
Chapter 89

"What could that be?" she asked.

"I’m going to look for everyone with Fiona in school," I answered.

"That’s really going to be stressful," she said, "Why don’t you keep your eye on Elizabeth? She might bless you," she added.

My phone began to ring. It must be an incoming call. I reached out for it in my trousers pocket. I brought it out to look at who was calling my phone. It was an unknown number.

I wondered who could be calling me with an unknown number. I’m not really into picking up an unknown number that calls me, but my mind had told me to pick up the call.

"Hello," I said quietly."Could you please tell me who's on the line?" I asked.

"Sure you can, and my name is Fiona," she answered.

"Fiona!" I exclaimed. Lydia was shocked to hear me mention Fiona’s name.

I don’t know why, but for some reason, her voice sounds familiar. I wonder where I met her.

"Have we met before?" I asked.

"Yes we did recently. I would have loved to tell you where we met though, but if you want to know who I’m, you have to come and meet me at the address I just texted you," she said.

Soon after, I received a notification, which contained the address where we were going to meet. She hung up on me, and I dropped the phone from my ear."What did she say to you?" Lydia asked.

"That I should come and meet her somewhere; she texted the address to me," I answered.

"So would you be going to see her?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, I’m going to go and meet her," I answered.

"Okay, should I follow you in case you need some help? If it turns out into a fight, I would be able to help you," she said jokingly.

"Have you forgotten I’m not a weaken?" I said, standing to head out of the house.


I walked into the house she had sent the address to; it was a courtyard house. The courtyard was located alongside the road. I walked into the house.

I walked to the centre of the courtyard, looking around, waiting for her to come out of where she was staying, but I don't know why I suddenly began to smell vampires all over the place. It might have been a trap set for me.

I walked into it, but I wondered who could be the master planner of the trap. It couldn’t be only Fiona that would plan it. They started rushing out of different corners of the house. There were so many I couldn’t do a head count for them.

I was surrounded within a short period of time. They all had their eyes on me and were also snarling. A man in a black suit walked out on a dark corner. They made a path for him to walk through.

I stood a few metres away from him. "Adam, we have finally met," he said softly. His voice was really deep. I assumed Fiona would be the one to tell him my name, but he just said he had been anticipating meeting me. I hope this is not who I’m thinking.