
Chapter 47: Roman Finds Out

Roman kisses me again, and my legs come up and wrap around his hips. We're pressed together now, bare skin against bare skin, and he groans.

"Change of plans," he growls. "We're staying here today. And I'm going to fuck you over and over again until you can't walk."

"Is that a promise?"

He sucks my bottom lip between his teeth in response, and I grab his hair and tighten my legs around him.

"Pleasthh," I beg him as he continues to suck on my lip. It's torture, being pressed against him without joining.

He releases my lip. "Patience, my little seductress."

I writhe against him. "Fuck patience."

Suddenly he grabs my legs and pulls them away from him, and before I realize what's happening, he's flipped me over onto my belly. He leans toward me, his cock pressing against me from behind. He bends down so that his mouth is right against my ear.

"You will have more than your share of pleasure today. Don't you worry," he says. "But first, I need to go get a condom."