

But he gives us more grace.

That is why Scripture says:

"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."



🔷Quarrels, Ego, and inappropriate words come from the pride and jealousy.

🔷 Being humble is pleasing to God.

God gives grace to such people.

🔷 Humbleness means treating others in a better way even though they didn't deserve it.

🔷Let's wear humbleness, not inferiority complex or superiority complex. If you had these complex you life will become complicate to survive.

🔷 God can lift up those who are humble and giving them grace.


🔷Christ Jesus did not come to be served but to serve.

How necessary is it for us to humble ourselves when the Lord and Teacher Himself washed the disciples' feet!!

2. THE Lucifer:

🔷 Lucifer, the angel who exalted himself above all, lost his place because of his pride.

🔷We are set apart people to worship God.

🔷Let us be careful not to make the mistake that Lucifer made.

🔷For God opposes the proud.

If god the creator stands against us no one can save us.

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Psalm 2:11

Whoever has ears let them hear the spirit says to them.

Praise be to the God of David's devotion.