
The flash twin brother with a system

My flash story following the TV show The Flash and going to add my own parts to the story.

The_forgotten_ones · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 13 The one and only Mr

Barry was brought to the hospital quickly after getting struck by lightning.

Doctor A : " What the hell happened to him? "

EMT : " He got hit by lightning ! "

Another EMT: " How is he still alive? "

Doctor B : " No heartbeat. Give me CBC Chem 24, type and cross four. Bag him. "

Nurse said to a young lady who was rushing into the emergency room, " You can't be in here ! " The lady was Iris West and she replied to the nurse, " I'm his friend !! "

Doctor A : " Flat line. Charge paddles ... CLEAR !! "

Iris said, " BARRY !!" as she was dragged out of the Emergency Room by a nurse.


Barry was attached to a ventilator and a heart rate monitor in his private room in the hospital, accompanied by Iris. Nora and Henry came into the room, seeing Iris nodding off in her seat.

Nora and Henry : " Dear, it has been a week, you barely eat or sleep. You should probably go home at some point. We will be here to look after him. "

Iris : " I will. Where is Bart, Mrs. Allen ? "

Nora : " Bart is currently helping those who were affected by the explosion in his own clinic. He said that he will come and visit very soon, probably in the afternoon. "

In the midst of the conversation, Barry went into heavy seizures and his heart rate monitor showed a flat line.

Iris : " OMG! OMG ! They say that he was stable! " Barry continued seizing and "BEEP" sounds were produced by the heart monitor, alerting the doctors and nurses.

Iris said, " Barry? " while going closer to Barry to have a closer look at him. The doctors and nurse rushed into the room and started to treat Barry's sudden seizures.

Random doctor : " I need the room! How can he be seizing? He has no heart rhythm. "

Nurse : " Starting compression! "

Nora and Henry as well as Iris went out of the room. The parents stopped outside the room, but Iris continued walking away from the room, obviously panicking and crying. Nora saw what happened and told Henry, " I will go and comfort Iris, Henry. You stay here and do what you can to help Barry!! " She ran after Iris, while Henry stared into the room through the glass of the door, seeing the doctors' efforts to treat Barry. He heard someone saying, " They can't save him. But I can! " and turned his head to the direction where the sound originated from. He saw Harrison Wells in a wheelchair, facing towards him.

Henry : "I know who you are. You are that scientist that Barry was obsessed with, the one that blew all in the city. "

Harrison Wells : " Harrison Wells and interesting enough my facility is the place I like to bring him."

Henry : " You are out of your mind!"

Harrison Wells : " I'm not gonna convince you with promises but give me a chance."

Henry : " I think we already know you are capable of it. You hurt a lot of people that night. "

Harrison Wells : " So those doctors in there are good enough? Best in the city? Best in the country? Look at them, they have no clue what's going on. They're baffled, the reason for what is happening inside Barry is a mystery and they don't have the tools to solve it.

Henry asked, " But you do? "

Harrison Wells asked, " That's right. Millions of people used to look at my lab and what they saw. They saw the future. Well, let me take that technology. Let me take the know-how into ensuring that your son has a future. Let me save him. "

Henry said to him reluctantly," Then save him. "

Author Notes

You must make a net if you desire to catch fishes.

Chinese Proverb

I mean to put it at 12:00 but put on the wrong time on the timer lol