
The First Elemental

Welcome to the wonderful world of ninja villages, death, child sacrifices, weird eyes, egotistical idiots, and even a bit of political corruption. What more could a heavily tortured and abused superhuman child want? Adrik happened to be said child and was unwillingly sent to this world. Now, he gets to go through the fun process of adapting to a new world and serving a village of assassins that could turn on him at any second. Oh and there's this weird kid with whiskers, because that's possible apparently. So, what will this friendly and peaceful world throw at Adrik? Hell if I know, I'm writing this as I go. ______ this is my first attempt at adapting my own original character to an already existing world. go crazy with whatever you feel is right or wrong, I don't mind. I will listen to any and all feedback, so anything helps. I'm hoping to release a new chapter every week, maybe even two, so yell at me if I don't post one. -Inconsistent Creator

Shoop_The_Mystic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Hell Hath No Fury

Adrik stared expressionlessly at Gato's mansion. From the look of things, the mansion wasn't originally his. Many windows were boarded up, pieces of glass scattered across the ground in some areas. If he was the betting kind of guy, Adrik would bet his soul that Gato took over this mansion when he dropped the nice act.

Adrik walked down the gravel path, not even caring about the four thugs guarding the main entrance.

"The hell do you think you're doing, brat? Lost your mommy? Don't worry, you can go see her. She's probably out in one of the whore rooms Gato made!"

The other three men laughed as they pulled out some rather sharp looking daggers. Adrik continued walking forward until he was in the middle of the four smirking men.

"So, brat, you wanna see mommy getting stuffed or do we gotta bury you next to your daddy?"

Three of the men blinked as they saw the thug who made the comment no longer had his head. It was a quick, clean and smooth cut that nobody even saw happen.

"Sorry, I'm not here for that..."

The three other men were bound by ropes of ash, yelling in pain from the heat, slowly being dragged into the ground. Their screams were cut off as they were buried alive. The temperature in the surrounding area began to rise. Adrik calmly walked forward, pushing the double doors open.

The main hall of the mansion was gigantic. It easily fit all of the hundred or so thugs inside of it. Apparently, they turned it into some sort of cafeteria with a small boxing arena for entertainment, though nobody was currently in the ring.

"Hey, who let that little shit in?!"

"I dunno, but I'm gonna have some fun slicing this brat to pieces!"

"Hey that's one of the ninjas guarding Gato's target!"

"Gato's gonna give us one hell of a raise when we bring him the brat's head!"

The thugs all smirked as they darted towards the motionless Adrik with spears, knives, swords, and even bar stools ready to rip him to pieces. Adrik merely blinked as he released a cloud of dense, black smoke from his palms. Small embers would occasionally flicker in and out. Even crowded together, the men could barely even see glimpses of each other.

Some time passed as many thuds sounded out, signaling bodies crashing into the hardwood floor. The rest of the men were panicking at how the kid they saw was picking them all off in the cover of the smoke cloud.

Many thuds later, only three men remained back to back with their weapons drawn.

"This kid is fucking insane! He killed all the others in less than a damn minute! We've gotta kill this monster!"

The black smoke cleared slightly, allowing for more visibility from the three, whose eyes widened at the haunting expressions of their fellow employees' faces.

"Monster? Thats news to me. Last I checked, I was the one killing the monsters. Oh well, turned tables, or some shit like that..."

The voice they heard was frighteningly calm and emotionless. No matter how hard the men looked, they could see no more than corpses surrounding them.

"Damn, this fucker is good at hiding. C'mon out, you little demon!"

The man stepped forward but stiffened when he heard nothing. He didn't hear the other two guys, he didn't hear footsteps, he didn't even hear breathing.

"Hey. I've got some questions for you, so let's talk. Maybe I'll let you live a little longer if you do."

The last remaining thug dropped his sword as he felt several sharp objects pressing into different parts of him.

"O-Okay, uhh questions, right. I-I can do that, no problem."

"Good. First off, where's Gato?"

The man gulped as he kept his mouth shut. He let out a yell as he felt something sharp stab into his calf.

"S-Second floor! Take the main stairs and head down the east hall! Last door at the end!"

The pain lessened, though the stinging and burning lingered.

"Next question, how many guards does he have in his room and how strong are they?"

