
Chapter 2: The Training

At that moment, Ceyium squinted his eyes to read the message.

The message hissed, "Dans 18 ans, des êtres destructeurs émergeront de portails disséminés à travers le monde. Ceux qui ont été choisis auront le pouvoir de leur faire face et de les combattre."

[Translation: 18 years from today, destructive beings will emerge from portals around the world. Those who are chosen shall wield powers and face them in battle.]

As soon as he finished reading it, the message disappeared at a supernatural speed. Subsequently, Ceyium was able to visualize what the world would turn into if the portals opened. He shuddered at the memory of those menacing and ruthless creatures. Adele even noticed that Ceyium was shaking, so she held onto him until he fell asleep. Meanwhile, Arthur was snoring so loud it had Ceyium vexed.

Afterwards, the doctor knocked on the door and announced, "You guys are discharged, the baby is ready to go out."

Adele and Arthur laughed, relieved and simultaneously blurted, "Hahaha, finally."

Ceyium was dozing off while this happened. Arthur carried the baby and slowly guided Adele out of the hospital. They were both in a buoyant mood, and Adele beamed with pleasure. Once they arrived at their car, Adele slowly entered the car, trying not to wake the baby up. Through the trip home, Arthur drove the car at a slow pace, content.

The following day, Ceyium woke up and he stared at the ceiling unable to get up.

Ceyium snapped out of frustration, "LET ME MOVE!" Adele woke up to her son babbling. She couldn't understand a single word but Adele still was amazed. Adele was speechless witnessing a newborn baby speaking.

Upon witnessing this miraculous feat, Adele yelled, "Honey! Ceyium is speaking!" Ceyium was so angry he didn't bother to care.

Arthur rushed to the bedroom and exclaimed, "Really!? Make him speak again!"

Ceyium replied, "No."

Arthur gawked at his son. Ceyium had forgotten that he was still a baby and couldn't speak properly. Everything Ceyium said was incomprehensible to everyone. Nonetheless, without a doubt, Adele and Arthur were ecstatic hearing him talk, though it was only gibberish.

Ceyium sighed, "I'll get used to this."

Four years later, Ceyium's senses have improved, as all human beings do as they grow up, but Ceyium's grew at an unexplainable rate. Ceyium's birthday was coming up, and he was turning four in his new life. Before his birthday, he wanted to get stronger, so he started using a technique he created. This technique was created as a way to strengthen the body.

With that in mind, he asked his mother, "Can I go take a shower alone?" Adele was a bit hesitant but allowed him since she knew that he was responsible for his age.

Adele told Arthur, "Our son is growing up so fast."

Arthur boasted, "My son will definitely grow up to be someone important in the future." Ceyium went to the bathroom and started turning on the water. Slowly, using his technique, the toddler tried adapting to the freezing water and the scorching water. His technique was called, "Jade Emperor Body," and it helped create a high tolerance for extreme heats and the frost. The body could be hardened to the point where it was as durable as diamond. The bad part is that it takes a lot of time to master. But once you master it, guns can't harm you. Before he started, he absorbed some cold water. Next, Ceyium started meditating while the cold water flowed down his body. There were a lot of times he wanted to stop, but he was very persistent. Every time he remembered his former friends, Ceyium was infuriated and tried to last longer in the shower. At last, he was finished with the cold water, it was time for the hot water. Before turning on the hot water, Ceyium took a big breath. He then turned it on and started meditating. Every splash made a sizzle, Ceyium was as red as a tomato.

Adele yelled from the kitchen, "Son! Dinner is almost ready!"

Suddenly, Ceyium declared, "I won't give up."

Arthur exclaimed, "Son did you say something?"

Quickly he replied with, "No!" After a few minutes, Ceyium was finished with his training. He looked at the mirror and saw how red he was. Ceyium released the cold water he had absorbed to remove the heat. Slowly his skin color and everything was returning back to normal. Now Ceyium quickly washed up and went to eat dinner.

Arthur admired Adele's cooking, "You make the best food." Adele blushed and told them to eat up. The person who enjoyed her food more than Arthur was Ceyium. He loved his mother's cooking so much, he stuffed himself with her delicious food.

Ceyium said, "Mom, you make the best food!"

Adele smiled and laughed, "Thank you." As soon as dinner was done, Ceyium head back to his room to test his body. He dashed to the room and started punching the air. Arthur yelled, "Don't run!" After punching the air, Ceyium was amazed, his punches were faster than before. Ceyium looked for sharp tools in the room. After a while, he could only find 10 sharp wooden pencils. So he tried stabbing himself with it and was shocked by the results. Ceyium was in disbelief, he didn't expect his body to be this tough. Usually, it takes months just to make it this tough. Now that he obtained the Jade Emperor Body, Ceyium needed to master it before the age of 17. A second later, Ceyium said, "Now it's time to learn the most dangerous technique."


Author's Note: Stay tuned for the next chapter. Peace!

Proofreader: Where is his birthday celebration?

Author: Stay tuned for the next chapter

Proofreader: Baka

Author: No you

I need motivation and support from my viewers :)! Til next time!

Hotorucreators' thoughts