
The Ferocious Tigress, And The Tale of The Red Rose Sword

There were three realms in which dwelled the mortals , immortals and beasts. Long ago the three nations lived in peace and harmony but then everything changed when the immortals attacked since then everything in the three realms changed, the beasts who were peace makers lived away from everyone because of the chaos and unrest. It was said that people can be good and very good people can be bad and very bad the only problem was after the war the immortals unluckily unlocked the most powerful sword called THE UNLIMITED RED ROSE SWORD, leaving the mortals in unrest because of the deadly mists. It can cause good and also bad.

Bauhaus · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter three: The river

Aying went into her room and sat on her sleeping mat soon she lay fast asleep, she moved countless times to the call of her sister's name. Azula had given her Su which is the name of her elder sister in the mortal realm. She looks light and beautiful with short black hair.👩🏻

She sees in her dream a woman clarded in a black attire from head to toe fighting some men with two strange whips after the fight the woman defeats the men and hands over the whips to Azula telling her that she was Su and that she was not dead, she was unhappy that Azula couldn't bear any pain or think before leaving the beast realm, now she is nine in the mortal realm, as she was about answer the question she woke up she quickly ran out of the house into the garden where some helpful herbs were cultivated she picks some and eats them though she was a seventy year millennium Dranix she still ate those herbs which are considered useless she ate the pink yuven herb as it was called because of its gentle healing power she ate the lotus flower, she ate the orange slim flower which was known for it's rough healing power and some others.


She went back to sleep but she couldn't so she got up and went to the sea she looked at it but as she was always curious she stepped on the surface and to her surprise she found herself walking on the surface of the sea, since it was like glass she wanted to break it, she jumped numerous times and soon a spot cracked and broke she swam to the bottom she saw a palace and entered.

She heard a slim voice which said

"Who are you? and what do you want?