
The Forbidden Oneshot Collection/The Vault

A collection of all the oneshots I post in one clusterfuck of a book. Additional tags: HMOFA(Human Male on Female Anthro), femdom, non-con elements, yandere, and more. Keep in mind, every chapter is a oneshot and does not connect in any way, shape, or form to any other one.

TheFacelessUser · อื่นๆ
18 Chs

The Boy Who Moaned Wolf

Description: A twist on the classic old tale.


The moisture in the air made the grass shine like stars, the air far cleaner and healthier than the one in the modernized cities. The setting sun painted the sky with many spectacular rays of orange and purple, bleeding into each other over and below. And the night was something else, without any street lamps you could see all the stars in the sky, the distant galaxies waiting to be explored in the far future.

I sat on a wooden fence, swinging my feet while observing the world around me, mainly the sheep. Father told me since we couldn't afford an education for me, I'd be helping the family in the field. I watched the sheep graze on the wet grass, communicating amongst themselves in their strange vocal mehs. Their wool was thick and dirty, a sign of the encroaching winter. We lived in a decent farm land, but the cold season here was punishing. Any who didn't work their asses off and prepared would starve. It was a simple way of life, but those were the cards I was dealt.

I jumped off the fence, kicking a stone some feet away. My ragged clothes blew in the air, sending a shiver through my body. I rubbed my bare arms, huffing a cold breath. The end of autumn was a tricky time, one day you're sweating like a pig, and the next you feel as if you jumped head first into an ice lake.

I grabbed the long stick I'd found near the edge of the woods, the rough surface once pricked my finger due to my carelessness.

The woods were bad. Father told me to stay away from them at all cost because scary beasts lived there. I became curious, but never dared step a foot there. On some nights, I swear I could hear howls that never ended till the morrow. It was as if they begged for something, but that was probably just my imagination.

I began forcing the sheep back into the fenced land, a cheap guard for the precious livestock. One sheep was worth far more than gold; gold can't fill your belly, but a sheep can. As I led a couple of them back, a devious plan popped into my mind.

I grinned under my hood, still gathering the sheep back to their home. Once the last one was safe and sound, I closed the gate, rotating the wooden pole to lock it in place. I gave it a few tugs to test its sturdiness, nodding in satisfaction. I'd never do anything to put Father's stock in harm's way.

Before Mother passed, we used to be five. Now, only me and my little brother remained. He wasn't a brave boy, but he had a brain between his ears. His blond hair made him a favorite amongst other mothers, but I didn't envy him. He deserved so much more, life wasn't fair.

I took a deep breath, and screamed, "WOLF! THERE'S A WOLF NEAR THE SHEEP!"

In an instant, frantic shouts and angry screams came from the village. Men left their homes wielding torches, pitchforks, and one even had a musket. They ran towards the edge of the village where I leaned against the fence, holding back my laughter. As they sprinted towards me, they glanced around for the threat, growing confused at why I called for them.

Once they were within arm's reach, I burst out in laughter, sending them into a twist.

"Boy, why are you laughing?! Where's the wolf?!" the man holding the musket demanded, looking around for the phantom beast.

"There was no wolf, I lied!" I held my sides, enjoying their mixed reactions and the priceless looks on their faces.

"Wait until your father hears about this, bloody trickster! Don't ever do it again, understand?!" He screamed in my face. I fainted fear and regret, rapidly nodding my head.

"Let's go," he muttered to the other men, grumbling countless insults under his breath. I didn't care though, it was hilarious! I love pranks, as long as they are harmless. I'd never do something like cause a fire or kill livestock, but things like these were totally okay in my book, no way they could ever hurt someone.

Still, now I had to face my father's wrath. It'll be fiiiine, it was totally worth it.

After the men returned to their homes, I took one last look at the horizon before returning to my own abode. Since we owned part of the outer farms, our house was also on the edge of the village.

I entered our humble home as casually as I could, thinking my father was asleep. However, the moment I locked the door behind me, he cleared his throat. I snapped around, his arms folded over his chest and a scowl on his face. My little brother was nowhere to be seen, presumably resting in his bed in the other room.

