
Grey words

Kay hasn't been feeling the best, "Hey guys so I had to tell you that I think I'm going to move out." Tyson looks at Kay with a frown, "Wait why?" Kay looks at Tyson, "Well we're juniors now and I think I shouldn't stay in the dorm anymore. I'm going to get a house."

Tyson tells everyone what Kay said and everyone got very sad.

*At dorm* Kay looks at everyone and gives them the news himself, "So guys, I am getting a house..." Xai looks and Kay with a sad puppy face, "Why though.. Don't leave us please."

Kay looks confused, "What do you mean?" Bryan starts crying, "You're gonna leave us."

Kay starts laughing, "You guys are so silly." Bryan looks at him with teary eyes, "What do you mean?"

Kay blushes, "I want you guys to come live with me in the house.. As my roomates still."

Everyone starts blushing, "YES!" They all yelled at the same time.

Kay smiles, "Great!"