
The Ferocious Tigress, And The Tale of The Red Rose Sword

There were three realms in which dwelled the mortals , immortals and beasts. Long ago the three nations lived in peace and harmony but then everything changed when the immortals attacked since then everything in the three realms changed, the beasts who were peace makers lived away from everyone because of the chaos and unrest. It was said that people can be good and very good people can be bad and very bad the only problem was after the war the immortals unluckily unlocked the most powerful sword called THE UNLIMITED RED ROSE SWORD, leaving the mortals in unrest because of the deadly mists. It can cause good and also bad.

Bauhaus · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter seven: What a suprise

Her father was worried about her but he said nothing. She came back home and was welcomed her mother told her Sifeng came looking for her Aying talked to her like she was talking to her mate

"Hey you have us, now you don't talk like someone whom is very well of an idiot huh. You would like to come hate someone like me, too much credit is on you I promise you this is something you would never dream of.

Has your mother's name faded in your head up high is the two other realms your day is going to be well enough, well, well , well it seems that I already dressed up for the wedding you want me to participate in father.

Her father and mother stared at her in amazement she continued as she walked into her room

"I wonder what kind of stupid but idiotic parents I ended up with, running late aren't we well let me go dress up for the wedding because it seems I'm gonna be the bride, hmm let's get some ass kicked."

She went inside her room and brought out a black and red robe which she took from the demon realm she wore it and combed her which was so long you'd never imagine seeing it she tied the most beautiful way, she didn't even put on makeup she looked like an angel to be precise she wore red shoes, then her sister entered to show her some clothes which she wanted her sister to wear, but her sister rejected.


She went into the wedding place and instead of marrying with peace she fought them and killed them all except her friends which she found they escaped together and went to a rare savannah and built a hut and in the hut Tylee screamed

"What a suprise, What a suprise, What a suprise haaa."