
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

chapter 17 Helping Cait

Cisco and Bart were still talking about Caitlin's tragic past. Cisco finished telling the story and Bart took a moment of silence before asking, " How does she deal with this? ". Cisco told Bart, " She deals with it badly, she doesn't go out of S.T.A.R Labs much. She drowns herself with work every day." Bart said, "Hmm ... I will do my best to help her out. You have my word, Cisco. " As their conversation had just ended, Bart immediately wanted to start a conversation with Caitlin to help her out.

To his disappointment, Caitlin was nowhere to be seen and asked Cisco, " Where is she? Thought that she was in this room just now?" Cisco told him, " She might have gone to the bathroom."

Bart said, " I see." as he walked out of the room and wandered around in S.T.A.R Labs. He walked down a path and saw a broken cage, with the metal bars seem-to-be ripped apart and there was a sign on it. Bart went and had a closer look, " Grodd. So, this was where the gorilla, Grodd was experimented on. I can't wait to fight with the psychic silverback gorilla, one of the enemies of the Flash." He moved on from the cage and walked back to the treatment room.

However, his journey was interrupted by a greeting with a familiar voice to him, " Hello there." Bart turned around and saw Harrison Wells ( Reverse Flash) in his custom-made wheelchair, greeting him. Bart greeted back, " Hello, Mr. Harrison Wells." He introduced himself, "I'm Bart Allen."

Harrison Wells: " Barry's brother? "

Bart: " Yes. I got to say. I'm a fan of your huge work. Well, except for the recent one. "

Harrison Wells: " Likewise. I admire your work, especially in Stark Industries company. And Artificial Intelligence. "

Bart said, " Thanks. Anyways, how's my brother doing? "

Harrison Wells: " He's doing well. Not much of a problem. "

Bart said, " Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. "

Harrison Wells, " You're welcome. If you don't mind, Mr. Allen ... Do you mind going on a tour with me around here for a bit?". Bart rejected his offer and said his goodbye, leaving Harrison Wells alone in the treatment room with Barry. As Bart went out of S.T.A.R Labs, it was already 7.00 pm and was completely dark. Bart thought, " It has been a productive day. Meeting Cisco, Cait, and Harrison Wells in person. And I visited Barry too. " Bart saw Caitlin walking on the street and he sped up his movement to catch up to her. The gap between them decreased rapidly when Bart was speed walking towards her and it narrowed down to 5 meters away. Suddenly, a white and bulky man and his friends came out of nowhere and surrounded her.

The bulky white man: " Hi there. Can I interest you to dinner with me? How about giving me your phone number, sweety."

Caitlin panicked and thought to herself, " Why did I use this shorter route today? Just because I wanted to go home earlier... " She regretted it and thought of a bad scenario she got herself into, hoping that her shining knight would come to save her. Ronnie appeared in her mind, but she quickly told herself, " Ronnie's gone ... You gotta be strong. "

Caitlin said, " No thanks." as she tried to walk away from him and his friends. Sadly, her effort was in vain as her hand was held by the white man and his friends blocked her path. " HEY, CAITLIN!!!!!She saw someone moving towards them and saying, " Hi there. "He turned to the stranger who was holding Cait's hand and said in a serious tone, " Can you let go of her hand, please? "

Author Notes

Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities but to make them.


post one Wednesday and Sunday because I have school and that takes up most of my time.