
Chapter 7: So. . . I Guess We're Doing This

Roman's hazel eyes flash with amusement. "Let's get started, then." He glances around the room once more. "Who is it going to be?"

"I have to pick?"

"Would you prefer I choose your target?"

Okay, maybe not. I bite my lip and take another look at the men around me. Who should I approach? Someone alone, preferably. I don't think I have the skills to get a guy away from his friends. Maybe that guy over by the dart board who looks barely old enough to drink - he's got a frat-boy look, and if I know anything about frat boys, they'll respond to anything with breasts. But Roman might think he's too easy a target - seducing him won't prove anything. Besides, Frat Guy seems to be checking out that table of young women by the door. If I go over there and get rejected by him, I'm not sure I'll ever live it down. Next!