"R-Right, the guy with the bigass sword is recovering and his little minion chick is on guard duty for him. Uhh, I don't know how strong they are, but even the big guy said she's one hell of a threat."

Silence followed the answer before being broken once again.

"One of those bastards outside said something about 'whore rooms'. Where are they?"

"H-Heh, wanting some for yourself, huh? Well-"

The man was cut off as something stabbed directly in his right palm.

"F-First floor! Left hall, first rooms on either side! 'Used' to the right, 'unused' to the left!"

"Good. Now, one more question."

The mad nodded, still in immense pain from the interrogation.

"Do you fear death?"

The man's heart stopped beating for a few seconds before he slowly turned his head as he felt someone's eyes on him. His eyes widened further than they already had when he saw two shapes in the black smoke. Two eyes stared at him, looking straight at his very soul. Two molten bronze rings surrounded pitch black voids that seemed to pull in what little light remained. This was the last sight the man saw as he collapsed to the floor from a fatal heart attack.

Adrik looked down coldly, barely even feeling a thing from the slaughter of so many men. After all, their deaths weren't even worthy of his guilt.


Gato looked up from a paper he was signing that was about opening up shipping routes to the Hidden Mist now that their civil war was coming to an end. He'd need to hop on the bandwagon before it leaves him in the dust.

"Alright, enough knocking dammit! Just get your ass in here already!"

Gato was expecting many things to walk through the double doors of what he claimed as his office. He thought maybe Zabuza recovered faster than he thought, or maybe one of his men had some news for him, or maybe even a new little toy was delivered to him. What he didn't expect was a kid with blood staining the white wrappings on his arms.

"You've got some nerve, brat! The hell made you think you could just waltz in here?!"

Gato motioned for his guards but none of his thugs appeared. The only two that acted were the ones standing next to him.

"Men, I want this kid's head on a damn pike by lunch time! Give the people of Wave some new motivation!"

Before either of the men could move, two knives were sticking out of their heads, coincidentally being the very same Gato had supplied his men with. He didn't even blink as he motioned once again, smirking as a masked ninja appeared.

"Hey, little Haku, help out your old pal and rip this kid's fucking arms off! With my best guys dead, you've got yourself and Zabuza a raise!"

The masked ninja, Haku, gave a slight nod.

"I have my orders, Leaf Ninja. I am sorry for what I must do. Please, do not take this personally."

Metal senbon appeared in the ninja's hands, flying towards Adrik the moment they did so. Adrik moved his hand up as if to catch them. To the shock of the other two remaining in the room, he actually did catch all of them. An orange aura outlined in black appeared over his hand. In a matter of seconds, molten metal dripped from his hand to the floor, hardened ashes surrounding the droplets to keep from starting a fire.

"I'll get to you in a minute. Gato's got a debt to pay. Now, move."

Adrik and Haku stared at each other for a second before the latter went through hand seals.

"Water Style: Hidden Mist!"

The room was filled with fog, supplied by what was once a tiny aquarium in the corner of the room.

"It may not be nearly as effective as Master Zabuza's version, but I don't need it to be. This is merely a setup."

Adrik still hadn't moved from his position.

"Ice Style: Thousand Needles of Death!"

From every possible direction, dozens of ice senbon flew at Adrik, still not even bothering to move. What did move was a thin layer of ashes that encased Adrik. To Haku's shock, the needles melted back into water the moment they made contact with the ash.

"H-How did you-"

"Heat. The reason you aren't feeling the heat of a thousand bonfires is because I'm keeping it trapped just beneath the ash. Don't bother testing it with your hands, though."

Haku's eyes narrowed behind her mask. She went through more hand seals and called out her attack.

"Water Style: Water Whip!"

Two thin whips of water formed from the fog and sped towards Adrik. He put his hands up to guard from the impact. His eyes narrowed as he dropped the ash barrier and backhanded a kick aimed at his head. He ducked under a punch and whirled around, building up momentum for a punch to the ninja's right side. Haku caught the punch just in time to take a kick to her left shoulder. She was surprised as she hadn't actually let go of the boy's hand. When she looked, she saw the boy looked as if he didn't even notice his hand was caught. She let go of his hand to duck under another spinning kick from the boy. Adrik didn't stop for even a second, immediately sending a punch towards Haku the moment she tried to dodge his kick. She was hit directly in her abdomen, being sent back a meter or so in the process.

