
The Fate Between You And Me

Love and destiny collide between Victoria, Williams, and Steve. The three love at least one person amongst them. But of course, two of them, Williams and Steve both had the same target. Coming from a middle-class family, Victoria doesn't have much of a difficult life through her school years. But it is still the same when it comes to lavishness, something that she doesn't enjoy. Being in her final year in the most prestigious university in the country, she is well known as the school belle, and she has a lot of admirers. she wishes to be one of the best journalists in the country. Williams comes from a low-class family. Although it's a family, it only consisted of two people, him and his younger brother. Williams had lost both his parents in a road accident. his family that was previously a middle-class family suddenly went down to a low-class family. The majority of the wealth that his family possessed was all snatched away by the greedy relatives. Thanks to the fact that Williams had the trait of saving, he had saved a lot from the monthly commission that he was given by his parents. And using the money, he managed to start a small phone accessories store. From the income, added to the scholarship that he had received from his impressive performance, he was barely able to carter for the school fees of the two of them and the daily expenses. Williams majored in photography and videography while in the university. This something that he had always dreamed of. Steve on the other hand comes from a high-class family. He is the typical rich young master. Just like Victoria, he was pursuing journalism and happened to be in the same class. he chased after Victoria, only to be rejected by her. Nevertheless, Steve never gave up. And, rather than using his family background to get her, he preferred to get her love in the most valid way possible. There exists a fate between two people amongst the three. The strings of fate are pulled to bring them together. But now, they are inside the love triangle, who are those fated to be together? **** A/N: This is my first novel. I hope that you can understand that. And, if there are any errors that I have made, please, help me to correct them so that I can present to you quality works in the future as well. Thank you. I hope that you enjoy this novel.

Ndoba_Philip · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

The Preparations

Victoria was roused from her slumber by the persistent ringing of her phone. Groggily, she reached out to answer the call, squinting at the early morning light filtering into her room. It was Olivia on the line, her voice as lively as ever, and they exchanged warm greetings, inquiring about each other's night.

Olivia: Good morning, sleepyhead! How'd you sleep?

Victoria: Morning, Liv! I slept like a log, actually. I was pretty exhausted from yesterday.

Olivia: I noticed you weren't active on our chat last night. What happened? Did you fall into a black hole or something?

Victoria: Haha, no black holes, I promise! I was just too tired after a long day. But we need to get serious about preparing for that interview.

Olivia: Absolutely! It's a big opportunity, Vic. We can't afford to miss it. Have you thought about how we should approach this?

Victoria: Well, I've been thinking. We should start by researching the company, understanding their values and what they're looking for in a candidate.

Olivia: Great idea! And we should also practice some common interview questions, don't you think?

Victoria: Definitely. We should make a list of potential questions and practice our answers. Let's put in the effort and show them we're the perfect fit for the job!

Olivia: That's the spirit, Vic! We've got this. Together, we'll shine in that interview.

Victoria and Olivia, both determined to prepare diligently for the upcoming interview, wrapped up their phone conversation by agreeing to bring their ideas and strategies to the group chat. They knew that together, with the support of their friends, they could better tackle the challenges that lay ahead and increase their chances of success.

In the dimly lit evening hours, the group chat on WhatsApp came to life with the arrival of its members. It was an eclectic mix of personalities, united by a common goal: cracking the interview at Vision Tech Solutions. Fingers flew over the keyboards as questions flooded the chat.

Olivia was the first to speak up. "Has anyone researched Vision Tech Solutions? What do they specialize in?"

Carlos quickly replied, "I did some digging. They're known for cutting-edge technology and innovation in broadcasting."

Becky chimed in, "That means they probably want candidates who are tech-savvy. Do we need to brush up on specific software or tools?"

Victoria, with a sense of determination, typed, "We should definitely be prepared to discuss any relevant software or tools. Let's make a list of what we think might be important."

The chat buzzed with the sounds of typing as everyone brainstormed potential software and tools that could be relevant.

Steve asked, "What about current trends in broadcasting? Should we be up to date with the industry's latest developments?"

Olivia, being the research guru, replied, "Absolutely! Being well-informed about industry trends will show them we're proactive and dedicated to our field."

As the questions flowed, the group collectively realized they had much to prepare for. They discussed everything from potential interview questions about their previous work to what attire would be suitable.

Just as the conversation reached a crescendo of questions, Dr. Patricia, their esteemed lecturer, stepped into the group chat. Her presence commanded respect, and she quickly garnered the group's full attention.

"Good evening, everyone," Dr. Patricia began. "I see you're all diligently preparing for the interview, which is commendable. To succeed, you'll need to demonstrate not only your knowledge of the field but also your ability to adapt and grow in a dynamic industry like broadcasting."

