
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
164 Chs

Roast suckling pig

As Lockhart counted down, Potter assumes a very ridiculous dueling stance that is more reminiscent of a pose a bodybuilder would strike shirtless than one a wizard would actually use.

Soisen for his part, looks at his opponent while holding his hands clasped in front of his chest, waiting with a bored look for the duel to begin.

-Now that I think about it, in the Malfoy vs Potter duel, they used the restless feet spell and the tickle spell before moving on to the snake, but it's as if in both cases they used Expel in varying degrees of strength. Is that considered a major mistake in the movie? -Soisen mentally reflected.

-Three! -Lockhart shouted.

-Rictusempra! -Harry shouted, and after two seconds, the process of the wand tip lighting up and the spell rushing towards Soisen, who, with a gesture similar to swatting a fly away, deflected it towards the ceiling.

He did not even move from the spot.

Soisen raised his hand and slowly pointing a finger at Potter, which was a clear friendly warning to defend himself in everyone's eyes, began to expel a large amount of oil.

Potter stared blankly at the substance that came over him like a wave and landed on him, leaving him soaked and slippery.

-Exp-! -Harry felt quite embarrassed and annoyed, so he tried to use the disarming spell on instinct.

But before he could finish he saw golden eyes, another spell hit him and stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth, leaving him unable to pronounce any spell clearly. And even before he realized what was happening, several ropes bound him and dangled horizontally as he levitated inches above the ground. An apple embedded itself in his mouth and a flaming hoop emerged beneath him. Then, he began to spin around on himself, like someone who wants to roast a suckling pig over a slow fire.

This may seem long, but it happened in an instant and when the spectators registered what had happened, Soisen had Potter's wand floating in the palm of his hand as he made an expression that everyone could identify as a restrained yawn.

As for the floating wand, well, Soisen doesn't want the twin wands to explode in his hands, so he keeps it weightless.

Suddenly there was enthusiastic applause, especially to those first years in the same house as Soisen, who began to look around proudly. That was their Delegate!

-He cheated! -Ron suddenly shouted as he came out of his stupefied state - It wasn't his turn and he hit again!

-That's how it works," Snape cut him off sharply as he held back what looked like laughter in his expression at the sight of Potter's state, "Both sides face off in a competition of knowledge, skill and reflexes. Only the best remains.

-In fact, here my colleague Severus is absolutely right -Lockhart jumped onto the stage and after seeing that everyone was looking at him, he smiled and explained- Mr. Galegold's performance has been excellent and he was under no obligation to wait for Harry to perform. First, he obstructed the movements using oil. Then, he skillfully avoided the counterattack and ended up rendering his opponent helpless without hurting him. he deserves twenty points!

The other students looked at Harry, who was still spinning for some reason, and broke out in a cold sweat.

True, he's not hurt in the least physically.

But this humiliation... no one wants to go through something similar.

Besides, it seems that Soisen did it all very casually?

And again, everyone remembered that he wasn't even using a wand?

Oh, it looks like Malfoy is immensely amused.

Hermione and Silvia are red in the face trying to contain their laughter at Potter's poor performance, which is normal, who just stands there watching a wave of oil just cover him? A simple Protego would have saved him.

-So, is the match considered over? -Soisen asked, and when he saw Snape nod, he extinguished the fire, faded the ropes, and after evaporating the oil, lowered Potter to the ground, after which he returned his wand to him. He didn't take the apple from his mouth, he left it for him as a consolation prize.

-I'd say it was a good try, but to lie so blatantly would be completely disrespectful," he nodded to the astonished boy, who was escorted downstairs by Lockhart trying to cheer him up and looked around, "Anyone else want to go upstairs? I don't want to have to go downstairs and then have someone challenge me.

-I'll do it! -Ron tried to go up, but the Gryffindors stopped him.

If he had a proper wand they would have let him, but his current state?

They don't want another humiliation.

Not that there was really a lack of people willing to try, but no one knew if Soisen's "generosity" was just for Potter or if everyone would go through a similar experience.

-Well, I'll settle for being undefeated then," Soisen nodded satisfied that no one would bother him later to get a duel, "And remember that great saying when you go up to duel: Constant vigilance! Thank you.

He climbed down from the dueling platform and walked out in full force, only when no one saw him, the room became very animated and excited.

-That boy has talent," Lockhart muttered to himself, after seeing how well he performed and the attention he received.

Silvia and Hermione didn't follow him, they wanted to try to practice a bit with other people.

Snape was in such a good mood that he even advised some students who were not from Slytherin house while supervising the duels afterwards, which made people suspicious if he was an impostor.

As for Harry...he stood there, red-faced until he couldn't stand the looks of pity and derision from the others and left with Ron since no one dared to be the red-haired wizard's opponent with a wand that acted like a ticking time bomb.

-That should have cut off any chance of Dumbledore trying to set up the golden trio again," Soisen thought with satisfaction. Not that he had planned to, but he didn't pass up the opportunity.

It would also further his position in the minds of his juniors and they would not be so easily swayed by any excuse Dumbledore might use, especially with the unity he had managed to establish in his House.

-I only have two weeks left before I have to leave for Beauxbatons. Do I have anything left to do? -I reflect.


-Oh, I know what else I can do! I'll leave you all another gift besides the Filter of Reason," he smiled at the idea that came to his mind.

Heh heh, someone's going to have a headache....