

*Playing Call of Duty* "Yo, lets do this map and Team DeathMatch." Tyson online, "Ah ok lets do it." Kay looking at the names, "OH MY GOD LOOK!" Tyson and Bryan look at the names, "What the hell?"

Meanwhile Kay is laughing, "Bigbooban oh my god!" Bryan starts laughing, "That is so funny what the hell."

*All of them talking about Bigbooban the whole match* "This is funny oh my gosh I don't know how but it is." Mom walks in, "What are you..." Bryans laughing so hard he's crying, "MOM GET OUT OF MY ROOM IM PLAYING MINECRAFT!" Mom walks out, "Kids these days."

*Back at dorm* "Still laughing about what happened last night?" Tyson talking about it, "Yea holy sh*t it was so funny I don't know why." Kay eating, "Yea dude it was the funniest sh*t ever."

Meanwhile mom is still at home, "Kids these days, I can never understand them."