
Chapter 20: The Path to the Nationals

With the victory in the District Championship, Sports College Harmonia qualified for the Provincial Championship, a new challenge that awaited them.

"Girls, we are ready for the next stage. Let's show everyone that we are an unstoppable team," said Kaya, excited.

"That's right! Let's train even harder and give our best in the provincial," agreed Laura.

The team prepared with dedication, facing increasingly challenging obstacles during their training. They knew that the level of competition in the Provincial Championship would be even higher.

While they prepared, the players of Sports College Harmonia didn't miss the opportunity to watch matches from other schools to learn more about the teams they would face.

"Look, that's the College of Fiery Flames. They have one of the best attackers in the province," Sofia commented while observing a game.

"And that's the College of Wild Flowers. They say their defense is nearly impenetrable," added Gabi.

Meanwhile, in another match, Kaya had a chance to see Amara Kante again, the star of College of Shooting Stars, whom she had faced in the District Championship.

"You were impressive in the previous game," said Amara, greeting Kaya.

"Thank you, you played very well too. I'm looking forward to facing your team again," replied Kaya, determined.

As the Provincial Championship drew near, anxiety grew among the players of Sports College Harmonia.

"We've been training hard, but we still need to improve our teamwork," said Laura.

"That's true. We need to be synchronized on the field," agreed Isabela.

The arrival of the Provincial Championship brought new emotions and challenges. Sports College Harmonia faced teams from various regions, each with its own playing style.

In the games, Kaya once again demonstrated her exceptional skills, dribbling with mastery and scoring incredible goals. The reputation of the "Dribbling Witch" spread even further, and she became an inspiration to other young players.

In one of the matches, Sports College Harmonia faced College of Fiery Flames, a team with a powerful attack.

"Let's focus on defense and find opportunities for counterattacks," said Kaya, leading the team.

The game was intense, with both sides launching fierce attacks and defenses. In the end, Sports College Harmonia emerged victorious, thanks to a play by Kaya that resulted in a decisive goal.

The Provincial Championship continued, and the players of Sports College Harmonia faced diverse challenges, but they maintained their team spirit and determination.

In the final group stage match, they needed to win by a margin of three goals to advance to the National Championship.

"Girls, we can do this! Let's play with everything we've got," encouraged Kaya.

The match was intense, and the team of Sports College Harmonia fought until the last minute. In the end, they won by three goals, securing their place in the National Championship.

Emotion overwhelmed the players, and Kaya hugged her friends with happiness.

"We did it! We're going to the Nationals!" exclaimed Laura, thrilled.

With the qualification for the National Championship, Sports College Harmonia prepared to face the best teams in the country. The journey was far from over, but together, they were ready to face whatever came their way.