
Chapter 38: Questions and Answers

Roman shrugs as he answers my question, apparently unconcerned.

"Everyone is mean-spirited or insecure, Felicia," he says plainly. "Some just more so than others."

"And what are your opinions, then, on the people who put these magazines together?" I ask. "The ones who perpetuate all of this?" I hate that I sound as emotional as I do, but his condescension is getting to me. Is this how he sees me?

Roman seems to realize how his words are coming across, because his face softens a little and he walks over to me.

"Why is this important to you, Felicia?" he asks. "Why are you here? Why are you busting your ass to keep this job?"

It's hard to think with Roman looking at me like that, but I want to explain myself. No - I want him to know me. To see something beyond the girl who bumbles through flirtation and makes questionable sexual decisions. Suddenly that feels like the most important thing in the world.