"You are a strong opponent, Leaf Ninja. What is your name?"


"Adrik... What do you fight for?"

The boy blinked in surprise. Apparently the ninja was genuine with her question as she hadn't tried to take advantage of his momentary lack of focus.

"I... I fight for what I love. The people in my life, the people they know, and so on. And that makes up an entire village that I'll put before myself any day of the week. Unfortunately, your employer falls under the category of opposing my reason to fight."

"...I understand... Very well then, Adrik. I wish you the best of luck with your goals if you live."

Adrik put his guard back up as he knew something deadly was about to happen.

"Ice Style: Demonic Ice Mirrors!"

A dome of reflective sheets of ice encased Adrik who glanced around cautiously.

"Nobody who I've encountered has ever survived this technique. I plan to keep that streak."

The voice came from everywhere. Looking around, Adrik saw Haku appeared in every mirror, her blank mask staring him down from every angle.

He blinked as instead of the ice senbon, metal senbon flew at him from every direction. He was worried this would happen. His ash coating could instantly melt ice, but metal took time. In that time, they would have already gotten through his skin. Walls of solid ash protected him from becoming a pincushion, giving him time to think of a plan.

"Ice Style: Ice Bullet Storm!"

Adrik heard as the walls began to break from dozens of large bullets of ice crashing into them. A few of them got through, slightly bruising his skin. Adrik retaliated by sending small ashen spear tips into some of the mirrors, slightly melting a few before they returned to their original shape.

"Ice Style: Ice Bomb!"

Adrik looked up at the boulder of ice that came crashing down. The shockwaves from the impact cleared the fog, revealing Gato nowhere in sight. The large ice boulder made a crater in the wood of the first floor. Haku jumped down the hole in the floor to inspect the damage. Her eyes widened as she heard a whisper behind her.

"You're one hell of a problem. That bastard got away. Oh well, I'll just track him down again. I'd imagine there's some sort of basement or bunker here anyway."

As she turned around, she was hit in the stomach by Adrik's elbow. He seemed to be completely untouched, save for his bandages coming loose slightly.

Haku was sent flying into the hallway wall, making a small dent. She felt something break. Whether it was from the strike or the impact, she didn't know. She looked up at Adrik who was exuding thin wisps of black smoke from his body. She tried to get up but she was kicked back down into her sitting position on the floor. He made sure he kicked her in the same place his elbow hit.

Haku gasped for air as her mask was taken off. She stared up at the boy in front of her with a questioning gaze.

"I've already killed enough people today. Besides, you're not one of the heartless ones. Tell me, where is Zabuza?"

The girl just glared at him in silent protest.

"I'm not gonna kill him. I want to make a deal."

"...What deal?"


Adrik took the path that Haku said to go. She hadn't had enough strength to move after the finishing blow he dealt. Adrik was now in a small underground bunker heading down a hall to where she said she and Zabuza were staying while under orders.

Adrik opened the door and walked in. Zabuza was there, sitting up in his bed and cradling his ribs.

"Haku, I told you to knock dammit-"

Zabuza got into a battle stance, painfully, as he realized he had gotten the wrong person.

"What the hell are you doing here, Smokes? Wanna come and finish me off while I'm still recovering, huh?"

To the man's surprise, the boy shook his head.

"As much as I'd love to, I have a new target. Your employer, Gato."

"And what the hell makes you think I'd let you?"

Adrik sighed as he sat on the end of the bed, showing his unprotected back to Zabuza. He fiddle with his wrappings, tightening them back up after his fight with Haku.

"I fought your little soldier, Haku. She doesn't seem like a bad person, just on the wrong side. I'm willing to believe you're in the same boat. I want Gato, you want his money."

Zabuza raised an eyebrow as he suspected he knew where this was going.

"So, you wanna kill Gato and just steal all his shit and give it to me? Sounds a little too good to be true. I do want his midget ass dead, but I'm still under a contract. He's probably got more men protecting him now. I wouldn't survive in my state. You're still tired from your fight, too."

"Actually, I'm mostly at a hundred percent. It wasn't really all that hard to take down the bandits in the main hall."

Zabuza's eyes widened as he realized the implications of that statement.

"You took down over a hundred armed thugs in such a decently enclosed area? How easily?"

