
The Eyes that Started it All

Two accidents happened in just one night. An indelible memory of their lives that will build an everlasting connection between them. __ When Cassian Marquez was still young, known for being naughty and a troublemaker, he drowned himself. It was the time of his life that he will never forget not only because it nearly killed him, but because of the girl he saw that night. It was the first time he felt wanting to know someone and to help someone who lost her vision. Even though he's just a stranger to her. The girl was none other than Erizza Elizondo, who went blind after an accident. She remained sanguine despite of her miserable situation because she believes there's a bright future ahead waiting for her. Unexpectedly, a few years after, their paths crossed which made them inseparable until love finally blossomed. But, with those sweet adventures and heartfelt moments. There's still more to know about their past. The truth is, they will either accept it or it will be the cause of another mischance. Book cover from Pinterest @pure-keratin.com

Shea_Quaintrelle · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


- Third Person's Point of View -

SHE was nine and he was eleven when an accident happened to them on the same night. Cassian could still remember it clearly and it bothers him to the point when after he got better from drowning himself, he would peek at her ward from time to time and watch her outside the window like he is her guardian.

Her eyes are covered with white cloth, her hair is a mess and her hospital clothes look baggy for her. She always looks like that; he can confirm because he sneaked out a lot of times just to see her.

There was something in him that wants to see the face of the girl clearly—especially her eyes but he heard from the doctors who come in her ward to check up on her that it's impossible for her to see again.

'What do they mean?' He asked himself.

He wants to know why, he wants to barge into the room and yell at them about what the hell is happening to her but he can't. Of course, he can't because his dad—Mr. Tevin might be watching him. He is in the hospital and not in school so he shouldn't be causing trouble. Mr. Tevin is the CEO of this hospital after all.

As stubborn as he is, he went to his dad's secretary's office. The nurse is not around that's why he can freely move inside.

Cassian might be a stubborn troublemaker but he is cunning too, after opening a drawer of the office table he saw a thick folder where it contains the patients' records that has ages closer to him.

He turned the pages and continued scanning until a small picture of a girl made him stopped. He is sure that this is the same girl he peeks at in the ward. He can't be wrong because he has a knack for recognizing faces even if he just saw it once.

Cassian looked at every corner of her face. She has short nut-brown hair, a small nose, plump lips, and...

'Her eyes are black'

Yet it is full of life and energy. However, they are not the ones he saw. Her eyes may be covered but he knows her eyes are not the same as the picture he's looking at right now. He assumed that behind that white cloth is sad lifeless eyes.

Before he closed the folder, Cassian looked at the piece of information alongside the picture. He didn't read all of the data below. Her name is enough for him to know. But once he read her name it never escaped his mind.

Erizza Elizondo

SHE was thirteen and he was fifteen.

He found himself again peeking at her outside the window of the optometrist's office. He hadn't seen her for five years. He noticed that her hair became longer and her eyes are not covered with cloth anymore. Instead, she is wearing a pink mirrored sunglass that suits her diamond-shaped face.

It seems like they are waiting for the optometrist to come. She is sitting on the visitor's chair with her hands placed on her lap. Beside her is a woman dressed in a casual outfit while combing her hair carefully using her fingers. The woman has a gentle expression but when their eyes accidentally meet it shifts into suspiciousness.

Cassian moved quickly away from the window and leaned his back against the wall. He realized that he might look like a creep. That the woman might think that he is stalking them or even spying on them.

'Spying is fun. I've spied people many times before.'

But in this case, it's not fun. Spying out on a girl is not fun.

'But I'm not spying!' he yelled inside his mind. Cassian shrugged the thought that he could be actually spying. He knows he isn't.

Cassian leaned his head on the wall and recalled the doctor's advice to her.

'Ah…eye transplant'

He nodded on that thought.

'Will it hurt?'

He asked himself.

'Can she take it?'

He asked himself again.

He heard from the doctors that she needs a new pair of eyes for her to see again. And the reason why is that when she got into an accident, her eyes were completely damaged. She really needs it. However, they cannot find an eye donor for her.

Even after five difficult years, no one has been available.

There have been times Erizza will cry in her sleep. Sometimes she would lay her head on his aunt's shoulder and pour out the sadness in her heart. That's normal, she knew that. And it is a reminder to her that she's also a human. She also has the right to feel that way but she would never ever let it distract her from being the person she wants to become.

She would cry but she would never allow herself to stay in the same state. Erizza is strong, determined and a dreamer during her youth.

Surprisingly, Erizza remained optimistic despite her miserable situation. She would still be hoping that someday, a donor would wholeheartedly give her eyes that she had waited for long. She would still be hoping that someday when everything favors her, she will regain her sight and see the beauty of the world again.

SHE was eighteen and he was twenty.

The memories that Cassian would sneak a peek at outside the girl's ward are still vivid. The times he would wonder how her eyes would look like if it only gazes at him. He was a curious kid, eager to know about the girl who caught his eyes that night.

He wanted to know more about her. He doesn't want to rely based on her records or on the things he eavesdropped on.

Cassian smiled at those memories. He will never forget them. He knew he doesn't know her completely but he thinks it's better that way.

Cassian walked along the hallway with his hands inside his pockets. The nurses passing by are giving him smiles and greeting him politely like as if he is already the new owner of the hospital. Well, soon he will be, like his dad.

He will be the heir of the Golden Heart Hospital, the first one that was built in the Philippines and one of the leading hospitals in the country. It became well-known because of its many branches across Asia.

