
Chapter 26: Where The Curves Lead

I think I should get myself under control. Roman is my boss - however unconventional our current project - and I shouldn't be thinking the things I'm thinking right now. Or feeling all of the blood rush between my legs. He has me wrapped around his finger, and we both know it.

"Felicia?" he prompts.

Hearing his tongue roll around my name makes my knees weak.

"I... I think you're right," I say.

"Mm. Anything else?"

I'm not sure what he's fishing for, but I take a stab. "I... think the color is perfect."

"Yes. The gold suits you." His eyes run down my body in the reflection. "The shape as well."

When I studied myself in the fitting room, I was surprised by how much I liked the way the dress hugged my curves. Now, though, with Roman's eyes on me, I'm painfully aware of just how much this gown reveals. I might not be showing a lot of skin, but anyone who sees me can't be in any doubt of exactly what's beneath the beads and fabric.