"Son, what were you thinking?" He said with calm, keeping his tone down for my brother's sake.

"What? I was only joking," I dismissed, holding my hands behind my back.

"There's nothing funny about what you did, do you realize how worried I was? There are monsters in that forest."

"Then why have I never seen them? Do they even exist?"

"Yes!" We both heard a groan from the other room, but my brother didn't wake up.


"I don't want to hear it, don't ever go into the forest and don't repeat what you did today, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, got it," I averted my eyes to the floor in shame, my father sighed and left the room.

I would never go to the forest, I would never, although I've never actually seen anything evil come out of there. There were wolves, bears and other dangerous animals, sure, but what's the big deal? Use a musket to put them down and be done with it.

Either way, he was right, I shouldn't doubt him. He only wants what's best for us, he has a duty to fulfill as a parent and I have to keep working.


However, I couldn't resist.

"HELP! HELP! THERE'S A WOLF EATING THE SHEEP!" I cried, snickering as I watched the men run to the field as they did the previous day, shouting and commanding each other to check the surrounding area. As the same musketeer approached me, I could see the rage in his eyes, almost foaming from his mouth.

"BOY!" He screeched, holding back the urge to shoot me, "WHAT DID I FUCKING TELL YOU?!"

I held back my giggles, oh, this is too good. I'm sorry, Father, but it's just so funny.

"I was just kidding, everything's fiiiine, relax-"

"RELAX?! RELAX?! YOU LITTLE SHIT! WAIT TILL YOUR DADDY HEARS ABOUT THIS!" with the same seething venom, he ordered the rest to return, gripping his musket until his knuckles turned white. Once they were out of sight, I slapped my knee and cackled to my heart's content, holding my sides from all the laughter. Too good, too good.

Just like yesterday, the sun was setting and the moon was rising. I brought all the sheep back to the fen and closed the gate, making my way back home. I opened the door without a care, still wearing a goofy smile on my face.

Father wasted no time in berating me.

"BOY!" He closed the distance between us with what seemed like a giant's steps. Once close enough, he smacked the back of my head which stung a little. "Why?!" He held back another slap, grinding his teeth.

"C'moooon, I was only joking."

"I don't even... ugh, what's so damn funny about lying?!"

"Well, it's-"

"No, I don't even want to hear it. To your room. Next time I hear about this, the belt comes off, got it?"

"Yes, g-got it."


Okay, hear me out. Just one more time and that's it, to get everything out of my system.

"HELP! THERE'S WOLF! HEEEELP!" I waited with baited breath for the angry mob to come entertain me, but a few moments passed and nothing happened. The gentle blow of the cool wind brushed against my hair, sending a shiver down my spine.

Perhaps they didn't hear me?

"HEEEEELP! HEEEEEEEELP!" I screamed again, coughing into my hand. My throat hurt from that, yet they still didn't come.


Anyway, I needed to get the sheep back in their haven. I began gathering the fluffy livestock back to their caged land, one by one. The sun was half-way down the horizon, night would soon fall. I hate to admit it, but the dark scares me. I didn't like being rendered blind outside where there were already enough dangers to worry about.

The last sheep was a little closer to the forest, stupid floof ball. As I trudged through the knee-tall grass towards the innocent animal, a black blur jumped out of the nearest bushes. It latched onto the sheep, biting down on its neck and thrashing around, spraying blood all over the ground.

I stopped, frozen in shock, staring at the creature. Its body resembled that of a person, though its legs were of a wolf, bent backwards. Its hands and feet were clawed and lethal, digging into the flesh of the poor sheep. It was covered by black fur all over and its head...

A wolf's. But... It looked like it could walk on two.

What is that?

The creature, no, monster, tore through the sheep's flesh like a knife through butter. Some of its fur was soaked in fresh blood, but it didn't seem to care, the meal its sole focus. I wanted to run back, to yell, to tell the others of the horror I was witnessing, but I feared that alerting it would grant me a death not so swift.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, breathing as quietly as I could. I began backing away from the gory scene, one step at a time.

Not five steps were made before a stick snapped under my boot, the creature's attention snapping towards me.

