
The Fall of A Kingdom

This one girl, who is lost without knowing it, is about to be found. Will she be able to stand up and grab the reigns of destiny or will it swallow her whole. A princess with a prophesy and a mad king who will stop at nothing to cement his rule. Who will be the last one standing?

cptmorgue · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Birth of A Princess

King Rian was a young king with short curly brown hair and the lightest brown eyes. Yet today they were dark as he paced his castle waiting to hear the news that his son had been born. When his wife, the former princess of the neighboring kingdom Hailstrom first married him they were given a prophecy by a seer. They were told that their child would lead the world into an era of peace, uniting all the Kingdoms. It had only been a couple of years since he took over the throne from his father, who had been sick for some time, yet he felt like he did not have a lot of time. He constantly felt as if someone were watching him.

"Your Majesty!" a young girl who could not be more than 12 came running towards him. As she got closer, he recognized her as Polaris, his wife's Maid of Honour's apprentice, and immediately tensed up. Why would she be out here, should she not be in the room assisting her mistress during this most strenuous time?

Clearing his throat, he said one word that held more power than a full sentence of a lesser man "speak". His gruff voice caused the young girl to shiver. As the king he held her fate in his hand and one wrong move could mean her end. She knew he was not that type of ruler but it did not squelch her worries.

Polaris was new to the castle, as she had been an orphan who lived on the streets until recently and was worried, she would disappoint those she worked for and be forced to return to the streets. With her eyes strained on the Kings black newly shined shoes she finally found her voice. "The Queen requests your audience so that you may name your child, Sir." She cringed realizing she should have said, your highness, or your majesty.

She was startled out of her thoughts when he started to stride past her not even uttering a word. She thought for sure he was going to yell at her as everyone used to when she made a mistake. However, his mind was focused on one thing only and that was seeing his child. Even with her short legs Polaris quickly caught back up to the king and pushed her stride to fall into step behind him as they made their way back to the birthing chamber.

Entering the Chamber, the King released a breath he did not even realize he was holding. It was as if his iratically beating heart finally knew calm when he saw his wife sitting up in bed holding a small bundle in her arms. The Queen was always easy to spot in any room as she had long hair that looked like flames dancing. The reds and oranges were natural, though most believed she must buy some type of potions to keep it that color. She had eyes that could rival the sky on the clearest days, and the king had fallen in love with them the first time he saw her.

Believing his child to be asleep the king took long but silent strides to his wife's side so that he may get a peek at their future. Looking down into the cocoon he was startled to see a girl! Not just an average girl though, this one was his and any thoughts of what a future son would look like went right out the window as he gazed into the most beautiful set of aquamarine eyes. If his wifes could be compared to the sky, his daughters made even the best jewel in the castle pale in comparison. His daughter lay there not even making a sound, just staring into his eyes, and it was at that moment he vowed that no matter what it cost him, he would always protect her.

Leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss between her little red eyebrows King Rian whispered, "from this day forth, you are Raven Amherst."