
Chapter 20: Did I Actually Do Something Right?

I don't know what's gotten into Roman, but I don't like it. He seems angry with me, but I have no idea what I've done. He was the one who dragged me here and told me to flirt with Dante Fontaine. He was the one who, just moments ago, was telling me the whole incident went better than I thought.

If there's one thing these last few days have taught me, it's that I really, really don't understand men. And I'm not sure I ever will.

Those thoughts circle through my mind as I make one last attempt to fix my hair. When I've finally gotten myself under control, I turn and walk back out into the restaurant.

I have to walk right past Dante Fontaine if I want to leave. For a moment, that thought freezes me in my tracks, but then I shake my head and force myself to move. There's no escaping it, and I might as well get it over with. It's not like I can climb out the bathroom window or anything, not with these hips.