
Chapter 30: Raphael Fontaine In The Flesh

Raphael Fontaine wearing his sunglasses, just as Matt said. Back home, any guy who wore sunglasses inside at night might as well have had the word "douchebag" tattooed onto his forehead, but here in L.A., no one even spares him a second glance. Half the guys in this diner are wearing them, and he might as well be any other clubgoer.

He's not, however, wearing a hat - and I can see why he didn't bother. He's shaved his head. Not in the shiny, cue-ball kind of way, but in the close-buzzed, I-could-be-the-leader-of-a-sexy-motorcycle-gang way. Before, he had thick, dark hair like his brother Dante, but now, he's almost unrecognizable. Though I have to admit, the new look definitely suits him, especially with that layer of stubble on his chin. And the edge of that tattoo peeking out above the neck of his T-shirt. I definitely approve.

And I'm definitely staring. He said something to me, didn't he?