
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · สมัยใหม่
331 Chs

Chapter 316 I'm not the Virgin, I'm just desperate and tired

"What ... mean?" Jane Mo Bai stalled, the bedside, Jane Tong turned around and raised her feet to leave, he hastened to pull her arm tightly: "You ... you really found a suitable bone marrow donor?"

 He stared tightly at the woman by the bed, this moment, the heart is almost jumping out, Jane Tong lowered her eyes, her eyes seized Jane Mo Bai's ... nervousness, anxiety, expectation, and hope.

 The hope of survival.

 Her lips rippled out a trace of tenderness, so brilliant: "Yes, found. Brother, you will live."

 Then in front of Jane Mo Bai's face, slowly probed out a thin palm, pulled his, that hand, thin, but seemed to have made up his mind.

 Turned around and walked to the door when ...

 Sick bed, Jane Mo Bai fiercely looked dumbfounded go, that doorway, his sister, looking back that smile, in the life after that, he can no longer forget.

 "Brother, live well."

 Words fell, the door, closed.

 Jane Mo Bai was too late to say the sentence "thank you", only in this hospital room, ringing.

 He hurriedly and excitedly called Mrs. Jian: "Mom, I'm saved! I won't die!"

 He excitedly and sharply reported the happy news.

 On the other end of the phone, Mrs. Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing, and after hesitating for three seconds, she was finally sure that she hadn't heard wrongly and wasn't dreaming, "Really? Really? Who is it? Who is so kind?

 Mom has to thank people.

 I'll call that heartless sister of yours later, she's a real sister, to her own brother to see death to save.

 She's not related to you. Strangers have compassion.

 I'll see if she's still good for it."

 Jane Mo Bai's sunken cheeks, instantly red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red. This person who donated bone marrow to me was still found by Little Tong."

 Jane mother froze, after a long time, some brash and unreasonable: "Allah does not care, she found, but not she donated, is not she does not want to give you bone marrow donation, only willing to spend time to let people find volunteers?

 Do you think she did it for you?

 She is for herself."

 Jane Mo Bai's face turned even redder, "Mom, I'm tired, I won't say more."

 Not long after, his attending doctor came and told him that he could receive a bone marrow transplant.

 Jane Mo Bai hesitated for a moment, and never asked the question, "Who is it?

 The doctor only said, "You're in luck. From today onwards, we will start the preoperative preparations. I will prescribe antibiotics, which you must take. Are the series of signs in your body normal, when everything is normal, you will be scheduled for surgery immediately."

 The doctor was also aware of his situation and asked, "There are still some things that I need to focus on to confront your family. Whether the surgery is a success or not will have to wait for the month after the surgery in the barn."


 "Ms. Jane, are you sure you want to donate bone marrow?

 Although a person is missing a kidney, medically speaking, it is harmless. One kidney can still live." The nurse in charge of the reception explained, but some of the words were still a bit vague, but even so, it was enough for those who listened to understand what she meant.

 In real life, but all missing a kidney, bought a kidney, the quality of life have declined, the physique is also weaker, not able to do heavy work, easy to get tired ... these sequelae, all in the missing a kidney, the future life of the people, one by one, embodied.

 I believe that you yourself can better appreciate this point.

 Medical science also says that the human body has the function of bone marrow reconstruction, just like leeks, cut a crop will grow again.

 But your physical condition ... and, before donating bone marrow, you need four to five consecutive days, the injection of growth factors, we collect hematopoietic stem cells, after the collection, ordinary people may have a fever for one to two days.

 But your case is special.

 Moreover, there are failures in surgery, and the collection of hematopoietic stem cells is not completely safe, and there is still a slight danger. Although the risk is almost negligible, any treatment in the hospital has a certain failure rate.

 Moreover, your situation is indeed very special.

 Ms. Jane, have you considered it clearly?"

 "I've considered it clearly, any consequences, I'll bear them myself." She picked up a pen, and on the donation book, one stroke fell her name, the name on her ID card - Shen Tong.

 "Isn't your last name Jane?" The nurse was surprised for a moment.

 Jane Tong faintly said, "My grandfather's surname was Jane. It was changed later."

 That nurse was puzzled by her words ... Grandfather's last name is Jane, later changed?


 Jane Tong went home, and when she arrived home, she realized that there was a strong back at the door.

 Subconsciously turned around to go, she forced herself to hold back, resisting the desire to leave, walked to the person in front of the person: "I saw the phone call and text message you called."

 Without waiting for the other party to speak, the woman said slowly.

 The man's dark eyes seized hers deeply, "Hmmm," a low response was given and he asked with a haunted gaze:

 "Why don't you return phone calls and text messages?"

 Right under that burning gaze, the woman spoke shallowly, "You're the one who broke the contract in the first place. I said, let me be alone and think quietly, and you, too, promised, didn't you?"

 If you promised, why did you have to come over and disturb her?

 That was her painted message.

 The man's eyes twinkled for a moment, a sort of acquiescence to her statement.

