
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
164 Chs

End of summer

The rest of the summer passed without incident. After obtaining the choker and ring along with his reserves, Soisen was prepared for many situations. His training also paid off and he met Sylvia and Hermione three times during the summer.

The first time was in Diagon Alley. Silvia and Hermione had only been to this place once for their Hogwarts shopping, as they were both Muggle-born witches. Their meeting was decided because they still had the money they saved working for Soisen and wanted to visit the stores, so it didn't take long for them to meet and Soisen acted as a guide due to his repeated visits to the place.

-Should we get the second year books while we're here? -Hermione proposed, "An older student gave me the list of books and it hasn't changed in the last five years. The only question is the DADA books.

-Of course," Silvia agreed and Soisen didn't refuse.

-I think I'll buy the usual second year DADA ones too, for extra reading -better to have real books for second year than Lockhart's books.

-What a good idea! I'll get them too," Hermione commented interestedly.

It's great to have so much pocket money!

-You really are nerds, but who told me to be one too? -Sylvia laughed and joined in the group's decision. An extra book wouldn't hurt.

In the end, Hermione had to be dragged out of the bookstore, the same happened with Silvia when they visited a magical materials store and it would have happened again with Soisen if it wasn't because Hermione and Silvia didn't have enough strength to drag him away from the potions store.

-Why are you so strong? You're a wizard! -Silvia exclaimed indignantly at the immovable Soisen.

Hermione beside her was huffing and puffing trying to catch her breath while her face was red from exertion.

Soisen kept silent and simply looked at her raising an eyebrow, if he had learned anything living with Ann and Ingta, it was that he couldn't reason with people who were upset. Silence was always a wise choice in these cases.

After having an ice cream to end their meeting, they all returned to their homes. Soisen didn't say anything about his future store or show them around, because it was still being renovated.

Their second meeting was at a little-known Muggle beach, where they were alone most of the day except for the occasional pensioner who went to sunbathe. They swam a bit, played with an inflatable ball, had a sandcastle contest, etc.

-How did you do this? -asked Silvia, looking at an exact replica of Hogwarts made of sand and water.

-This way," Soisen waved his hand and a miniature sand version of the two girls with a waving pose and smiling expressions took shape.

-Soisen! -Hermione shouted in outrage as she looked around worriedly, "You can't use magic outside of school!

-Why not? There are no Muggles now.

Hermione was about to remind him of the wand ban, but then remembered that Soisen never used one....

Mmm, so that meant there was no problem as long as no Muggles saw him?

-It's so unfair," Hermione declared as she repeatedly stomped her feet in the sand in obvious frustration.

-Yes, Soisen, using magic to compete isn't fair," Silvia added.

-I don't remember any rules being said about it," Soisen laughed, which earned him a splash of salt water in the face.

-You didn't do that.

-You bet I did," Hermione said with a satisfied expression.

-Ladies, this is war.

They ended the day completely exhausted, but thanks to the domestic spells Soisen learned, neither had to suffer the discomfort of having sand in uncomfortable places until they got home.

The third and last meeting was when they visited Diagon Alley again after receiving the owl with the second year shopping list. There were only two changes, which was the book of charms and....

-Lockhart! I can't believe they're asking us to buy their books," Hermione looked at the list with such intensity that if it had been an anime, the parchment would have started burning by now.

-That means that the bet..." Silvia was in a trance, she couldn't believe what she was reading either.

-Let's not jump to conclusions, maybe the new professor is TOO much of a Lockhart fan, but it doesn't imply that he is the new professor, does it?

-You're right! -Sylvia clutched the straw of hope tightly. She researched Lockhart over the summer and as Soisen said, he was highly suspicious and inconsistent with his accomplishments.

-But it's so expensive," Hermione complained.

-Don't buy it," said Soisen, "They're not books containing valid or useful information to begin with, they're just meaningless fantasy. It's better to keep and take the DADA books we bought last time.

Hermione hesitated, but ended up agreeing. If the books weren't so expensive, maybe she would have insisted because the school asked for them, but knowing that their usefulness went no further than holding up a lame table, she preferred to save the money for something useful.

-Speaking of useful things, didn't you think about getting a pet?

-Well, I wanted to buy one after saving a bit until before starting third year, but now that you mention it, I still have money, maybe we could take advantage and visit the pet store. I think a cat would be nice," Hermione commented.

-Wouldn't you consider getting a Kneazle? -Soisen suggested.

-No way," Silvia shook her head, "The Kneazle is a XXX creature and you need a license to keep it as a pet. They are also not cheap because of what they are capable of.

-Does that apply to half-breeds? I understand there are some half Kneazle cats.

-Mmm... no, hybrids don't ask for a license since their abilities are strongly diminished -Silvia answered after a moment's thought- I agree with Soisen, if you prefer a cat, one that has kneazle blood would be a better choice, Hermione.

Hermione thought that made sense. She was thinking like a muggle, but now she was a witch. Kneazle's are very intelligent, have the ability to detect untrustworthy individuals, are quite independent and capable of protecting houses. A hybrid that has those qualities, however diluted, is much better than an ordinary cat.

It looks like Crookshanks will be able to join Hermione a year early!

Soisen caught a glimpse of someone in the street and stopped.

-I forgot to pick up a book I ordered," she said as she made an expression as if she had suddenly remembered, "Would you two like to go get Hermione's pet and meet me in front of the robe store later?

The two witches nodded and left.

Soisen, for her part, walked quickly to the bookstore.

She had just seen Malfoy father and son!