Our eyes locked, the sheep's neck was in its mouth as it stared into my soul. We just kept there for what felt like a lifetime when suddenly, the monster dropped its meal, growling at me.

Oh, no, no no no nononono- NO! NOT LIKE THIS!

I bolted away from the monster, forcing my legs to exert all the energy I had in my body. I huffed with every leap, every third or fourth breath shouting, "HELP! HEEEEEELP! THERE'S A MONSTER!"

However, as the view of the village came into view, I heard the monster close the distance between us, grunting through its sharp teeth. Tears were flung out of my eyes by the cruel wind, the cold a prickling sensation on my skin.

I screamed again, "HEEEELP! PLEEEEASE! HEE- EEELP!" But no one left their home to see what was happening, no one listened, no one cared anymore.

I shouldn't have joked, I shouldn't have lied. You were right, Father, you were right! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

I had a third of the field left to run before I reached my house, my legs burned in pain but I ignored them. The adrenaline coursing through my veins fueled me, I was so close, just a little more. Come on, come on!

The beast switched its running form to all-four, its tongue hanging in the air as it came closer and closer to biting down my neck. I screamed in pure terror, my heart almost giving out. PLEASE! I'M SO CLOSE! SO CLOSE-

One moment I was running for my life, the next I was tumbling to the ground, landing face first in the dirt. Something kept me pinned, saliva dripping onto my ear.

"NOOOO! HELP! HEEE- MMM!" The monster closed a paw over my mouth, silencing my cries for help. I tried harder, yet nothing but a pathetic whimper came out. I struggled against its iron grip, the other clawed hand grabbing onto my neck. My muffled cries became louder, but it didn't make a difference.

I was going to die, I was going to die because of my idiocy, why didn't I listen to them, I should've listened!

I shut my eyes, awaiting the inevitable.

However, nothing happened. The monster kept me incapacitated, all it'd take was a hard twist to my neck and-

It brought its maw next to my neck, sniffing at my sweat. Its grip loosened, but only enough to let me breathe properly. The monster went limp over my body, using its bigger stature to keep me against the ground. I felt two mounds press into my back, what the...

Then, it lapped the salty water near my ear as well as my hair, letting out soft growls. It continued licking me until it thought I'd stay still, slowly pushing itself off the ground.

The second I was free, I tried to crawl away, but it immediately returned the claw to my neck, locking me in its prison. It snarled in anger, shoving my face into the dirt. Why am I not dead? What does it want? It can't be intelligent.

Can it?

I saw its shadow gaze around, tightening its grip on me. The monster lifted me by my neck and onto my legs, in an instant wrapping my torso with the same arm it used to hold my neck. Then, it started dragging me away.

To the forest.

I screamed into its furred hand, worming my way out of its ridiculously strong arms. It didn't react to my struggle, keeping at the same pace. The further we got from the dotting lights of the windows, the harder I squealed and turned. I tried to open my mouth and bite its hand, but it was simply too powerful. I kicked my feet in the air, realizing just how tall the creature was, it must've been two or three heads taller than me.

All the while, its dual, soft mounds pressed into my back. What the hell are those-

Oh, breasts. Those are breasts.

I didn't blush at my discovery though, she was still going to kill me. I threw my head back into her maw, desperate to escape at any cost. Instead, I hit her just above her chest, making her yip in surprise and lessen the grip.

I took it as my chance to get out of her arms, but as quickly as it came, it went away. She barked, using her right arm to hold my chest and the left below my chin in a neck hold, fully controlling the air that went into my lungs and the blood that flowed into my brain. After that, I ceased all struggle, breaking into hysteria as the sun disappeared, sending us into darkness.

Once we were hidden behind the shrubbery, she threw me over her shoulder and broke into a wild run, leaving the village in the dust. I didn't bother anymore, coming to terms with my demise. Father, I'm so sorry. I fucked up.

At least... At least you'll have one mouth less to feed, heh.

She ran and ran and ran like no tomorrow, taking turns at random directions to throw off any pursuers, but there were none

Just end it. Or are you planning on eating me in private, monster?

