
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 15 Meeting S.T.A.R Labs

In S.T.A.R Labs, in the treatment room, a fair brown skin lady, Iris West was seen to be at the side of a bed, which was occupied by a young looking adult, Barry who seem to be in coma. Iris looked at a picture, which was picture of her and Barry smiling together, near the bedside.

Iris : "Barry ... It's Iris. I don't know you can hear me or not ... But I hope you can. Because I really... Really need you to wake up. Like the other day, the detective pretty boy came to Jitters and he asked me out. I almost said yes to him, but Bart stopped me. See, I do dumb things like that when you are not around."

Barry remained motionless and unresponsive to her. At the time, Bart reached the STAR Labs room where Barry was and saw Iris speaking to Barry and he paused his steps.

Iris continued, " It has been quite lonely for me and depressing for me and your family ... We need you ... 'Pause for a while'... I need you. " She placed her hand near Barry's before getting shocked by a jolt of electricity.

Then, Bart came behind her and told her, " It's late, Iris. You should head back home to rest. "

Iris : " Oh hi, Bart . When did you reach here? "Bart lied, " Just arrived. Anyways, you look exhausted. Go ... And don't tell me excuses. It's my my turn and my first ever shift to look after Barry. I will do fine. So go home. " Iris couldn't argue with Bart and headed back home.

Bart took a nearby chair and sat on it, saying : " It has been a few months since you have been in coma. I can't believe that I didn't have time to come to S.T.A.R Labs to visit you in the past months. I was very busy ... Sorry about that. But, as an apology, I did help you, preventing Iris from dating Eddy."

After that, Bart got up and checked Barry's vitals. As he was doing so, two person were coming from dinner and were talking to each other while heading towards the treatment room.

Person A asked, " Cisco, who's the guy near the EKG machine? "

Person B answered, " I have no idea, Cait " while eating a licorice.

They approached the man with caution and Cisco said, " Hello, there. Who are you? "

Bart turned around and saw a male with long black and curly hair and a fair white skin female, with brown hair. He knew them from the Flash Arrowvere TV show, Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow respectively and said, " Hello. I'm Bart Allen, Barry's twin older brother. I was just checking Barry's vitals" He asked, "And who are u guys? "

Cisco answered, " I'm Cisco Ramon and this is Caitlin Snow. WAIT... YOU ARE THE BART ... the person who founded Stark Industries and invented AIM... AND the youngest millionaire and about to be the youngest billionaire. OMG, it's a honor to meet you."

Bart said humbly, " Nice to meet you too. Anyways, how is my brother doing? "

Caitlin: " His vitals are fine. " Bart asked her, " Are you a doctor too? " and she said, "Yes. What do you mean a doctor too?"

Cisco interrupted Caitlin," Bart , you are also a general practitioner! You are a genius, about-to-be billionaire and a doctor too. You're amazing. I want to ask, Bart . How do you come about your invention AIM? Especially the AI?"

Throughout the morning, Bart and Cisco discussed about the AIM and the Artificial Intelligence, AI. Bart approached Caitlin sometimes, but she did not talk much. Bart thought, " Cisco is so kind and friendly, making jokes when we were conversing with each other, where as Caitlin now, she has not opened herself up to me and she doesn't talk much to me. So much different compared to Cisco. Probably due to the death of her crush. Maybe, I should help her to deal with the death of her crush, Ronny. "

Just as he said this, he heard a 'DING' sound.

Author Notes

One time you can't afford to fail is the last time you try.

Charles Kettering