
The forbidden fruit

''The only thing more lethal than a gun, is a woman.'' ------------------------------- [Warning: this novel features Mature content, meaning: sex scenes] This is a story about a kidnapping, a knight with a Maserati instead of a horse, a girl who tries to find her best friend but stumbles on her journey, and falls in love. It's a story about a man, who's in desperate need to find his sister, and in desperate need to punish the man who took her away from him. It's a tragedy, a lovestory and everything in between. Cause sometimes love is the thing that saves us. It can be our rescue, when we seem to be entering darker times, and it can be used as a light, to guide us through the night. But just as love can be our savior, it can also be our enemy, and the thing who, in the end, kills us. Promises were made, not to fall in love. Could they break that promise, even if it would cost them their lives?

calfikydra · สมัยใหม่
89 Chs

- Dreams

''Words, by Adrena Calero

In times of need, my biggest wish is, to find that one magic word, that'll solve all the issues the world is facing. No one have found that word yet, and we're all inpatient as we wait for it to be discovered.

We've all been asked the question: ''if you could use magic, what would you do then?''

I've been thinking about that question for quite a while now, trying to find an answer. As a child, I always said: ''I would use my magic to make wings, so I could fly.''

As a teenager, I said: ''I would use my magic to make more money so I didn't have to work.''

But now, as a newly-sprung out adult, the answer is a lot more simple.

I don't need magic.

Cause I believe, that the strongest magic, and the most powerful one, is something we already have from birth.

Our voices.