"Easy enough to take a long stroll through their blood."

Zabuza stared at Adrik for a minute before he sighed and facepalmed.

"Fine, brat. Just go kill the goblin prick and bring back all his money. That's really the only reason I'm here anyways. Oh, and I probably need to grab Haku and get out before hunter nins figure out where I am."

"Why not join the Leaf?"

Zabuza's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as far as it could with the bandages still over his face.

"You might be wondering why I'd offer that. Yeah, I'd love to rip your head off, but something tells me you're more valuable alive than dead. And Haku seems pretty attached to you. So, if you join the Leaf, no more missing ninja status, nobody after you every day, a safe place to relax. And all you need to do is let me have that piece of shit you call your employer."

Zabuza thought it over, the gears turning in his head were practically visible.

"Alright, but I wanna be there to see the little bastard pay his dues."

The two smirked, though Adrik's smirk was the only visible one.


Adrik opened the giant metal door to see a large room with dozens upon dozens of armed men with bloodthirsty looks. In front of the army were two familiar faces, one enraging Adrik and Zabuza more than the other.

"So, you decided to betray me, huh? Oh well, I planned on something like this happening anyway. Thanks for weakening this little bitch, by the way. She's been a pain in my ass for the whole time I hired them."

Adrik looked at Gato with rage. He was holding a bound and gagged Haku, what remained of her clothes barely covering her private areas. Next to him, Zabuza was fuming. The jonin was more than upset at the fact that he currently didn't have the power to stop this.

"I think it's time I put a pain in her ass instead, how about that?"

All of the thugs laughed as their grins widened.

"Alright boys, give me and my toy a show while we get busy. I'll let you have the scraps along with the new stock upstairs."

The men got even more excited from the anticipation.

Zabuza looked down to his left at Adrik. His eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He began to slowly back away out of fear. He knew what this boy was about to do, and he was thanking every god imaginable that he wasn't the target.

The room rose several degrees as Adrik's gaze lingered on Gato, who was dragging Haku off. Adrik's eyes were widened in a rage that surpassed when he and his team first encountered Zabuza. Killing Intent cascaded from Adrik in waves, each stronger than the last. Each and every person in the room felt like they were being weighed down by mountains, like they were staring down the Shinigami itself. Ashes billowed from the corners of his mouth, this time being pure orange outlined in black. His eyes began to rapidly change. The pitch black irises with the flickering embers becoming pure orange surrounding small black pupils. A single black ring separated his irises from his scleras. The form of the demonic hound appeared behind him again, only this time its paws had orange lightning-like patterns running up to the first joints in its legs. Adrik's teeth were bared in a wicked snarl, matching the creature behind him. This time, it wasn't grinning. The figure began to fade back into a thin, black aura that now enveloped Adrik. His arm wrappings became undone and fell to the floor in two piles. Starting at his palms, running between each of his fingers and down his wrists, glowing orange lightning-like markings reached nearly up to his elbows. Upon closer inspection, Zabuza could see that the patterns were actually mostly healed scar tissue. For whatever reason, the tissue was glowing orange.

That's when everyone saw it. In the wispy aura of smoke, small arcs of orange lightning danced around like that of storm clouds. The arcs of lightning appeared across his entire body, jumping from ember to ember.

At this point, the Killing Intent was far too much for some of the men, most passing out from it. Strangely, Haku seemed to be completely unaffected by it. She only stared in wonder at the boy who had defeated and was now defending her.

"All of you... I will show each and every one of you inhuman wastes of space what hell really is. And I will make it fucking hurt."

Before anyone could move, Adrik slammed a hand on the ground, a large cloud of black ashes rapidly rising from between his fingers.

"Hell Summon: Soul Prison!"

From the floor, a single chain shot up from underneath each and every bandit. The razor bladed chains wrapped around them, just tight enough to make them scream in agony, but not tight enough to slice them apart. From each chain, clouds of black smoke rose. The heat from the attack could be felt by the others in the room. Once again, Adrik trapped the heat in a thin layer of ashes, this time acting like a wall. And if they could feel such intense heat from outside the barrier, then...

Zabuza, Adrik, Gato, and Haku watched as the men began to disintegrate before their eyes, being burned atom by atom. They all were slowly but surely being burnt to a crisp. And by God was it slow. First, layer after layer of skin was turned black and fell off. Next, the men's muscle tissue joined the cloud of smoke. Lastly, their bones were turned into white dust that marked where they died.

