
The First Gun Lord

The novel [Return of the Greatest Hero] is something I wish I read when I was still alive and well in the modern world, but alas, I didn't and the result is that I reincarnated into that novel...

KingAka20 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Walking my way back home whilst listening to music is therapeutic, but this made me vulnerable to something I can't hear.

"Move out of the way, kid!!"

I heard a faint sound calling out to me while I walk and when I turn to my left; it was too late. An out-of-control truck had rammed into my body, shattering my bones, and my organs ruptured. My body flew 20 meters away as I landed on the pavement, smearing it with my blood. The pain persisted for a few seconds before everything went black.


That was not the end...


From the bitter cold of none-existence, orange light stained my vision. At first, they were specks, but as more time pass the light persisted, and the bitter cold ceased as the heat of raging flames reached me from afar.

The feeling of dirt on my knees and the sound of wood burning and crumbling down. Then I opened my eyes, but the fire was too bright for me, someone who just came back from the dead.

"What... is this place...?"

Then when my vision finally adjusted, I could see what seem to be a house with a forge in the side burning and lighting up the night. Surrounding me was a forest of endless trees, with only one dirt path leading somewhere.

My senses are telling me to run away, as the hair on my forearms and behind my neck stood on end.

"I-I need to get out of here, now!"

I stood up and ran away toward the long dirt path. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I kept on running away from something dangerous. The dirt path, barely visible by the moonlight, lead me to the end of the forest, and from there I saw men on horseback clad in golden armor with torches in their hands, backs turned away.


I covered my mouth quickly with my hand and hid behind a tree when I said that my senses warned me like church bells ringing loudly in my head, warning me, and pleading with me to run away from them!


A knight turned around, waving his torch.

"Sir. Godrick, is there something bothering you?"

"No... must've been the wind."

"Hah, well, the deed is done now. Even the child of that accursed gunsmith would die in the fire. That's what he gets for creating heretical weapons."

Soon others joined to mock the late gunsmith and their voices died down as they trot away on their horses.

When the coast was clear, I went out from behind the tree.

"Gunsmith and a child?"

I tried thinking of a solution. I can't stay here for wild animals might attack me, then where should I go? But there's one thing I know. My senses are superb. I can keep going forward and seek refuge at the end of this dirt path.

"Though I might risk meeting them, it's better than staying here and being food for wolves or bears."

Moving along the dirt path, I notice my vision blurring slowly, my heartbeat slowing down as my body relaxed and exhaustion taking over as the pain from the burns crept in when my adrenaline soon fade, I tried crawling reaching out my hand, but then I notice.

"I'm... in... a child's body?"

Then I heard footsteps...