
The False Love you Gave

"Not everything in your teen age years are the same as others." "I know that now... Now go back from where you came from I never want to see you again. If I knew this would have happened I would have never accepted what happened ever since that day." "You have to understand!" "ME? UNDERSTAND YOU?!? CAN YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND ME?! GO BACK TO BEING DEAD LIKE YOU WERE AN HOUR AGO!" "In the fifteen seconds we spoke what have you understood?" "That in fifteen seconds you've destroyed me in almost everything that I have built, In fifteen seconds you've made me question everything I've seen, in fifteen seconds you've made me question my existence..... Confusion, that is what I have understood from you."

DreamerDia · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

The Glass

Out of all the voices and sounds throughout that hall, how come it was only theirs that I could hear?

It was as clear and sweet as the water that comes from the Lagoon at the secret beach in India. It was so clear that there were no other sounds coming to my ears.

They were the voices that I constantly craved to hear every time I left the house, everytime I woke up in the morning, for when I was in a difficult moment the ones that I really needed to hear the most even if they were nagging me. They were voices that would soothe me to sleep and they were the ones that were constantly around the house yelling one thing or another in that small cramped apartment.

Those voices were the ones I expected to hear at some point in my life.

I turned my head in direction of the voices that were so much like theirs, like the ones that once left my side.

What surprised me when I turned were the faces of the voices that came into sight. My ears had heard right, it was them. I was hoping that there was some type of drug that slipped in my drink, because if there was anything in it besides alcohol, I would do anything to be able to get my hands on it. Maybe seeing them right now meant that I would be able to see them again soon. Maybe the ones that I miss and regret the most will come back to my memory, back to me in any type of sense. I just want to see them even if it were in my dreams. I had become that desperate because it was so difficult to keep up with the facade.

The faces that I was beginning to forget were suddenly becoming clear. It was reinvented in my memory and all the broken pieces were coming together making it so painful. The voices that were suddenly fading away and becoming distant were starting to come back to me, coming closer and closer. At that moment I do not know what exactly I was thinking. Maybe the shock made my mind and body freeze while my senses heightened.

I thought that from then on I would only be able to hear voices that were somewhat similar to theirs because no two voices were exactly alike. But I was proven wrong. They were in two different directions but I could still hear them from afar. The laughter was the same as I recalled in my memories.

It just had to be today.

The celebration was on the same day that I never wanted to celebrate. It was one of the happiest days that soon turned out to be one of the most heartbreaking and painful days to ever be sober on.

They came back to life every night in my dreams, on this same faithful day, but as faceless and voiceless people. I guess it was a sign for what was to come before me. I guess that some people around me naturally come back to life. But they seem completely different from those that appear in the walking dead. They don't appear like ghosts in haunted movies but they seem to have the same role in just being there.

Many have come back like nothing ever happened before, it was a way for them to run away from their past. They appear in a form so living it is like they are haunting me with a past I wanted to forget so badly.

I tried to calm down by breathing in and telling myself that that woman would not do the same thing as that man whom she said she loved.

Whenever I turned around I would always dread it being someone I once knew doing what they were not supposed to do. I did not want their face matching with the voice that was almost like the ones in my memory. When it was not I would sigh in relief but moments later I would have mixed emotions.

Looking at them right now brought a mix of emotions that I did not want to feel or understand at the moment. I felt so confused and lost, and that was exactly what I hated the most because it meant that I did not know or understand letting someone else have the upper hand on me.

I feel like now I have a reason to drink away the thoughts that were overflowing my head.

That woman standing there was smiling so bright it was the brightest that i have ever seen. Not even in my past memories or in my dreams did she smile so bright.

She tried to be there for her children as much as she could despite her decline in health throughout the years.

All I was seeing was their side profile right now. There was a lot that was so alike. But they both seemed to have lost weight but their complexion was completely different to what it was back then, but they seemed better than ever before.

They both had one thing that could define them, that made this seem more like a reality. A small tattoo on their ring finger with a design that they made with just their names combined.

The body that I once thought I had full control of was not doing what I wanted it to do. The glass cup I was holding in my right hand slipped. As the cup was falling it felt like I myself was falling. The glass cup shattered and there were broken sharp glass pieces left. It hit the ground and I felt my whole world shake and shatter along with it. Everything about me seemed to shake and everything that I thought I knew seemed to be nothing when it came to this.