
The late night doing

*At dorm* "So guys lets think about what to do cause i'm bored and we haven't been doing anything lately." Kay turns around, "Sure but what do you want to do?" Tyson looks at both of them, "I have the perfect idea! Lets go to a party!"

Meanwhile Xai is starting to walk home from work.

*At dorm* Xai opens the door, "Hey what are you guys getting ready for?" Bryan turns around, "Yo, we're going to a party do you wanna come?" Xais face widens as he looks at Bryan, "You're serious?" Bryan gives his some clothes that look nice, "Yea, I'm serious now put these on."

All of them get ready for the party and leave fast to catch up with everyone.

*At party* "Imma go over here you guys do whatever you want! BYEEE!" Tyson walks with Bryan, "I'm going with him bye guys!"

Kay and Xai go to the roof, they sit down and talk about many things and they got to know each other very well. Even though Kay was getting out of hand with his drinking.

*On the roof* "Xai I honestly think you're very cute HahAha!" Xai looks at Kay, "Oh? What makes you think that?" Kay the touches Xais face gently, "Because you care so much..."