
The Flash: Godspeed

So this is how I die? That was the first question that came to my mind when I was struck by lightning in the middle of the night while I was walking home from work. My name is Nathaniel Lang, I am 23 years old and as you have guessed from my name I'm half-American and half-Chinese. Before I got into my current crisis I was someone who inherited the good genes of my parent with my dad being a blonde handsome man and my mother is a beautiful black-haired Chinese woman who had many men chasing after her when she was young and with both of their perfect genes created me who was considered the most handsome guy when I was in high school but not anymore. I had shoulder-length blonde hair, a very handsome face and a very athletic body. Because of my good looks, I was very popular with the girls when I was in high school and it was the same when I became an adult which made me the enemy of any man who has a wife or girlfriends, especially those I used to work with. Thinking back to those days were I used to enjoy life with no care at all makes me feel a little happy even though I am about to die but all in all it was a good life that I led before my tragic end especially when I remembered how I screwed my boss's wife in the bathroom earlier today. Now thinking about that makes me think that what happened to me was the handwork of karma, it's no wonder they call her a bitch. Cold! As I was reminiscing about my life, I felt my extremely damaged body go cold and my consciousness began slipping into the darkness. I knew immediately that death has finally found me and was about to take me into her cold embrace, although I don't regret the life I lived until this point the only regret I have now was not being able to f*ck my crush when I had the chance. Damn! Thinking about how I spent my life bone the girls of other guys and never got the chance to f*ck the one I truly loved made me feel like sh*t but there is nothing I can do about it now, can I? With that thought in my head, I fully let myself into the embrace of death and died with a smile on my scorched face as everything went dark for me. #### This is the life of Nathanial Lang, are world famous womanizer that died from a lightning strike while on his way home and was reborn as the twin the twin brother of the world's fastest man alive or so he would have became if Nathanial hadn't been born. #### A/N: Hello, this is my second story and I'm still working on the other that will come later. If you want advance chapters you can visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy.

UchihaIzuna · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
30 Chs

Chapter 3

When they got home, they were greeted by their parents who did not have pleasant looks on their complexion.

"I can explain..."

Nathaniel knowing that they must have been informed of what happened at school started explaining to their parents and after a few minutes of explanation Nora and Henry had an understanding looks on their faces.

Nora took Barry with her and left the room to clean his wounds leaving Nathaniel and Henry behind. Henry gestured for Nathaniel to come closer to him and he came, Henry bend down to Nathaniel's height level.

"Son. Although what you did was right, you shouldn't have resulted to violence when there were other ways you could have helped Barry."

Henry placed a hand on Nathaniel's shoulder after he bend down and said to him.

"But they were the ones who started it."

Nathaniel said in his defence because although he could have called a teacher to stop Tony, he as someone who has lived past this age level in his previous life knew that Tony will never change even if the school were to call his parents so he decided to teach him a lesson on his own.

"Sigh! I know you are right to fight for your brother but you shouldn't result to violence when there are other ways you can resolve an issue, okay."

Henry sighed when he saw the 'I'm right' expression on Nathaniel's face and knew that he could not change the way he resolved the situation so he told him to not result to violence when there are other ways.

"Now go upstairs and clean yourself."

Nathaniel nodded to his father's advice and left for his room after his father told him to go and clean himself.


At night.

In the middle of the night, Nathaniel and Barry woke up from their sleep when something strange happened in the house. The liquids in the house started floating as if they had lost their flow of gravity.

Nathaniel and Barry left their room with Nathanial taking the lead they went downstairs and saw that there was a different kind of lights coming from the kitchen and so they went there only to see four different colours of light streaks. They were yellow, red, white and black streaks and in the streaks were the blurry figures of four men running around in a vortex formation in the kitchen and in the middle of this vortex of colours was their mother.


Both of the twins screamed out to the mother when they saw her.

"Barry! Nathaniel!!"

Nora also called to her children when she saw them while extending her arm towards them in other to tell them not to come closer but Nathaniel misunderstood that and run towards Nora.

"Nathaniel! Nooo!!"

