
Chapter 12: The Test

Roman's breath is warm against my ear.

I have no idea what he's going to ask me, but I nod. "Okay."

His phone buzzes on the table, but he seems to ignore it.

"What color is my shirt?" he asks.

I'm not sure what I was expecting, but certainly something that was a little more relevant to our situation at hand.

"Blue," I say after thinking for a moment. "Grayish-blue."

"Very good. And my pants?"

"Dark gray."

"And my watch?"

That one stumps me. I rack my brain, trying to remember what his watch looked like, but I can't. I don't remember a watch at all.

"I don't know," I tell him finally.

"What about my eyes?"

My face goes hot. "Uh... hazel, mostly."


My fingers find the edge of the tablecloth again. "They're greener today."

"Mm. And what did I order to eat?"