
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Concealed Enemies of the Haze

× Ayra ×

It was dark. And the air, musty.

Ayra gently sat upright and slowly swallowed in her surroundings. In the middle of a narrow path of the labyrinth, she sat alone, brutally understanding that Valda and Neslyn were isolated as well.

She didn't have the slightest idea how large this labyrinth was but something in her mercilessly understood that it was certainly bigger than her assumptions. And that seemed to make this entire situation even more awful. And worse.

The mist was still alive and awake, coalescing with the dull grey walls of the maze to give off an enigmatic air all around.

But the mist didn't dance. Ayra could hear and feel and sense her wind. She felt a little relief that it would not trap any more minds for now. But she didn't dare to lose her focus.

It was eerie and chilly. Even the wind couldn't calm her down.

Her head slightly throbbed with a dull ache. And her body hurt everywhere, as though a great force tossed her body around. She wouldn't be surprised if that were the case.

A sharp tang licked at her senses. Ayra's head grew woozy with the amount of magic that filled the air.

She blinked multiple times, attempting to get a clear view of her surroundings. But the mist obscured her sight.

Ayra slightly moved her legs to straighten up and felt a solid material hit against her sole.

It was Arcadius. Her sword.

She immediately reached for it. Her mind and soul finding a steady solace and safety at the solid weight of it against her palm.

Just then, the wind undulated and a voice talked,

"Ah, you're finally awake."

Ayra grew rigid and immediately released a breath of her power, again relieved when the mist blew away in response.

In the darkness, a man stood.

A Deminus to be exact.

It was the man from earlier. The demon who is responsible for this diabolic creation.

She immediately jolted up to her feet but they immediately gave away and harshly hauled her back to the ground.

Ayra couldn't feel her legs.


"I wouldn't get up just yet. You were sucked right into the power of my magic. It would take some time to feel normal."

Ayra pinched the bridge of her nose, her head feeling heavier and heavier as time went on.

"Shut up." She snarled.

No response.

She shook her head. Once. Twice. And raised her eyes.

The man was lazily leaning against the musty grey wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Ayra cruelly registered how the blood had stopped flowing from his chest, silently cursing the demon's inborn and potent healing abilities.

He grinned when he registered the line of her gaze.

"You missed my heart, wizard."

She glared at him.

His awfully disturbing grin remained.

And Ayra just then, noticed how old he looked. The Deminus was probably in his late thirties and Ayra was once again stunned at how handsome he looked for his age. She also noticed a long and thin silver line marring the side of his cheek.

A scar.

"Are you done checking me out?"

Ayra looked at him, with no expression whatsoever.

"Yes." She deadpanned.

The demon flickered, his dark eyes filling with slight surprise.

Ayra smiled sickeningly.

"Gave me sufficient time to sort out some way to immobilize you and tear your filthy heart out."

His smile vanished.

"What a tough little wizard you are."

Ayra didn't respond.

For a long time, everything was quiet.

"What are you waiting for, demon?" She tilted her head, staring deep into his dark eyes.

"I thought you were here to kill me." 

He observed her, slowly and keenly.

"You and I both know that I'm not here for that, wizard."

She scoffed. "Of course not." And waved her hands around.

"All this little show of yours is to buy some time."

Ayra looked at him.

"Am I right or am I right?"

He smirked and the urge to bludgeon his face burned within her.

"How smart." He sighed before walking towards her.

Every fibre in Ayra grew alert but she didn't show it. She forced herself to keep her head high and eyes sharp.

He crouched down in front of her.

The wind grew vigilant.

"You're right, wizard." He inclined his head, and that sheer predatory move made her want to recoil.

"It is indeed to buy some time. Why, you ask?"

He tapped his jawline, as if in deep thought.

"I don't think it's any of your business to know that."


Ayra wanted to spit on his face.

He smiled as if he knew what she was thinking about.

"Since you're exceptionally shrewd, I suppose you know the answer regarding why I'm here as well?"

Ayra scowled. "Spit it out already, you bastard."

"Ah, what a pleasant mouth you have."

He paused and stared at her. Her body grew cold at the raw darkness brewing behind those orbs.

"He never mentioned that you were so sweet."

Ayra frowned, wondering who in the hell was this demon talking about.

The Deminus chuckled.

"Ah, finally. A different expression from you."

He sighed before straightening up to his feet and looking down at her.

"I am curious, wizard. Curious about what is going to happen from hereon. Curious on how this night would take a turn."

The Deminus smirked, a vicious glint awakening in those obsidian eyes.

"It'll be interesting. You will make it interesting."

He turned to leave.

"Farewell, for now, wizard."

And then, he disappeared into the mist.

The air was quiet.

Ayra wriggled her toes, finally able to feel her legs. She immediately straightened up to her feet and made a move.

A low growl was heard.

She paused. And raised her head.

Bright red eyes surrounded her, a murderous intent vividly raging in them as each pair hungrily drank her in.

Terras'. Different species of Terras' stepped out of the mist. There were hundreds of them. She noticed a few Nightwalkers and other familiar species that she had fought before lurking among the herd.

They growled at her. And sneered at her. When they got closer, they lowered their heads dangerously at her.

The wind danced all around her.

Ayra parted her legs, straightened her shoulders and without any expression, raised her sword high in the air.

And just like the storm, she unleashed herself at them.


× Valda ×

Valda opened her eyes to the gloominess surrounding her. And immediately looked around to see if she could spot Ayra or Neslyn nearby. When she was unable to do so, she silently groused before lifting herself to the air.

Valda blinked.