Henry who was standing at the side saw Nathaniel's action and screamed to stop him but it was too late as the black streak charged at Nathaniel when he saw him coming but before it could get to him the white streak took Nathaniel out of the house and the black streak also followed.

After the white streak was about a few meters away from the house he dropped Nathaniel and continued running before entering a portal. The black streak also followed the trail of the white streak and also entered the portal before it disappeared.

"Where am I?"

Nathaniel who was left alone was shocked at the strange occurrence but he place it at the back of his head and run in their house direction.


On his way back home Nathaniel saw Barry who was also running home so he called out to him.


Barry turned around when he heard his name and saw that it was Nathaniel who called him so he called back and the two run home together only to see their father being taken away by the police with both of his hands handcuffed behind his back.


They both called out to their father and wished to get closer to him but they were stopped by some police officers and Joe West the father of their friend, Iris took them away when he saw them.

Meanwhile, the red streak that killed Barry and Nathaniel's mother was running when his speed started to decrease until he came to a stop to reveal that it was a man dressed in a yellow suit with a red lightning bolt symbol on his chest.

"Gideon, what's happening to me? Why am I losing my speed."

The man took off his mask before extending his arm and asking what was wrong with him.

"Sir, your latest time travel has caused your connection to the speed force to be severed. As of now, you have no trace of speed force energy in your cells."

A hologram appear out of the man's arm and showed the A. I called Gideon who answered the man's question.

"That impossible?!"

The man's face reveal shock as he could not understand how he lost his speed but then he thought of a reason that could cause him to lose his speed and it that thought he came up with his future plan before he started running with the little energy he has left to track down a certain some.


Somewhere in Central City, a couple could be seen in their car while enjoying classical music and chatting. The one driving the car was a black-haired spectacle man.

He is one of the world's most famous scientists, Dr Harrison Well and beside him was his soon-to-be wife Tess Morgan.

Harrison and Tess continued chatting in the car without knowing that they were driving in a trap set by the man in yellow. A few minutes ago the man in yellow appeared here after he track down Harrison and set a spike trap for him.

The car drove over the spike which caused the two front tyres to burst and the car went out of control which caused it to flip over and be crushed.

"Tess! Tess!!"

Harrison who was able to survive the crush called to his partner but she didn't respond no matter how many times he called her name.

The man in yellow finally came out of the bushes he was hiding in after the car crushed and walked towards the car.

"Help! Somebody, please call the ambulance."

Harrison who saw the movement of a person nearby got his hopes up and called out for help but he wasn't expecting what happened.

"This woman has been dead for centuries."

The man in yellow dropped down to his knees when got to where Harrison was before saying to him and dragging him out of the car and throwing him to the side.



Harrison gasped for air after he hit the ground and managed to turn around and face his assailant.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Eobard thawne but that name is not important not for now already. What's important is who you are, Harrison Wells."

The man in yellow now identified as Eobard Thawne picked Harrison up from the ground and looked him in the face.

"What are you talking about?"

Although Harrison was in pain he was also confused by what Eobard said about him.

"In the year 2020, you and your wife, Tess Morgan successfully launched a particle accelerator that changed the course of history but I need it to happen much soon in other to get home."

Eobard took out a machine from his pocket and attached it to Harrison and himself after he explained to Harrison why he was important.

"What's that?"

Harrison asked when he saw the machine that Eobard bought out and attached to him.

"My way home."

Eobard answered and then they heard the siren sounds from afar. Harrison had a relief expression when heard the sirens but it disappeared the next second when he heard Eobard.

"They are coming to save me not you."

Eobard turned on the machine and Harrison started to dry up like a mummy while Eobard gained his appearance. Harrison screamed in pain until he died.

After Harrison died and was buried by Eobard, he took the position as the Harrison when the car was crushed and soon a police car came by and a policewoman came out.

"Sir, we are going to get you out of here. Can you tell me your name?"

The policewoman asked when she came closer to Eobard.

"My name? My name is Harrison Wells."


https://www.patreon.com//Uchiha Troy. You can visit my Patreon if you want to read advanced chapters.