
Chapter 1. A Normal Day

One day two little kids met in the forest and became friends. One is Rico and the other is Emmie. Rico invites Emmie to her home and Rico's mom Mary asks Rico who the little girl is. "I found her outside mom. Her name is Emmie" said Rico. "Ok Rico you can't just bring people home ok sweety." Says Mary "Ok mom" Rico says sadly then they go looking for Emmie's dad Rick. They found him in the forest too because he was looking for Emmie.

Then they said they found her and gave Emmie to Rick. He thanked them and asked if the kids could have a playdate. Mary had to think for a little and she said yes. "Ok I'll see you tomorrow" Rick said "Ok see you tomorrow" says Mary. Mary then brings Rico inside to rest "Good night" said Mary "Good night mom." The next morning Mary wakes Rico up because Rick and Emmie are there. Rico was happy to play with Emmie and Mary was teaching Emmie how to do magic. Rico was also helping Emmie and Rick was making breakfast. "Foods ready" said Rick "what did you make dad?" Said Emmie "I made bacon and eggs" says Rick then they all tried to take a little nap. But when they woke up it was dinner time so they slept though almost the whole day. So they eat sausage and strawberries for dinner then they watch some tv with popcorn. They then go to bed for the night and in the morning they ate. That happens for the next few days then it was weeks then months and years. They would hangout everyday all day long.

So I made this story last year when I was in 6th grade. But I never finished the story. I will not be finishing it because I don't remember my thoughts. So yeah.

AidenWehmeyercreators' thoughts