She was lying on her stomach, with the side of her cheek firmly pressed against the cold, hard ground. She groaned and tried to straighten up again.

But she couldn't. Again.

Valda blinked. Once. Twice. And thrice.

And after a moment or so, she finally registered the strong heaviness resting on her back, silently and uncomfortably trapping her to the surface of the hard ground of the labyrinth.

Valda soon realised that there was a body lying dead above her.

And cursed loudly.

She pressed her palms flat onto the ground. And with all her strength, raised her body.

"GET. OFF. MY. BACK." She grunted and with all her energy, shifted to the side.

The body slid off of her and dropped down to the ground with a loud and a solid 'thud.'

"Ow!" A voice complained.

Valda straightened up and dusted off her hands before gliding her gaze to the ground.

And towards a groaning Cressa.

"I hope you're not doing well down there."

Cressa sneered. "How sweet of you, witch."

Valda scoffed before running her gaze all around the murkiness. She raised her leg and kicked the grey wall of the maze, feeling the solidness of it.

"So, it's real, huh? We are trapped in a maze."

Cressa got on her feet and dusted her pants off.

"Of course, it's real. It's so obvious."

Valda rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, viper. I'm already annoyed that I'm stuck with you of all people here. Drop it before I put a vanishing spell on you."

Cressa leered back.

"I share the same feelings, witch. Don't breathe in my direction unless you have a death wish."

Valda placed her hands on her hips and got in the viper's face,

"What are you going to do? Shake your leaves in my face?"

Cressa bared her teeth.

"How dare you belittle my veins? I will wrap them around your neck and end you before those demons do!"

"Oooh, I'm scared." Valda deadpanned with a straight face.

"Why you-" Cressa took a threatening step forward and grasped the collars of Valda's tunic.

"How dare you lay your dirty little fingers on me?!" Valda yelled before grabbing Cressa's collar.

All of a sudden, the mist shifted and a series of loud, short claps filled the air.

Valda and Cressa stilled before slowly and cautiously turning their heads at the source of that sound.

A woman walked out of the mist.

"Ah, what a sight to behold."

Valda squinted her eyes.

The woman was tall and was disturbingly dressed in the same outfit as the Deminus from earlier. Her thick, brown hair was loosely tied in a long braid that rested against her hips. Sharp grey eyes drowned them in with filthy amusement.

But what viciously stood out the most, was the barbarous double-headed axe that peeked out from behind and above the strange woman's shoulders.

"Who the hell are you?" Valda questioned in a low, threatening voice. A part of her knew the answer but she didn't want to believe it.

The woman didn't reply and Valda opened her mouth to scream out the question again but a small voice confirmed her cruel suspicions from beside her,

"A Deminus," Cressa whispered.

Valda refused to give in to the fear. She clenched her teeth and fisted her hands.

A Deminus. It was another Deminus.

The woman tilted her head, a sensuous smile splayed on her youthful face.

"Greetings, ladies." She pulled out the long, double-headed axe to the air and swung the heavy weapon in front of her.

"Shall we begin then?"


× Neslyn ×

Neslyn slightly brushed her fingers against the smooth, tall wall of the labyrinth.

"It feels very real." She glanced around, eyes taking in the gruesome walls confining them.

"This can't be an illusion of the mist."

"Certainly," Ryo commented behind her. "This is the work of the Deminus we encountered earlier."

"Such a powerful creation," Neslyn stated, attempting to quiet her surging heart down.

Everything happened so fast. So fast that Neslyn had lost her grasp with reality. A small, ludicrous part of her believed that all of this was just an illusion. An illusion skillfully woven by the vicious mist around them.

But she knew better and she refused to believe it. For that nightmare was better than this one.

She dreaded what's to come. She dreaded the outcome of this night. And she dreaded for the safety of her friends. For Ayra. For Valda.

Neslyn could only send a silent prayer above.

The night seemed to grow darker. And darker.

Ryo raised his head to the hidden sky,

"This must have been their plan from the beginning. To separate us."

Neslyn was dragged out of her head by those words but they only fuelled her anxiety.

"Their? You mean, there are more?" She gasped out.

Ryo nodded his head, rather ruefully.

"It's safe to assume that there is more than one demon behind this."

He faced her.

"Maybe more than one Deminus too."

Neslyn shuddered involuntarily, a chill travelling down her spine at that statement.

"Let's not waste any more time. We must find our way to the Ruins or try to find the others."

Neslyn nodded her head. She checked for her weapons and glanced at the Guardian, who was standing there and waiting for her. Neslyn supposed the young boy didn't need any weapons, for he had an army of his own.

They started through the walls of the maze but abruptly stopped when they heard a voice.

The wind chilled and the mist stilled.

Someone was singing.

A soft, mellow voice that innocently danced with words through the dark night.

Neslyn grew still when she realised it was the voice of a child. Her heart thrashed against her chest as she listened to the words that skimmed towards them,

By the meads of Jovahare

There lived a man, a woman and their babe.

A beast visited them one day

And asked for a morsel of bread they didn't save.

Neslyn and Ryo shifted to a defensive stance when a shadow appeared behind the thick mist.

The singing continued,

Claws appeared and fangs bared

The man and the woman faced pure dread.

The beast eyed the babe

And demanded it instead.

Neslyn released a chocked sob at the back of her throat when a small girl walked out of the mist,

The girl stood directly in front of them and sang one last time,

By the meads of Jovahare

There lived a man and a woman.

Who gave up their babe

To a big, bad bear.

Hope y'all are loving TEOTS so far.

miwaknightcreators' thoughts