
The Extra's War

Discontinued, however, I will be writing a better remake next year, titled "Life On Periphery"

Ironskipper · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Clash of Strengths (being edited)

[VANE'S POV] Action music recommended

Amidst the surprised gazes, a burly giant emerged from the crowd.

"It seems looks deceive, eh, Vane?"

It seems he was referring to how I lifted the heaviest kettlebell, but I guess none of them knew my strength, so I responded accordingly;

"I have trained quite a bit in the past, and I am in the peak-mortal stage as well," I replied with a smile.

"Hmm… looks like you don't realize, Vane—not even peak-mortal stage soldiers could lift that; normally, that is. Yet, an injured man like you did? Do you understand now?"

Ah, I've underestimated my strength; I was strong enough to be on the apex of the peak mortal stage it seems, and given my injuries, it was obvious I shouldn't be.

But how did I not lose a substantial amount of strength?

"Haha, you know what they said; I recovered in 2 weeks. I guess I have a unique constitution," I said while chuckling.

"Unique constitution? Hmm…

Let me test that. I heard from Remy you had a master who trained you. Are you up for it?" the burly man in his leather apparel asked me.

A duel? It wouldn't be bad to test my strength; I should know where I stand in this world, but also I'm craving some action.

"Sure, I'm up. May I know your name and stage?" I held out my hand for him.

"Barbados, experienced novice-stage warrior, nice to meet you, Vane," he said, accepting my hand in a firm handshake.

The soldiers made space for us in the training ground, a rare occurrence; probably because they were curious about this match-up.

There were many weapons in the armory nearby: swords, spears, bows, war hammers, axes, maces, and daggers.

I went to pick up a dagger; something I could proficiently wield, but my opponent picked a long sword, and the difference in reach was obvious.

"Can we pick 2 weapons?" I asked.

"Usually, we only allow a single weapon, but I'll make an exception for you," he said.

Perhaps, it would've been better if I picked only a sword—to hone my skills and have a fair match, but real-life combat takes precedence.

I walked towards the emptied ground; now clad in leather armor, a helmet, and my blunted weapons.

The audience cheered us, as we entered the training ground, but neither of us paid heed to it.

My heart calm, my eyes resolute, my mind focused on integrating the skills I learned, and I warmed up with some stretches.

Barbados knelt on the ground with his eyes closed and prayed, while I stood opposite, my arming sword facing the ground.

He stood up, opened his eyes, and looked at me—unwavering focus, and raised his sword (Both hands) to face me.

I faced my sword at him; my sword in my right and my dagger in my left, holding them both in standard grips (handshake grip).

The officiator of this duel stood in between us and asked;

"Are you ready?" he asked Barbados, to which he nodded.

"Are you ready?" he asked me, and I nodded in affirmation.

"On the count of 3;

1… 2… 3!"

We stood there for a moment, facing each other for a short while, but;

Barbados lunged at me, his sword aimed to slash.


I funneled his sword till my hilt and pushed it aside and moved back.


He faced me quietly for a moment and started moving, sword pointed at me.

His reach is longer—I need speed.

I dashed forward instantaneously and slashed at his left, but he parried, pushing it away.


My left was open; his sword traveled to my left and met resistance with my dagger.


The hilt dug into my gloves, tearing some flesh, but I bore.

I thrusted my sword into his torso, but he jumped back.


I lunged at him, pointing my sword to thrust at him again.


His sword wasn't ready, so he pushed on the flat side of my blade and dodged to my right.


He thrusted his sword to my right, and I raised my sword binding with his.


I immediately disengaged after getting hit by his monstrous strength and directed it away.

I brought my dagger to his right rib, but he dodged left and jumped back.

He lunged at me with greater speed than before, his sword aimed at my head.

I couldn't fight him at my base any longer, so I focused harder, calculating his attacks.

I bent down; his sword missed, but he kicked my abdomen sending me flying.


"GUH," I didn't falter, and he moved in recognition.

He dashed at me, his sword aimed to slash, but I funneled it and jumped back.


I held my sword above me and wiggled it; indicating a feint on either side and approached him rapidly.

His amusement was evident in his eyes, and he set out to attack.

He slashed to my right, but I followed his slash, pinning his sword to the ground.


I thrusted my dagger into his shoulder, hitting him.






People praised me, but I didn't listen.

Barbatos was calm; he jumped back and sharpened his gaze.

He was intending to finish the fight.

So was I.

We both lunged forward, his speed the greatest it had been. I couldn't follow his moves.


I didn't need to because I threw my dagger at his upper body, fortunately hitting his helmet.


He faltered; slowing down; his sword angling towards the ground.

I moved to his left and slashed his back, and he stumbled; letting out a low grunt.


I placed my sword near his neck, swiftly securing my victory.



"VANE, O' MY GOD, JUST HOW DID YA DO THAT? HOLY SHITE! YOU DEFEATED HIM!" Remy came to me and hugged me, picking me up.

"H-hold on Remy, my front still hurts," I told Remy, and he let go, apologizing with a smile.

I saw Barbados coming towards me, his face calm, and held out a hand to me.

I walked towards him, away from Remy, met his hand and asked a doubt that lingered since the beginning;

"Why did you hold back?" He held back his strength from the beginning, only letting it slip at the end.

"I wanted it to be a fight of technique—I was interested in what your master taught you, and not in your strength," he answered, aligning with his initial statement.

Considering my advantage of having 2 weapons and him holding back, it was an unfair match-up, but the bottom line was to learn where I stood.

"How did I do?" I asked him, wanting to know my performance from an experienced fighter.

"Good, you did well, but some of your moves were amateurish, especially when you bent down there, or when you simply thrust at me, and some other faults here and there. With practice, you'll overcome them," the gentle giant advised, and I took it to heart.

I remembered something I wanted to ask him, and I asked him before he could turn;

"Just how much did you hold back?" I asked curiously.

"Peak mortal stage at the beginning, but I let it slip to amateur novice stage at the end," he said, but I sensed something more.

"Was that all?" I asked him, enunciating my words with confidence that he still hid more.

He looked at me, and seeing how I didn't waver, he replied;

"I limited myself to simple attacks," he said, confirming my doubts.

No one heard us, nor did they know the truth, but I knew he held back greatly than mere simple attacks.

After all, there was no way someone more experienced than I could ever lose to me, and he probably sugar-coated my performance as well.

Especially when all my training was observing the soldiers' movements and mimicking them, and I lacked any physical training, but my progress came to light with this duel.

Nevertheless, I expressed my gratitude for his advice and moved on—the soldiers didn't interrupt our brief meeting, but now, they all rushed towards me, bombarding me with questions and praise.

This was going to be tiring.