The heat dissipated, along with the barrier. After the smoke cleared some, everyone saw the concrete floor had been stained deeply by ashes. The ceiling was slightly molten and glowing, though it was cooling rapidly. Adrik snapped his fingers, sucking in the ash and smoke into a small orb that sat above his index finger. He began a slow stride toward Gato, who was now begging for his life on his knees, completely forgetting about Haku.

"P-Please don't hurt me! I'll give you anything you want, I swear! My money, my women, my entire business! I'll give you everything if you just don't kill me!"

Gato held onto the last little bits of hope as he saw Adrik thinking over the question.

"Anything I want?"

The man nodded rapidly, shaking as he did so.

"Then what I want... Is for you to suffer the most horrifying unending pain known to mankind. You can do that, right?"

Adrik gave an inhuman grin as he saw Gato completely stop all movement. He laughed an insane laugh as he saw the man's pants gain a wet stain.

"Hell Summon: Devil's Playmate."

From the ground, a hand of hardened ash shot up. The ground opened wide, revealing an infernal expanse that had no end. Several more hands dragged the screaming man down. His cries for help were drowned out by what sounded like the screams of damned souls taking him with them. After Gato was completely submerged, the opening disappeared, looking as if nothing happened. Silence followed the events that they just experienced.

"Neither of you are to even think about what those attacks were. Nobody will ever know of what really happened here. And also, please catch me."

Adrik fell forward, completely dropping from his empowered state yet still conscious. While Adrik had been dealing with Gato, Zabuza had turned away to free Haku. When he did so, he certainly didn't expect what happened.

Before Adrik could hit the floor, Haku caught him in a gentle embrace. Tears ran down her face as she repeatedly thanked him over and over again. She continued crying into his shoulder for several more minutes. Adrik regained just enough strength to stand on his own, removing his black hoodie to just his black tee shirt. He wrapped Haku in it to cover her up while they got replacement clothes. Conveniently, Adrik's hoodie fit her perfectly, even having room to spare. Adrik had been so focused on everything that he had actually forgotten to measure his height and such. In fact, he hadn't actually shopped in the Leaf Village for anything other than food and ingredients.

Haku smiled a teary smile at her savior as they and Zabuza got up to leave the accursed mansion. Zabuza stopped by his room to get his sword and he and Haku's supplies while Adrik took care of business on the first floor. He was hoping to whatever god there was in the world that these people would be able to live better than they were living now. The women and even children in the two rooms deserved far better than what Gato had made them. After that, Zabuza and a now fully clothed Haku followed Adrik out of the mansion. Adrik had made sure to wrap his hands back up once again.

"Ah, Adrik, I apologize for not returning your hoodie. Here."

Haku went to take off the black hoodie which she had kept on, but Adrik stopped her.

"Keep it, I have more than enough spares. Besides, that's one of my favorites."

"If it's your favorite, then-"

"-Then it's yours to keep. It looks better on you than it did on me anyways."

Haku blushed and used the hoodie to hide her face. Behind them, Zabuza's eye was twitching in slight irritation and something he had never felt before. The closest thing he'd felt to it was when someone had tried to take his precious sword from him. This time, it was Haku instead of his beloved sword. He would have to figure out these feelings later.

"Wait, brat, did you get the money?"

Adrik blinked as he responded with a shrug.

"Sorry, too tired to carry money right now. Besides, it's not like anyone's gonna get it before us. Pretty sure I killed everyone who would try."

Zabuza let out a frustrated sigh as he nodded and carried on.

"I do intend on saving some of it to give back to the people of Wave. They deserve some kind of repentance for all the shit they went through. Oh, and I wanna see if there's any jutsu scrolls in his vault from, like, past 'clients' or something. I'm sure Naruto would like one if I find any."

The other two nodded, deciding to ask later. They had to admit they were exhausted from everything that happened as well.

"Well, kid, we're two beat up enemies with you looking like our hostage. What's the plan on getting us on talking terms with the rest of your team?"

The three stopped walking, Haku and Zabuza looking at a nervous Adrik, who was looking anywhere other than at his companions.

"We'll uhh...figure it out?"