
The fall of the dragon

Ash Hi is a 16 year old student that attends a special school that helps develop elemental abilities. Young Ash Hi is the son of the great Mr.Hi. Despite his father being an powerful elementalist yielding influence and power, Ash has little to no power to his name. Consequently he has to deal with scrutiny from his peers, teachers and even his own family. Will Ash be able to develop some amazing power? Will he finally gain the honor and respect he desires find out in, fall of the dragon.

Lionsrcool · แอคชั่น
5 Chs


Ash laid back in his bed, clearly exhausted from the long day. His body still ached from the beating he had received earlier. Slowly Ash's consciousness began fading and he pasted out on his bed. One might think it was due to a mix exhaustion and stress he had been through that day but the real answer is much simpler, Ash is a insomniac. It has been days since he has rested taking a large toll on his physical and mental well-being. To most people this would seem rather silly and think Ash is fool for doing this, however we can see the real reason Ash has terrible nightmares.

Ash is laying in his front yard it feels oddly warm, so he looks up to see his house erupting in flames. Ash is stunned, his first thought is that his father had finally lost his cool. He gets to his feet and looks up once again to see that the flames were black, this was not done by his father. He walks towards the inferno as the sense of dread within him grows. As Ash gets closers notices a grinning face in fire. He stops and stares in confusion until he hears a deep unnerving voice.

"Welcome back boy"

Despite the overwhelming fear running through Ash's body he manages to respond.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Hehehe we both know that's not an option boy. The really question is how much longer you intended to resist me"

Ash gritted his teeth, and sharpened his gaze.

"Until the end of time if that's what it takes"

The voice exploded into laughter eventually calming its self down.

"Come on boy it's commendable that you were able to resist me for even 6 months, any day now may be your last. Just given so I can finally have my revenge"

"We'll see"

Ash turned around to leave and ignore the voice but the flame erupted once again right in-front of him.

"Your mind weakness boy and with it your control, I'll have my day soon ..."

The black flame swirled around Ash consuming him in a tornado of flame, before imploding engulfing Ash in flame.