

George tried to look casual while walking to the library holding the present in his hand tightly. It was just a few days after Christmas – time enough for his mother to find some silver-grey wool and dark green, and knit a scarf that matched the Slytherin uniform, so Cassiopeia could wear his gift without fearing anyone would look twice at it. It wasn't a branded scarf – he had caught a glimpse of it and it didn't look much like the one in their uniform, and that made it much more unique.

He really hoped she liked it. Her Christmas present to him was something huge and expensive, and he really wanted to give her something back.

' Meet me in the library' , he had sent the note to her in the morning, completely nervous and hoping no one would find the two of them.

Cassiopeia was hiding in one of the sections, between the selves, and looking around with an anxious face.

"Hey," he smiled nervously, feeling his cheeks get a bit red when he saw her. "Hi."

"Hello," she said with a smile smaller than his, flushing a bit when their eyes met. "Did something happen? The note looked pretty urgent."

His eyes widened at the question, but George quickly shook his head.

"No. It's okay. I mean… Well, something happened but it was good," he pointed. "Professor McGonagall called me up and I got 150 points to Gryffindor after hearing about what I did."

Cassiopeia nodded and lowered her eyes down to the present in his hand, and he quickly raised it.

"Here," he said, placing it in her hands. "It's your Christmas present. A very late Christmas present."

Cassiopeia frowned, looking at him with curiosity and then back at the wrapped thing before opening it and pulling out a scarf. It was in the colour of her uniform and very soft.

"My mum made it," he affirmed, nervously. "Don't worry, I didn't tell her you were you but I said you were a Slytherin… Friend?"

Her head shot right up to look at his face.

"You think we're friends?" she let out, unable to control herself, and his brown eyes widened.

George felt his heart race. She didn't want him as a friend? Maybe he was understanding it all wrong? Shit, what would he do with that scarf, he couldn't just send it back home! His mother wouldn't leave him alone at all. He was already bracing himself for her thousands of questions when she caught him alone at home.

"Yeah," he let out slowly. "I… Guess? Are we?"

She nodded slowly.

"I-I don't… I don't know," Cassiopeia stuttered. "Do you want to be my friend? The people from your house hates mine. And your father and my father..."

"We are not our fathers," he interrupted her. "Well, your dad is kinda..."

He interrupted himself when the Malfoy girl raised a single eyebrow at him.

"Don't mind that. But we are friends. I do want to be your friend."

Cassiopeia let out a tiny smile and George fidgeted with the paper in his hands a second before she picked the scarf and slowly put it around her neck, styling it and smiling at him. George's heart raced almost instantly. Oh damn, she had a beautiful smile.

"You look great," he blurted out. "I mean… It looks great on you."

She moved her right hand to the scarf, feeling its fabric underneath her fingertips.

"Thank you. It's really beautiful and it feels really warm," the girl pointed. "And cosy."

"Yeah," he smiled, still staring at her.

She had gorgeous eyes.

The two fell into silence and soon they were just looking at each other awkwardly.

"I think I should go," Cassiopeia finally said. "Draco is probably looking for me."

"Yeah," he scratched the back of his head. "Sure. I need to go to. Bye?"

She nodded.


But none of them moved.

"I should go first," he suggested. "And then… You go?"

"Sure," Cassiopeia agreed. "Goodbye."
