
The Fair King of Chadistan

A novel inspired by a video I watched, let me know if you know it.

slothful_Acedia · อื่นๆ
1 Chs


In a small kingdom in Italy named Chadistan was a chubby man sitting atop an exquisite copper throne, an equally beautiful crown sat atop his head decorated with gems of a variety of colors and sizes.

"Welsh, would you be so kind as to prepare me a cup of tea?" the king asked his childhood friend, and trusted adviser, Welsh Cade.

Welsh responded with a quick "at once" as the king brought his hand to his chin trying to figure out what to do next, his kingdom was relatively peaceful, the economy was booming, the citizens were happy, and there weren't any corrupt officials. To be honest, the only thing he could think of was to gain some more territory, but the only way to do that was to take it from the Vatican or Rome as the kingdom was in the middle of them.

But many of his people were Catholic so if he tried to take over the Vatican by force they would most definitely revolt against him, so he decided to try and take some land from Rome. but first, they had to prepare their military might to invade Rome.

The king finally deciding what to do demanded his adviser " Welsh, rally the swordsmen we are going to war!"

"But sir, Rome has guns." Welsh replied bitterly remembering that their king believes swords are better than guns.

"Measly guns could never even imagine defeating our mighty swordsmen!" the king replied in anger that his friend besmirched swords once again.

Later in the day after Welsh rallied the troops and the king got into his armor, the king sat on a balcony overlooking his troops in orderly single-file lines. The king noticed the troop's nervous expressions and decided to give a speech.

"WE WILL WIN!" The king's yell had an immediate effect on the troops as they Instantly started cheering for the king.

"KING." many yelled the name of the king even the citizens started cheering.