
Chapter Eleven

Lillian- After the night I had I just needed some alcohol. Some may say I drink to much, but for a royal I think I drink a little less than everyone else. My twin brother has decided to be an incoherent idiot while I was away. The title of king has gotten to his head. I may have to go for a few days to deal with everything he has done and to just yell at him.

I was making my way down to the lounge for a drink, also to socialize with everyone. I really don't want to leave. It like a vacation here, I still have to work, but I don't have to do so much of it.

The one bad part is everyday I have to have a video chat with all the advisors. I just got back from that. Every royal leader and my brother had an opinion on who I should marry. Of course, they all whanted Xander to be my king, I said no. I know that Rayanna has a thing for him, and he likes her, in a way. If we each their our countries would be so thrilled, but I think we're just better of friends. I have no physical attraction to him in any way.

I open the door to see everyone in different places. I walk over to the bar I get excited because Colin and the rest of our friends are sitting there.I move to pull up a chair to sit with them At the moment there just having casual banter. After a moment of hesitation I pull my chair next to Colin. Everyone says hi, and I do back. I wave over an attended and get a scotch neat, I decided agenst shots.

"What happened to you Lil?" Colin asked as I turn to my side.

"My twin happened." I think everyone know that I am just a bit on edge and just need my drink. Leon, Ray, and Xa are all involved in a group conversation. The attended put my drink in front of me and I take a long sip. Then hug it close to my chest.

"Well, I can see that he has done something stupid again."

"That he has Colin, that he has. That is the only thing he can seem to do know a days.Never should have put him in this position. Don't even get me started on what the advisers are doing. I though it was bad when I was a young teen, but know. Oh help me, whoever is listening."

"I would worry much about it if I wher you, aperintly the Queen has a surprise for all us."

"Good, ain't need a break from work. Just because I was sent dosn't mean I get to escape work."

Right when I finish the Queen comes in talks about the suprize and partners. I am not really paying attention, because I know that Colin will. I am more focused on the drink in my hand.

This is why I really like Colin, he just knows when I need a break and will just let me do my thing. It may also have to do with his looks, but I'll just denied that one. Just the queen finishes up and the people begin to stand I take the last sip of the scotch. Colin plops of the stool and extends his hand to offer his help. Even though this would not be exportable in my country, I take it anyway. We link arms and follow everyone outside. Colin giving me a brief on what we're doing. I could hear the hint of excitement in his voice. I was also excited, just maybe not for the reasons he was. I mentally kicked myself for thinking that way.

Everyone was gathered with their partner, expert Leon. We were all staring at the queen and the box. She kept talking and I spaced out. Then they took the lid off and I felt Colin flinch a little. I came back to reality when I saw Erin pop out of the box. I have a memory of my brother and I meeting her several times. She had strawberries blond hair, and soft blue eyes.she had the same freckled fractures as well. Now Leon had a partner and by the way he look, it seems that he fancy or liked her, whatever they say these days. After the Queen finished her introduction Colin and I went to go get our saddle bag and shoulder bag. He offered to carry both, but me being raised as a feminist I say I don't need help and go for the bag. He laughed a little then grabbed the saddle. We made our way around the barn looking at each of the horses. Colin had experience with horses because he kept naming the breeds while I explained the origin for the name. After about 8 minutes we finally decided on a horse; Afi. Afi was about 16.6 hands and had a beautiful flea bitten gray cout. Colin said he looked absolutely royal. I saw the lead took it in my hand and gave it to Colin so I could get a bridle and some brushes. I walk up to a maid and she took me back to where I needed to go, and took me back to where Afi stall was. When I got back I saw that Colin was leaning against the stall door just talking to the horse, in what I think in broken Itilian.

" Reditus sum."


"Yes. I am fluent in 8 other languages excluding English."

"Very impressive"

I pick up the bucket of brushes and put it in front of him and move to walk out of the out of the stall. But Colin grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Where are you going? Putting all the work on me know, hun"

"If we're going to be out until tomorrow, I have a few things to settle."

I moved out of the stall and walked to where I recognized we had entered.

"Queen Lillian, where do you think you are going."

"To yell at my brother who has no idea what he is doing and to tell him that I will be putting our cousin in charge if he can't handle the simple task I have given him."

"Ok. Don't take to long though, you may have a duty to your country, but you also have one to him."

A maid lead me back to the castle where I decided to change into pants and a blouse. I went with green and black plaid dress pants and a grey short sleeve turtleneck. I open up my computer and decide to video chat. He picks up after the third ring, and with it being a bit blurry at first.

"Hey sis how's the 'event' going?"