
The Ferocious Tigress, And The Tale of The Red Rose Sword

There were three realms in which dwelled the mortals , immortals and beasts. Long ago the three nations lived in peace and harmony but then everything changed when the immortals attacked since then everything in the three realms changed, the beasts who were peace makers lived away from everyone because of the chaos and unrest. It was said that people can be good and very good people can be bad and very bad the only problem was after the war the immortals unluckily unlocked the most powerful sword called THE UNLIMITED RED ROSE SWORD, leaving the mortals in unrest because of the deadly mists. It can cause good and also bad.

Bauhaus · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter five : Her first enemy

She went to meet her mother in the pantry saying

"What do they want? , those bastards."

"They always come with lies and nonsense and nothing good to say, they think because they're famous and rich yet they have prostitutes among them they think of nothing to say but big fat lies."

Her mother was amazed when she heard that then she said

"Aying don't spout rubbish."😦😱🙀

But Aying still wouldn't stop her mother shouted at her telling her to go away, of course Aying left the house, and went to meet Sifeng , he looked at her and soon she knew he had betrayed her some beasts came and Sifeng smiled as they captured her she tried to fight back but she was out powered and Sifeng smiled as they pulled her away.

Do you guys think Aying will be sad and unhappy well think again, haven't you heard she was the Ferocious Tigress in the beasts realm how could she give up so easily read the next chapter to see what happens!!!!!.

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