Eventually, she slowed down to a jog and then a simple walk. She took me off her shoulder to hold me in her arms like a husband would with his bride. I covered my face, praying for it to end already. I don't understand, what even is this? Was she toying with me? Like a cat with its prey? No, no, wait, I can see something.

My vision had adjusted to the darkness, the clouds broke the moonlight, casting massive shadows everywhere. We were near somewhere tall, at the bottom of a cliff maybe. She continued walking, holding me tighter when the light snuffed out. We were inside a cave, in complete darkness. As we went deeper into my future tomb, we passed a horrible smell, probably many of the monster's past victims.

Then, she stopped.

Silence, she just stood there with me in her arms as I prayed for God's mercy.

She kneeled down, gently laying me on the ground. I was expecting the cold stone, but instead was greeted by a soft, matted rug. I felt around in the dark, brushing my hands through the thin fur on the ground.

Animal skins.

The monster's eyes stood out like fireflies, blood red with a black dot in the middle. When I tried to get up, she grabbed both my wrists and pinned them to my sides, snarling again. I shut my eyes, praying one last time for it to be quick.

However, she did nothing, simply holding me down in place.

Her hot breath washed over my face, the faint smell of blood and gore making me nauseous. Something wet touched my neck, I jolted in surprise, but the beast didn't let me get away.

It was her, the moist tip of her nose was against my neck, taking deep whiffs of me. I was beyond baffled at this point. What is she doing? She kept licking my neck, her tail wagging faster and faster with every stroke of her tongue.

She stopped, her gaze boring into my soul for the second time. With her tongue lolling out of her mouth, she pushed it onto my lips.


Caught off guard, she forced her spaded tongue into my mouth, wildly exploring every corner. She started with my teeth, then each cheek and ended with the back of my throat. I thrashed around with renewed vigor, my screaming but a pathetic moan. Her weight pressed against my form, her bust crushing my chest. Her dominating, wet organ didn't relent for a second, going as far as my actual throat. I almost choked due to her aggressive exploration, breathing through my nose as much air as I physically could.

When I felt like I was about to pass out, she removed her tongue from me, a string of our combined saliva connecting our lips. I wheezed and coughed, still tasting the sheep's blood in my mouth. Everything felt so hot, there was a tightness in my pants.

"I-I-I- what?"

The monster also noticed the bulge in my pants, I swear I could see her grin like a... a...


I kicked against her, but she quickly responded by sitting down on my lap, rendering my legs useless. She moved my wrists above my head, holding them with her right paw while moving her left to my shirt. I continued kicking with desperation, new tears staining my cheeks as she tore my shirt apart. She ran her claws against my exposed ribcage, her soft pads gliding over me, the sensation tickling at my skin.

"Please, l-let me go!" I begged, moving my head around in panic. She either didn't understand me or didn't care, grabbing the hip of my pants. Before I could voice further protest, she tore them away with a single, smooth motion, and threw them to the side, exposing my entire body to the cold air of the cavern.

My heart skipped a beat, unbelieving of what was happening. So many things ran through my mind, so many conflicting emotions.

I can't let this happen! I can't!

"Stop, p-please! This... This is wrong! Please!" I begged again, watching her stare at my erect member. She was drooling onto my tip, her pupils dilating. Her grip was unbreakable, her weight more than twice of mine.

With her left paw, she grabbed my shaft, giving it a few experimental squeezes. I couldn't believe what was happening. A wolf-like she-monster, was going to... to...

I had one last trick up my sleeve, all or nothing. I relaxed under her. She switched her focus to me, wondering why I stopped.

Forgive me, Father, it's the only way.

She rose a little, aligning her entrance with my penis. She rubbed the tip against her burning flaps, a purring rumble coming out of her. I had one chance. She began lowering herself, taking her sweet time doing so. When she was half way down, I jolted my hips upwards, breaking a barrier inside her.

She howled in pain, falling off of me to the side, whining like the wounded puppy she was.

I wasted no time getting up to my feet, breaking into a sprint while holding my member so it wouldn't flap around.

Before I could make even one step, the monster grabbed my ankle, causing me to fall onto the ground.

