
Hawks encounter

*At dorm* "Yo guys, so I wanted to tell you something. I've been texting these anime characters on snapchat and it's so fun!" Xais eyes widen, "WHAT? Give me there usernames right now." Kay half awake looking at Bryan, "Okay and why are you texting them? Is it like the actual characters personalities or what?" Bryan starts jumping, "Yes it is and that's why it's so good!"

Meanwhile Tyson is at work about to go home.

Tyson gets home, "Hey... Guys?" All of them are on the floor on their phones texting anime characters.

(Kay is texting Hawks and not in a good way ;) )

Tyson looked at Kays phone just to see what he was saying and it was all very bad. Tyson started blushing with what Kay was saying as he was smiling.

They all ended up flirting with anime characters and only their favorite ones.

Who is your favorite anime character?

Kay_kaysubcreators' thoughts