
The Ferocious Tigress, And The Tale of The Red Rose Sword

There were three realms in which dwelled the mortals , immortals and beasts. Long ago the three nations lived in peace and harmony but then everything changed when the immortals attacked since then everything in the three realms changed, the beasts who were peace makers lived away from everyone because of the chaos and unrest. It was said that people can be good and very good people can be bad and very bad the only problem was after the war the immortals unluckily unlocked the most powerful sword called THE UNLIMITED RED ROSE SWORD, leaving the mortals in unrest because of the deadly mists. It can cause good and also bad.

Bauhaus · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter 4: The palace under the sea.

Aying looked around she smiled and brought out the black widow spider, the spitting cobra, the long slender snake tiger prince and of course a lion's cub, a lizard and a dragon.


These were the animals she looked after, she ignored the person soon the person came in she turned around and saw a person with pink hair he was a male but he was a beast who ruled the sea he was a merman. 🐟

Aying talked to him and he talked to her but it was time for Aying to go she said goodbye and left the place reaching home it was seven o clock she saw six women three of them were old three were young she greeted them and they looked at her smiling.🧓🏽🧓🏾👵🏼,👩🏾👩🏿👩🏼.

Aying looked at her father who was not that old he smiled and said .

"My daughter meet the Mufamily."

Looking at them she said

"Why are they so old and pathetic they wear rags and call themselves , the big Mu family rich and famous, humph, they're a heap of idiots who toil around and beg for money and anything else that they need."

One of the old women said

"Don't you trust us".

"No I don't".

"Why don't you trust us ."

"Humambeings are unreliable and stupid trust is something you can control when you love you can hate too , madams you see everyone has their different behavior."

The women were stupified and shocked.