Cassian slowed down his pace when he found himself in the waiting area. It wasn't crowded by people, the visitors and even patients are just enough in number.

He roamed his gaze across the room when someone caught his attention. Until his eyes, fixated only on her.

The young lady is sitting on one of the steel chairs. She is wearing a light blue sundress, her hair is tied into a fishtail braid and she's still wearing that pink sunglass.

He didn't blink for a minute especially when he saw her lips slowly form into a smile. Cassian knew that the cause of her smile is the woman whispering something in her ear but it's enough for him to smile back and appreciate the sight.

When he felt his cheeks suddenly become hot, he realized he was looking like a proud statue, except that his hands are in his pockets and he's wearing a street-style outfit.

'Is this even normal? Why do I feel this way whenever I see her?! Damn it!'

He is so embarrassed to himself, so he turned his back and sprints towards Mr. Tevin's office. When he entered inside he bounced on the sofa and squeezed his eyes shut.

Cassian took a couple of deep breaths to clear his mind and to relax. When he already felt fine he sat comfortably on the sofa.

His eyes reflexively dropped on the yellow folder laid on the glass table. He picked it up and opened it.

He found out that it was Erizza's records which are under review by the director. If Cassian would be in Erizza's situation, he would probably be discouraged.

Her parents couldn't find any donor for her. Nine years already have been passed since Erizza had become blind because of an accident, but there's no improvement in her eye health at all. The reality that she is unable to see the world is making his heart heavy. He doesn't want to see her like that.

He can't take it.

He believes that Erizza deserves to live where she can see the beauty of this world, where she can look at her own reflection and appreciate her exquisiteness.

Cassian closed the folder gently and stood up. He walked towards the office's balcony and stared at the breathtaking view of the city's horizon.

The sun is getting down. Its orange rays of light are hitting his ivory skin and the calming breeze of the wind. He inhaled and exhaled as he leaned his arms on the steel railings.

Erizza's face entered his mind again. He could picture how happy she would be if there's a pair of eyes that will be given to her wholeheartedly. He could imagine how happy she would be when she is able to see again and enjoy every moment of her life.

Suddenly, at that moment, a plan came to his mind. Cassian took a last glance at the setting sun and slowly closed his eyes.

'I hope...'

He begins uttering those words, hoping the sun will grant what he hopes.

But he believes it will come true.

With genuine and sincerity, Cassian's lips formed into a smile.

MANY people have said that it wasn't meant for him. That his mischievous behavior can cause harm to his father's legacy. They have doubted his character but there were a few people who trusted and believed in him. He was more than grateful. He was exceedingly happy and triumphant.

He knew he can be naughty, stubborn, and often cause trouble. He knew he had done mischievous things in the past, but it's not too late to change those old habits. Nevertheless, there's his supportive dad who's proud of having a hardworking son, which is him.

Cassian studied and worked consistently to be the best version of himself for years. And now he's here walking along the hallway. The staff passing him by are greeting him with enthusiastic smiles and congratulating him for being officially the new Chief Executive Officer of the Golden Heart Hospital. At the age of 24, he gladly accepted his responsibility to take over the business his dad built inside for many successful years. It was truly an honor to accept the position entrusted to him.

Today was Cassian's last flight abroad. He just arrived in the Philippines only an hour ago after the grand opening of their new hospital branch in Singapore. Even though his body feels drowsy because he only had four hours of sleep, he wants to visit the place where he had made memories of a younger him.

Cassian's feet stopped in the familiar hallway. He stood and looked outside the window of the ward where he saw that girl for the first time.

That night he didn't only felt worried for himself. He also felt worried for a girl he doesn't know.

He stood there for a minute and he took a deep breath before he pushed the door open. His footsteps echoed on the white-tiled floor. The ward is empty and only the sunlight passing through the window pane illuminated the room.

Cassian looked at the empty bed where he used to see Erizza leaning her back on the headboard. Her eyes covered with cloth, her baggy shirts and pajamas, and messy hair. It reminded him of the times he usually peeks at her and wonders why she was covered with that cloth until he discovered it himself.

Until he found out about her condition that made him wanted to know more about her.

He knew she had been blind for eleven years, though he doesn't know the real reason why it took her long to find a donor. Cassian is extremely glad now that Erizza finally found one.

To tell the truth, Cassian aimed to find a donor for her. Then after he graduated, he found someone who can donate his eyes, though, it took him quite long, he can say it was worth it. He might not have met her donor, yet he thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, the naughty and stubborn Cassian did that.

He was thankful to him that after those eleven years Erizza can finally see again. Cassian was studying abroad when he found out about her successful transplant. When he came back again to the Philippines, he didn't see her ever again.

He doesn't know where she is now and he doesn't get updates about her even if he has connections to do it for him. He chooses not to because he knows how personal and confidential they are. He prefers to find out about her life himself.

Wherever Erizza is, he believes she's now doing well. But then, the realization hit him that he knows her but she doesn't know him. He only knew she lost the ability to see and that she was just a girl that happened to be someone to him.

'Maybe it was meant to be this way'

He thought, that gave him a pinch of sadness.

Cassian may not have any idea as to where Erizza might be, he wished the world will hear what his heart really wants. And make it come true.

He's hoping that someday. Someday if fate permits. Their paths will cross and bring the chances of making them connected to each other again.

Next Chapter 2 probably today :)))

Shea_Quaintrellecreators' thoughts