"NO! NO!!!" I kicked against her, but she had already regained her composure. Growling in rage, she flipped me over and returned us to the same position we were just in. She wasted no time in grabbing my dick and aligning herself again.

I... I failed, I fail- "AAAH!"

She slammed her hips down, meeting mine at the hilt. I jerked in surprise at the tightness of her folds, bending my arms for any king of leverage. Blood trickled out of her snatch and onto me, mixed with her natural lubricant. I couldn't move, she had all the control and she wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice. I couldn't get out a word, I was overwhelmed by the pleasure. This was way different than doing it myself, and-

"Ngh!" I let out a moan when she let me out a little before slamming down, sighing in... joy?

She continued with her slow rhyme, drawing out many more sounds I didn't think I was capable of, her mounds bouncing up and down with each slam.

I felt my will to resist slip away, her rough fur rubbing against my smooth skin. Everything was just so hot, I was soaking with sweat. I gasped for air, struggling to maintain any form of self-control. The wet slaps echoed through the cave, increasing in force and frequency.

She was so strong, so soft both in and out, her tunnel was gripping me with the fear of letting go, as if I was the most precious thing in the world to her.

I couldn't take it anymore. I let all sorts of embarrassing moans and gasps out, she responded by slamming harder with each cry, forcing my tip to kiss her end and effectively creating a self-feeding fire. I was supposed to wait for a wife, not, not...

I don't care anymore!

"I- MMH- fuck!" I screamed, staring at her massive bust. She took notice of what I was looking at, bringing my hands to her breasts. I squeezed them, and she kept my hands there.

Her falls kept getting faster and faster, the force bouncing my legs up a little. Her whines and moans turned into howls and growls, her eyes snapping to me again. She fell over my chest, our nipples touching against each other. She forced my arms against my sides, wrapping her own around my torso. Now, she had a better position to slam down onto my poor penis, unrelenting with each violent stroke of her clingy cunt. Her sharp teeth grazed the skin of my neck, the sting adding more pleasure to her wild sex.

With half lidded eyes, I let my head fall onto the crude carpet, inhaling the scent of her intoxicating juices. She didn't let me breathe freely for long though. Once again our mouths met in a sloppy kiss, our tongues fought a short tug of war; she easily won, wrapping hers around mine and feeding me her saliva.

I felt a tightness in my balls, knowing what was about to happen. Butterflies flew around in my stomach, her vagina clasping down like an iron gate. Her strokes became slower and harder, each slam sending me balls deep into her. I whimpered with a mouthful, it was too good, she was just too good.

With one final slam, our hips met in an explosion. Her lewd soup gashed out onto my nether regions while my essence traveled through my shaft and out of my tip, sending ropes of hot sperm into her hungry womb. She broke the deep kiss and howled like the she-wolf she was, biting down on my shoulder, her tightness almost restricting blood flow, somehow forcing a greater orgasm out of me. She kept me all the way inside her to ensure not a drop was wasted, even after I was done she didn't let me go, going limp over my exhausted body.

I breathed lungfuls of the warm air around us, my vision blurry and my mind swimming in ecstasy. It was the best feeling I've ever felt in my entire life. I hated myself for that, but I also loved it.

She turned onto her back with me laying over her, still nestled inside her. My head was in her fluffy cleavage, her breasts sprawled around both sides, her content maw watching me with care and affection.

She wasn't going to kill me. She was hugging me, with my member inside her most sensitive spot. She didn't draw blood out of me... much, or broke my bones. She didn't dispose of me, she had me in her arms.

I hugged her back, my sigh muffled by her thick fur. She purred, so I listened to her heart, the constant beating sending waves of peace over me. She patted my head, ruffling my hair through her claws. Fatigue hit me like a carriage, even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to get up from her. My limp member resting safely in her loving entrance, her strong arms and rich fur keeping me warm in the dank cave.

I smiled into her fur, succumbing to the afterglow of our love making.


In the following morning, the boy was never seen again.

The forest remains a forbidden place for the young and old. His fate left unknown, a lesson to all to never lie.

Some say you can still hear his screams at night alongside a monstrous howling.