
Chapter 44: Seeing Stars

At first, my movements are slow and careful. I let my palms slide up over my sides and across my belly as I try to come to terms with what I'm about to do. But I'm feeling brazen, and though I'm nervous, I'm not afraid. I can already hear my breath coming faster. I can hear Roman's breath, too, slow and steady in the chair beside mine.

My hands dance across my belly for a moment before moving lower. I'm glad I decided to wear a dress tonight. It makes things easier. Slowly, my fingers tug up the fabric of the skirt, exposing my bare thighs to the night. The summer air is balmy against my skin, and it makes it that much easier to let my legs fall apart. When the fabric is up past my hips, I release it and let my fingers come to rest just above the lacy panties that I know do little to cover the carefully-trimmed patch of hair beneath.