on the cheek, "Yes ma'am. Now get up, I don't want them getting away."

We got up and left, heading to where we heard the loud howl, which was to the south, the opposite direction we were supposed to head, but it was worth it in my opinion. Inari is right, beings with innate psionic abilities are rare, they exist, but they're certainly rare to find. If I could get an entire pack of wolves with psionic abilities, it would be cool. I don't really need them for their power, but a little extra never hurts. Plus, if they look at least similar to normal wolves, the girls will like them.

We ran for about an hour and a half, Inari decided to follow me this time in her youkai form rather than her fox form. I decided to ask a question to my system, though since I never really needed to ask it a direct question, I don't know how it works.

'System, what will happen if one of the wolves tries to use psionic powers on me? Doesn't telepathy deal with consciousness or soul.'

{ Correct, it deals with a bit of both, if a being just used powers that affect the physical body, like telekinesis, nothing will happen. However, if they try to pry too deep, they will see your outer god form, likely causing them to die the instant they do. The only exceptions would be the beings known as Great Red, Trihexa and Ophis, who would go into a vegetative state immediately, with nothing being able to revert it besides your reality warping. }

'Wow... Uhh is there any way I can make that like not happen with the wolves, if this mental battle, as Inari called it, has to do with diving into our consciousness, I would prefer the wolf to not explode.'

{ The system can generate a false consciousness for the host, which will make anyone trying to use psionic powers enter the false consciousness, which will be based off your devil appearance and identity. It will protect any who use powers from dying, though host can choose to swap to your true consciousness at any time. }

(I wasn't going to do this next part, but I've seen a few people comment on it so I'll get this out of the way now.)

'Sure do that. Also, how are you able to do all this exactly? Like restrain my aura and power.'

{ The system has no actual powers of its own. It is part of your powers to begin with, it helps regulate powers you will not wish to constantly monitor consciously in the future, such as omnipresence. Also, the system restricts your powers and aura due to hosts desire to A, not erase reality, and B your desire to grow with those you love. Host is able to access any power at any point in time. However, reality will, inevitably, be erased until the point the host is able to use your full power without releasing the slightest bit of aura. }

'Right...Isn't it my power though? Why do I need to learn to control it in the first place?'

{ Host was not born with these powers connect to your soul, they were bestowed on you afterwards. Meaning you don't have the innate control you normally would, even being omnipotent, like you are, does not change that. Omnipotence is something you have to learn to control as well. If you couldn't reality would be erased whether you could control your aura or not. This is why the system restricts them due to hosts desires. }

(There, make a bit more sense? The system isn't more powerful than Valerian, it IS Valerian in a sense. It's just his powers regulating themselves so he can enjoy his life due to his own wishes.)

'Okay... Make sure if the bane wolf tries to pry into my consciousness it pries into my false consciousness.'

{ Done. }

We walk a bit further before a massive number of blue eyes appear around us. Directly in front of me walks a huge, 5 meter tall wolf, with its four eyes trained on me. I stare at it dead in the eyes at the top of it's face. I feel it trying to prod at my mental defenses, though it doesn't feel hostile quite yet, so I allow it in, not that it could harm me anyways.

( Bane hound Image)

It wasn't trying to fight me yet, it was trying to set a telepathic link so we could talk. [What can I do for you? I noticed you following us for a while now.]

Hearing it, I shrugged, 'We weren't trying to hide.' [I came to make you my companions, from what I understand, if I beat you in a mental battle, your pack will be loyal, is that correct?]

He looked surprised for a second, [Not many know that, the gods and very few youkai know that.]

I chuckle and point at Inari, who looked bored beside me, [This is Inari, she told me.]

The wolf tensed in response, while they weren't technically demonic creatures, or evil creatures for that matter, many viewed them that way due to their powers and howls. Even some of the gods do. Though it relaxed a minute after seeing her not care about their presence.

The wolf nodded it's head and send me another message, [Very well. Let me ask you this first, do you have any mental powers? Otherwise I would advise you against this. If you do, even if you lose it will knock you unconscious, but you shouldn't suffer any mental damage, the same can't be said if you haven't practiced with this otherwise. ]

I smirked at it, [I'll be alright.]

It narrowed its eyes but sighed, [Very well, then, lets begin. If you can resist the mental attacks I will send your way, I will gradually increase the strength. If you can continue until I get the peak of my strength, I will do one last attack, if you are still standing, you win.]

I nodded, [Sounds...a lot more simple than I was expecting. Then lets not waste any time my little fox wants to go to sleep again.]

It snorted but began anyways. The first was, well I didn't even notice it to be honest. I didn't even realize the wolf started until about five minutes later, when I saw it's brows furrow. I waited again for another five minutes and the wolf was leaning forward on its front paws, digging into the ground. I still didn't feel anything. This went on until I noticed to gathering a lot of energy in between its upper set of eyes, [This is the final attack, though judge by your expression, you are either a very good liar, or I didn't even scratch you. Either way, this is the last attack.]

I kind of felt bad for it, honestly I wasn't entirely sure it started in the first place. It fired the gather energy at my forehead in a visibly white beam with a pinkish glow on the outside. It was slow, very slow, I could've dodged the beam grabbed the wolf and put it in front of its own beam before it hit me. But, I close my eyes and let it hit me anyways, which this time, I actually felt something touch my forehead though it was a little delayed. It felt like a very, very slight tickle...

Wait nevermind. That was a mosquito that tried to bite me but it couldn't break the skin so it just left...

Welp... poor wolf, I just won't say anything.

I wait a second with my eyes closed before opening them and looking at the wolf and asking out loud, "That's the end of the test I assume."

The large wolf slumps on the ground in exhaustion but still sends me a message, [ Yes master. That is the end of the test, as such, my pack will serve you. ] I nod my head. Though now that I really look at them, they aren't all that cute. They're cool looking, that's for sure, but cute isn't the right word.

'Ehh I'll think of something nice for the girls later. Or who knows, they might find them cute anyways and take one for themselves.'

"We are headed to the center of the forest, but for tonight we are going back to bed, we'll leave tomorrow morning. I'd like your pack to follow us." I say to the wolf leader.

The other wolves bow before dispersing slightly, though still staying in the area, since we are in a somewhat open area, with the wolf pack around us, I decide to just set our tent down, letting Inari into the tent before following her in. I lay down on the small bed that I brought out with the tent and Inari snuggles up to me with a smile on her face as she buries her face in the crook of my neck, hugging my body.

I snake my arm around her waist, "Thanks for the help Inari, I appreciate it." She looks at me with a teasing smile, "If your so thankful, hurry up and kiss me."

I laugh but still lean down and pull her into a heated kiss before pulling back and putting my finger on her lips. "We can kiss more later, now go to sleep you vixen."

She pouts, but then smiles and hugs me again before her breathing evens out, signifying she's asleep, which I quickly follow.


Short Poll

About the wolf leader:

Name suggestions: Just give me some on this paragraph comment.

Gender: I haven't decided, so just like my comment of +1 for if you want it male or female.



Humanoid Form: Should it have a humanoid form. (If yes regardless of gender it will have one.) Answer the same as the last question.



If female, add to harem: If yes, this WILL take up the only extra harem slots for Youkai. I plan to have 4 youkai already, but I'm willing to add 1 more maximum. Answer the same way as the previous two.



That's all for the poll. It will be open until next Sunday when I write the next chapter.