
The Feisty Bride Of a Shotgun Wedding.

She wanted prince charming and she got a cold knight instead. He wanted his freedom instead he was shackled to her. Will she be able to melt his ice cold heart or will she freeze to death? Follow Keenan and Tiamat on their journey back to each other. ***** You will laugh! You will cry! You will at some point be mad at both of them! You will fall in love with both of them for sure. There are R18 scenes. If sensitive, please skip! there will be warning at the beginning of the chapter. Don't forget to vote because it's a contest! More updates if you vote with PS and GT! Now, who is ready for some whirlwind Romance?! P.s the cover is not mine. if you are the owner and wants me to take it down, contact me on discord

Precious_Onwe · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 4: Now, about Keenan?

Chapter 4: Now, about Keenan?

Princess Fye made her way into her brother's chamber. She knocked and waited to be asked inside.

"Fye, you look distressed. Are you alright?" Joan asked his little sister when she walked inside.

"We need to talk about Keenan, brother"

"What about Keenan?" Joan queried like had no clue what she was talking about.

Fye let out a breath. Her brother was playing coy with her and it was about to get on her nerves.

"Are you going to order for his execution, your majesty?" Fye was straightforward now.

She straightened her posture to brace for the bad news and to look strong when she pleaded on the Knight's behalf.

"What other option do I have? Only an idiot would manhandle a Queen. A Queen regnant for Thor's sake, what the hell am I supposed to do? Appear weak by pardoning him or kill..." Joan's voice trailed off for just a little bit.

"Kill your friend?" Fye completed for him.

Joan looked at her like she had gone mad. Keenan wasn't his friend, he was...he was his subject.

"I am King. I am not supposed to have friends. I have allies and enemies. Keenan is my knight and my shadow"

"He is your friend, Joan. It's why it's affecting you so much" Fye told him.

Joan sat on the bed. He was quiet for some time. His sister was right. It was affecting him.

Joan let out a breath. He thought earlier that if he didn't think much of it then it wouldn't affect him so much but now, his sister was forcing him to confront the notion that Keenan might not be there tomorrow because he assaulted a Queen regnant.

"I don't know what to do, Fye. I have no idea what to do. I grew up with the fool. Only he understood how it felt to be born for a specific role. I was born to be king and he, my shadow just like our fathers and their fathers before that. Now, I have to kill him"

Joan admitted to the princess. It was the most vulnerable thing he had ever said or did.

Fye touched his shoulder. She knew his dilemma wasn't an easy one. He could either choose to kill his shadow and leave his kingdom open for attack or not.

"Spare him. Mercy can be a show of strength sometimes"

Joan stood up. Mercy was a show of weakness and he wasn't weak. He needed another solution and fast.

"If they were betrothed and promised to be married then it wouldn't be disastrous!" Joan said off hand.

But like water slowly filling dry land, Fye found a way out. A way that shattered her heart and made her quiet for some seconds.

"I think you just found a solution, brother. We just have to get Keenan and Tia to accept each other as husband and wife....a Queen and her consort. I mean, how hard can it be?" Her voice was unsteady as she talked.

Joan squeezed her hand. "That can't be an easy decision for you to make, sister"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Fye asked him.

"Because I know for a fact that you fancy Keenan and Don't bother lying about it"

Fye turned sharply in surprise to look at him. "You knew?! Nevermind, do you think it would work"

"Keenan Del'matal is my shadow. He can't simply resign from the lead knight position. It's a commitment ended by death. He can't be a Queen's Consort and if I know him well enough, he would rather die than be a consort to a Queen"

"Well, good thing you are King, brother. Release Keenan from his commitment or find a way for him to remain lead knight and a Queen's Consort" Fye demanded

"And Tiamat?" Joan asked.

Fye let out a breath. She had her work cut out for her, a broken heart to nurse and the love of her life to give away.

"I will talk to the Queen of Lamek. Worry about getting Keenan to accept"

Fye stood up and so did her brother.

"I am really sorry, Fye and I am here for you if you need me, little sister"

Fye nodded. She was trying not to cry. She moved closer and she hugged her brother. "It hurts, Joan. It hurts badly but it would hurt more if he dies and I could have stopped it. It's the curse of a Raven, I guess. Having love so close yet unreachable. It happened with you and the slave girl. Now, me"

Joan rubbed her back before he released her. He hated talking about his own love life.

"I should go" Fye turned around and walked out.


Tia was returned to her chamber after a trip to the court physician and her lady's maid, Jessica was waiting for her in panic.

She entered inside and closed the door behind her.

"Jessica, I didn't find a prince. And look, I am bleeding! Sir Keenan Del'matal is not the type of lad I want. I want to go home. Can we go home already? I want Maggi"

Jessica was about to answer when she heard a knock on the door.

She opened it.

"I am Fye Raven, Crown princess of Maverick highland. I wish to speak to your Queen"