 Still deep eyes, but still not letting go of hers, low voice, slowly spoke:

 "Where have you been?"

 Seemingly normal question.

 The woman without a trace of hand stuffed into the pocket, full of calm said: "Did not go where, and Vivian had afternoon tea."

 "Oh ... so."

 She had an illusion, as if there was something else in his seemingly unconcerned words.

 Shaking her head ... don't be vain. At that time he must have been wrapped up in Shen's mess of business, there was no need to be vain, how did he know, what she had gone to do.

 "Not inviting me in?"

 The man half raised an eyebrow, watching her hesitate to pull out the key to open the door.

 Jane Tong pretended to be calm: "Say yes, give me private space, let me calm for a period of time. Are ... you going to cheat me again?"

 The man's black eyes abruptly narrowed, looked deeply at the firmness in the eyes of the woman across the street, "Good, I'll give you time, give you space."

 He turned around, walked into the elevator, stood in the elevator, facing the tightly wound woman at the door, his low voice, hiding a trace of undetectable pain:

 "Little Tong, I just want you to be able to stay by my side, for the rest of your life."

 The slender figure in the doorway, abruptly trembled, vaguely "uh" a sound, hung his head.

 "A lifetime is too far to think about." She muttered faintly to the already closed elevator door. She took out the key and stepped into the darkness of that room, as her heart ... sank into the abyss at this moment.

 She is not a saintly mother, but also know the dangers of bone marrow donation, even if it is not inevitable, at this moment in her overdrawn body, there are more than ordinary people dozens and dozens of times the danger.

 Donating bone marrow is a gamble.

 Gambling on whether her luck is good enough.

 Once upon a time do not dare to bet, because many ...

 Now, Jane's gradually into the right track, grandfather's blood, finally saved.

 Jane's family accumulation of prosperity, not ruined in her eyes, so, will stand up to the grandfather passed away, stand up to once given those good, as for, those good, pure or not pure, she has looked down.

 Back to China, has made the decision, she for her brother to find a suitable bone marrow donor, if the last moment, her brother can no longer afford to delay, then ...

 Yes, at that time, when they all came back from Erhai, this was the decision.

 Grandfather said, Jane family, is Jane Mo Bai's.

 The Jane family is still there, how can Jane Mo Bai go to death.

 She was not so great that she was determined to die, so she expected more than anyone else to find a healthy and suitable bone marrow donor for Jane Mo Bai.

 Compared to a "great death", she doesn't want that kind of "greatness" and still wants to see the flowers and breeze of the Erhai Sea.

 She still wants to see the flowers and the breeze of the Erhai Sea. She still wants to chatter to A Deer every year when she burns paper money for him.

 She thought that Shen Xiujin, who had lost his memory, was a hot potato and a big trouble.

 But this big trouble, when he lost his memory, once again made her crave for his attentive gentleness and naivety.

 As a result, the naivety was hers.

 Shen Xiujin ah, you made me feel my heartbeat again and then pushed me to hell once again.

 Your want me to stay by your side ... for the rest of my life You are still the same as before, selfish and paranoid, tough, and tricky.

 You haven't changed, you're still the same!

 Never changed!

 The man who, day after day, cooked for her, was a liar!

 The man who covers her feet night after night is a liar!

 The person who said, "Whatever Tong Tong says, Ah Xiu will believe, Tong Tong is the most important," is a liar!

 "Liar!" In the darkness of the entrance, the woman's rough voice sounded sadly.

 It was all a lie to her!

 It was his means!

 It was his way of getting what he wanted, all those "good" things!

 He has never changed. In his eyes, it's just a game, but he's the only one who can say "stop"!

 He was just acting out a scene, but stood in the middle of it and watched her laugh!

 The things that should be done are also completed, the burden on the shoulders can be put down,... it is time to sleep.

 In the dark night, the woman s eyes, desperate and tired ... She, just tired, completely tired.

 Vivian came to her home as expected, Jane Tong poured a cup of hot water and handed it over:

 "Jane's now, gradually on track.

 During this period of time, you follow me busy," Jane Tong took out the prepared beforehand, equity gift book, handed to Vivian in front:

 "Sign it."

 Vivian uncomprehendingly picked up and glanced at it, steeply sat up straight, quickly skimmed through it, and in the middle of the day, her face was full of gravity: "You want to give me five percent of Jane's shares?"

 "Sign it, you deserve a share." Jane Tong said, "You know me, I make a decision, it's hard to go back. If you do not want, then I will take this part of the shares, converted into money, in your name, to the people's plight area, donate out."

 "What for, this is ..."

 Jane Tong interrupted Vivian with a light laugh, "Wanting the horse to run fast, but also wanting the horse not to eat grass, where in the world is such a thing. Shares to you, not for nothing, I also think you Vivian with me to fight the world. You treat me as if I'm taking money to buy people's hearts."

 She in the end understands Vivian, Vivian breathed a sigh of relief, dispelled the doubts in her heart, smilingly took a pen and signed, "I can sign it, don't you regret it."

 Jane Tong shook her head with a faint smile, "No regrets."