
The confirmation

*At Xais work* "Yo, can I get that strawberry cake?" Xai looks at Bryan, "Of course is that all sir?" Bryan smirks at Xai, "I wanna know if you like Kay because you treat him different." Xai looks at Bryan with a confused face, "What do you mean? How do I treat him differently?" Bryan starts tapping the counter, "Oh well, you know you kissed his forehead twice and you compliment him a lot. Also you always hang out with him when ever we go to parties."

Meanwhile Kays waiting for his cake and Tysons being tired.

*Back at the register* "So? Are you going to answer my questions?" Xai looks at Bryan still with the confused look, "Okay, I'll answer you on my break which is in 5 mins."

*On Xais break* "Okay now answer my questions." Xai looks at the floor, "I don't know what you want me to say but no I don't like him. He is just a friend and that is how I usually treat my close friends. If that is all may I go?" Bryans face widens, "So your serious. You don't have a crush on Kay? That's crazy!" Xai nods, "I don't like him at all so will you leave me alone about that." Bryan nods, "Yea, i'll leave you alone now."

Do you think Xai is lying?

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts