
The Female Bullies Eat Me Up

[Disclaimer: Explicit Content and Profanity +18] Author: 인생뉴비 -------------------------------- OnlyFans. It's a platform where famous influencers sell exclusive content for money. Could be photos, videos, or even drawings. While it was originally used for all sorts of things, it’s now mostly known as a place to sell explicit adult material at a premium. "I hear people are making bank on OnlyFans these days." "Really?" I had no idea why they were talking about this. I stayed glued to my corner, trying not to draw attention to myself. Who knows what they’d do if they noticed me. I needed to be invisible. I am air. I am air! ""But who would they even shoot it with?" "Well, you need a guy, right? Some dude to be in it." "A guy? Hmm..." Who, though? The gal bullies started brainstorming, trying to figure out where they could find a guy for this. Then the conversation died. Uh oh. What’s with the sudden, creepy silence? "Hold on… don't we have one right here?" "Oh shit, yeah." Every single eye in the group turned to me. Ice ran down my spine. "This loser's a guy, right?". --------------------------------------- This work is a personal translation of the original novel "여자 일진들이 나를 먹음" authored by 인생뉴비. The book cover isn't the original set by the author, but an AI generated one mimicking the original. The real cover was denied by Webnovel, but you can check it out by searching the novel Korean name. #ModernFantasy #UrbanFantasy #Harem #Sliceoflife #Delinquents #TteokFantasy #Schoollife #smut #+18 #koreannovel #bulliedMC #LuckyMC #Beauties #Campus #Fantasy #Romance #Romancy #genuisMC

Somebooty · ชีวิตในเมือง
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43 Chs

CHP 12: Sleepover

I slowly recited what I had thought of to Juha.

But even as I spoke, I felt something odd.

Why am I even telling her this?

Why am I coming up with ideas for something she should handle on her own?

I did feel a bit disillusioned while talking, but I went ahead and explained it to the end.

Was it because Juha helped me out?

Or was I trying to make some money so she wouldn't bother me with poker?

Or was I just feeling sorry for her because she's always broke?

I'm not really sure.

Maybe this kind of meddling is just being a loser...

Or maybe I've lost my mind from playing too much poker...

Anyway, these days, the trend on Only Fans is to be a bit violent.

Not that I'm into that, but I suggested that maybe if she got a bit rough with me, it might catch on.

I said that we should film something unique, not just any random content.


Juha's response was rather lukewarm.

Maybe she lost interest because the first video she uploaded flopped?

Her reaction was quite ambiguous, as if she had lost interest or was just not motivated because of poker.

...Did I overstep?

"I... I dunno."

I forgot.

These kids have almost no attention span.

They seem all fired up at first, but then they just fizzle out and get bored.

What should we do!? What should we do!? And then, "Ah, screw it, it's too much of a hassle... Let's just smoke."

If the video had been a hit from the start, maybe it would've been different...

But it seems like the shock of not getting any views made her lose interest completely.

That's probably why she was just playing poker.

"Ah, but I said I'd send another video... Ah-."

Send another one?

Ah... I think she said she'd shoot another one for the senior who does the editing.

But since it's not making any money, she seems totally uninterested now.

"Such a hassle..."

Juha lay down and started staring at her phone again.

She's totally living the life of a slacker...

Even when she's with the delinquents, this is the problem. She just wastes time aimlessly.

If she were playing games at the PC café, at least it'd be fun, but she just smokes and scrolls on her phone all day.

Maybe because Juha helped me out recently, I've grown a bit fond of her without realizing it.

But this is how they've always been...


I felt a bit disillusioned too.

I have to act like I'm getting beaten up, and that's not something I want to do.


I leaned against the wall, sipping my beer.

I should just kill some time and leave before the last train.

"Hey, why."

Just then, Juha answered a call while lying down.

What's this ominous feeling?

"My place. Yeah. Nearby? Whatever, just come over."

Who the hell is coming?

I focused on the conversation in confusion.

"I don't know, there should be an extra pillow. I don't care, just do whatever you want."

Juha ended the call abruptly and went back to watching YouTube.

Who... who's coming?

"Who's coming?"

"Just a friend. Says she's too lazy to go home and wants to crash here."


If it's a friend, it's definitely another 'bully' friend.

No need to stick around. I quietly packed my bag.

"Then I'll head out?"

"Where do you think you're going, bastard?"


What... what's this?

It's not like we're filming or playing poker, so why...

"I need to teach you poker."

"That... you said it's a hassle."

"Yeah, it's a hassle now. But it might not be later."


It's almost 11 PM, and she's talking about when to learn?

I looked at the clock in confusion, and Juha yawned.

"Stay over. You don't have anything to do at home anyway."

What do you mean I have nothing to do! I've got games to play!

"But still, at home..."

"No way, bastard. You can't leave."

She's just being stubborn for no reason.

Back in high school, she used to do this all the time, telling me not to go home...

Back then, we were outside, so eventually, we had to go our separate ways, but now she has her own place, so she's telling me to stay over.

"Tomorrow, we'll have a nice game of poker after you wake up. And you can listen to some lectures. How about it?"

...This bitch. She called me here for this.

I was planning to leave with minus five thousand won in my account, but it seems like she's not planning to let me go until I make some money.

This devil...

'Ding dong.'

Then, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Hey, Juha. I'm here."

"Go open the door."

Why should I open the door? It's her place!

Juha didn't move, just kept staring at her phone as if she had no intention of doing it.

'Ding dong ding dong ding dong ding dong!'