With a sense of reverence, Olivia replied, "Dr. Patricia, we're eager to learn. Please guide us on how best to prepare."

Over the next hour, Dr. Patricia shared a wealth of insights. She emphasized the importance of crafting a compelling narrative about their academic and professional journeys, showcasing their growth and adaptability. She urged them to be well-versed in the company's history, recent projects, and its role in the industry.

The group listened attentively as Dr. Patricia delved into the intricacies of behavioral interviews, providing tips on handling common questions with confidence. She encouraged them to practice with mock interviews and explore various interview formats, from panel interviews to one-on-one conversations.

As Dr. Patricia concluded her invaluable guidance, the group members felt not only better informed but also motivated to embark on their preparation journey with newfound purpose. The conversation shifted from questions to strategies and collective encouragement. With Dr. Patricia's wisdom as their beacon, they set out to conquer the daunting interview, united in their pursuit of success in the world of broadcasting.

Victoria, armed with her extensive research, was more than capable of tackling a multitude of questions that could potentially arise during the interview with Vision Tech Solutions.

She had not only compiled a comprehensive list of questions but had meticulously crafted well-thought-out answers for each one. The group's rehearsals became a thorough exploration of possible scenarios.

Becky raised a question about the role of broadcast journalism in the digital age. "How has the digital transformation impacted the broadcasting industry, and what strategies would you implement to adapt?"

Victoria responded confidently, "The digital age has brought both opportunities and challenges. With the rise of streaming platforms and social media, there's a demand for real-time, interactive content. To adapt, I would focus on creating engaging, multi-platform experiences and leveraging data analytics to understand audience preferences."

Carlos inquired about ethical considerations in broadcasting. "Discuss a situation where you faced an ethical dilemma in your journalism career and how you handled it."

Victoria shared a thoughtful response, "Ethical dilemmas are part of our responsibility as journalists. In a previous role, I encountered a situation where I had access to sensitive information. I prioritized accuracy, fairness, and transparency, seeking guidance from my editorial team to navigate the ethical complexities."

Olivia posed a question about teamwork. "In a collaborative industry like broadcasting, how do you ensure effective teamwork among diverse team members?"

Victoria's answer demonstrated her understanding of collaboration. "Teamwork is crucial. I have found that fostering open communication, respecting diverse perspectives, and setting clear goals help create a collaborative atmosphere. It's about harnessing each team member's strengths to achieve a common objective.Unity and brotherhood also is essential in enhancing collaboration in an organisation."

Steve, keen to explore her adaptability, asked, "Broadcasting can be unpredictable. Tell us about a time when you had to adapt to a sudden change or breaking news."

Victoria shared an anecdote, "During a live broadcast, we received breaking news that required a change in our script and visuals. I remained composed, communicated the updates to the team, and we seamlessly adapted to deliver accurate, up-to-the-minute coverage. However, I was so happy during live coverage because that is something that had reverberated in my heart for so long."

As the rehearsals continued, the group explored questions ranging from technical expertise to journalistic ethics, from industry trends to storytelling prowess. Victoria, with her research-backed knowledge and articulate responses, navigated each inquiry with grace and confidence.

They tackled questions about the role of journalists in society, the importance of diversity in storytelling, and the impact of emerging technologies on broadcasting. Victoria's ability to address a wide array of topics left the group members impressed and reassured about their readiness for the interview.

Dr. Patricia, who had been observing the group's progress, interjected, "I'm truly impressed by your dedication and preparation. Remember that an interview is not just about showcasing your knowledge but also your passion for journalism. Be yourselves, and let your enthusiasm shine through."

The group members nodded in agreement, grateful for the guidance from their mentor. They had not only honed their knowledge but also cultivated a shared passion for journalism.

With Victoria's research as their foundation and Dr. Patricia's wisdom as their guiding light, they were ready to face the interview with unwavering confidence, knowing that they were well-prepared for whatever questions the panel might throw their way.

In the midst of her unsettling contemplations, Victoria couldn't escape the relentless rhetorical questions that disturbed her inner peace. She found herself at a crossroads, pondering whether to seek time off or even resign following the interview.

The weight of her decisions felt overwhelming, and she yearned for clarity. Amidst the chaos of her thoughts, she also acknowledged the significance of seeking guidance from a higher power, as if searching for divine counsel to navigate her career and personal life.

Just as Victoria's mind was engulfed in this profound introspection, her phone rang, jolting her back to the present moment. The incoming call displayed an unfamiliar number, adding an unexpected twist to her already tumultuous day.She was reluctant even to pick up the call but finally reached out for it.

Her heart raced as she answered the call, wondering who could be on the other end. In that split second, as she pressed the answer button, she couldn't help but wonder if this call held the key to unlocking the answers she sought or if it would only deepen the enigma of her existence.