Dammit... I'm the idiot for staying.

I went to the door with tears in my eyes.

Please, just let it not be a super delinquent. With a trembling heart, I opened the door.


A girl with bleached yellow hair stood there.

Narrow eyes, a cocky attitude, a thin jacket draped over her shoulders, short shorts, and Adidas slippers.

She's clearly a delinquent...

"Wrong place?"

"No, this is Juha's place..."


I opened the door wide, and the girl walked in with a 'what's this?' look.

Why is there some guy here?

"You here?"

"I brought some booze. Who's this?"

Her tone was bold from the get-go. Did she already peg me as a loser? She's treating me like an object.

Juha, without even looking at me, said:

"My pet dog."

"Crazy bitch, haha."

Why am I your pet dog!!!

At least she didn't call me a bread shuttle.

I closed the door and sat down nervously next to them.

The girl made herself at home, loosening her clothes and sprawling on the bed.

...I'm so confused. What the hell is this situation?

"Can I smoke here?"

"Not allowed."

"But it's a vape."

"Go smoke in the bathroom."

"I'll smoke here."

"You want to die?"

...They must be close.

Despite Juha's threats, the girl started puffing on her vape.

Phew. Soon, the room was filled with the smell of e-cigarettes.

Dammit... I want to go home...

"Hey, let's drink. I brought some."

"What did you bring?"

"Jack Daniels and soju."

"Jack Daniels?"

What's Jack Daniels?

The girl got up, opened the convenience store bag she brought, and out came bottles I've never seen before.

That... is that Jack Daniels? What is that?

Three fancy-looking bottles, soju, and beer were laid out.

And for snacks, there were some chips and hot bars.


And then I noticed a tattoo on her ankle.

That... what is that symbol?

"Hey, want some?"


I shook my head in fear. No, I don't really need to drink.

"You're not drinking?"

"Just drink it, Joonhyung."

"Uh... okay."

The girl hummed while setting up the drinks and snacks.

Jack Daniels? It looks like something that would mess me up.

Juha finally got up with a yawn.

"But how much can you drink, Joonhyung?"

"Me? I'm not sure..."

I remember being okay with one bottle of soju.

But after that, I've never tried...

I told her I stopped drinking after one bottle because I didn't like how it felt.

"Let's test it today."


Why here?

"It's going to taste good."

The girl filled my cup with ice and handed it over.

Then she expertly poured out the so-called Jack Daniels.

...The smell... it's not normal? It feels like I'll die if I drink this. It's even more dangerous than when I first smelled soju.

"You've never tried this?"

The girl asked with a smirk.

"This girl's stomach is going to burst today"

...Why would her stomach burst?


The two of them raised their glasses, not caring if I was ready or not.

I clinked my glass in a panic.

I'll be fine today, right?




Aaaaaah! My throat! My throat! My esophagus!

Jack Daniels was fine.

It felt like my throat was on fire when I drank it, but the flavor was okay, not deadly.

But the next one, Johnny Walker or whatever, felt like my stomach was burning up.

I could feel every part from my throat to my stomach!!!! I didn't want to feel that!!!


I let out a pathetic cry without realizing it.

They burst into laughter at my reaction.


"Man, this guy's reaction is hilarious."


I gulped down water in a hurry.

It won't go away! It won't go away! I can still feel where my stomach is!

"Hey, just drink beer. Your reaction is so funny, really."

"No, no, you just don't know how to drink it. I'll mix it for you."

My head started to spin...

Why do people drink this crap...

I took the drink Juha mixed. At least it looks a bit lighter than before...

"Try it, try it. It should be less harsh."


Normally, I would've been suspicious and not drunk it, but maybe because I was already tipsy, I half-chugged it.

And then,



"Shit, hahahaha"

Help me!

It was even more brutal and potent than before.

What did she put in it! What did she put in it!

"What did you mix?"

"Walker with soju, hahaha"


Juha was laughing so hard she almost passed out and lit a cigarette.

"Ah, shit, I did the same thing when I first tried it. It's so funny."

"Ah, my stomach. My stomach hurts."

Help the loser...

I managed to calm down by chugging more water.

Even the snacks couldn't suppress it...


It's torture... The loser is suffering...

Even though I hadn't drunk much, my head naturally leaned against the wall.

I could hear them giggling, but I had no strength to resist. Please, stop feeding me...

"But what's he really? Is he the one?"

"Yeah, hahaha"

"Wow, that's a big deal."

What... what are they talking about?

I tried to stay conscious, but I couldn't. It feels like I'm falling asleep even though I've only had a few drinks.

"Is his dick big?"

"Above average?"

"Wow, that's big."

They're evaluating me right in front of me...

Maybe because I drank so much whiskey? Even though I've only had a few sips, my head feels dizzy.

The more water I drink, the more something seems to rise.

"How much did you sell it for?"

"Two thousand, damn it."


My consciousness is fading.

No, I can't fall asleep...

Who knows what they might do if I fall asleep...

"But he's really good at poker. A pro."

"How good is he?"

"He wins thirty thousand a day."




"Let's go play poker offline? They say you can win more there."


"Yeah. My brother plays there and wins a lot."


I'm losing consciousness.

"Hey, his eyes are closing"

"Let him sleep. He's got stuff to do tomorrow."

"What's he doing?"

"He's going to get some poker lessons"

"Should I learn too?"

"Do whatever."


My consciousness slips away entirely.

The last thing I feel is my stomach burning...

Fucking Jack Daniels... Fucking Walker...


Somebootycreators' thoughts