
The Extra's Reincarnation

Lilian laid on his deathbed, his life nearing its end. Surrounded by the cold quiet of a hospital room, he had spent his last months immersed in novels on his phone. One novel, in particular, had captured his heart, and he yearned to finish it before succumbing to his incurable disease. But as the end drew near, he realized he couldn't access the final volume. Helplessly, he regretted the opportunities he had missed in life. And death had finally come knocking. "If only there were another world... that could offer me a second chance," He whispered. "If only I could live a second life... in a time when I had listened." Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/jr8Mmd8sBv

zowji · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The Ventus Kingdom | The First Quest

[Royal Chambers, Ventus Kingdom]

The ornate doors of the royal chambers creaked open, admitting King Aeolus and Queen Lyra Ventus 2 figures that rule the Kingdom Of Ventus within the continent of Aetheris.

Their gazes fell upon their five-year-old son, Ezekiel, who stood before them, his emerald eyes sparkling with an uncharacteristic determination.

"Ezekiel, my boy," King Aeolus began, his voice booming through the room, "we have made a decision regarding your future."

Ezekiel stood along with his assistant Furg looked at his parents with overwhelming concern.

Ever since the rumours of his impending departure had started circulating within the palace walls, he had been dreading this conversation for weeks.

Queen Lyra, placed a comforting hand on her son's shoulder.

"Your father and I have decided that it is time for you to embark on your journey to the Aethel continent," she said, her voice soft yet firm.

"You will be accompanied by our most trusted guards and tutors, and you will attend the prestigious Aethel Academy to further your studies and hone your magical abilities."

Ezekiel swallowed hard, fighting back the disappointment that threatened to overwhelm him.

He knew that this was an honor, a privilege that few were granted.

But the thought of leaving his home, his friends, and the only life he had ever known filled him with a sense of dread.

"Mother, Father," he began, his voice barely a whisper, "must I truly go?"

King Aeolus raised an eyebrow, surprised filled his eyes.

"Ezekiel, this is an opportunity for you to grow, to learn, to become the leader you were destined to be."

"But... I am happy here," Ezekiel protested, his voice gaining strength.

"I have everything I need. My friends, my teachers, my..."

He trailed off, unable to articulate the unspoken truth – the unspoken pain of being overshadowed by his older brother, the Crown Prince, who possessed all the attention and adoration of their parents.

Queen Lyra's eyes softened, a flicker of understanding passing between her and her husband.

She knelt down beside Ezekiel, her gaze level with his own.

"My dear child," she said, her voice filled with warmth and compassion, "I know this is difficult for you. But sometimes, we must leave our comfort zones to discover our true potential. The Aethel continent offers you a wealth of knowledge and experiences that you cannot find here. It is a place where you can forge your own path, make your own mark on the world."

Ezekiel looked into his mother's eyes, seeing a genuine concern for his well-being. 

He hesitated, then took a deep breath.

"If it is truly what you wish for me, then I will go," he said, his voice resolute.

"But I have a request."

King Aeolus nodded, intrigued. "Speak your mind, my son."

"Allow me to live independently on Aethel," Ezekiel said, his eyes fixed on his father.

"Let me attend the academy not as a prince, but as a student. Let me prove my worth through my own merits, not my lineage."

The king and queen exchanged a surprised look, but after a moment of deliberation, they nodded in agreement.

"Very well, Ezekiel," King Aeolus said, a hint of pride in his voice.

"We trust in your judgment. You will leave for Aethel tomorrow, accompanied by your loyal servant, Furg. May the winds guide your path and bless your journey."


[Julian's POV]

As soon as Mr. Hinerick disappeared around a bend in the path, I plopped down on a mossy log. 

This was my chance.

 "Hey, System," I whispered, talking to the floating screen.

The blue interface shimmered into existence, its crisp lines dappled in the sunlight filtering through the leaves.

[Welcome back, Julian Ryker Uzziel Godford. Would you like to initiate the System Tutorial?]

"Finally..." I couldn't help but exclaim, startling a nearby squirrel. "Yes, please."


[Initiating Tutorial... The tutorial covers the following:]

>Basic Interface Navigation

>Understanding Stats and Attributes

Quest System

>Information Database (The Archives)

>SP (System Points) and Upgrades


The screen transformed into a simple diagram, highlighting different sections of the interface.

A calm, soothing voice echoed in my mind as if someone was whispering directly into my thoughts.


[Basic Interface Navigation]

The Status section shows your current level, stats, and abilities. Think of it like a character sheet in those games you used to play.


The Status section lit up on the screen, and I could see my name, race, age, and a series of numbers that I didn't quite understand yet.


The Quest Log keeps track of your current and completed quests. It's like a to-do list for the events coming up.

The Archives are a vast library of information about this world, its history, magic, and creatures. You can unlock new entries by earning SP – that's System Points.


The Archives icon shined before my eyes and another window opened.

[SP can be earned by completing quests, defeating enemies, and exploring the world. You can use them to enhance your stats and unlock new abilities.]

[SP: 0]

A final screen showed my current SP balance... a big, fat zero.

Well, that's not very helpful, I thought with a sigh.

Looks like I've got some work to do.

[End of Tutorial. Do you have any further questions?]

"Not yet," I murmured, taking a deep breath and dismissing the screen with a wave of my hand.

The holographic display vanished, leaving me alone in the whispering woods... now It's time to get going.




[Location: Whispering Woods]

The Whispering Woods lived up to their name. 

The wind rustled through the leaves, creating a symphony of whispers that seemed to beckon me deeper into the forest's embrace.

Sunlight dappled the mossy floor, casting long shadows that played tricks on my eyes.

My small feet crunched on fallen leaves as I explored, my senses heightened by both childish wonder.

I had an inkling, a tingling in my fingertips, that magic pulsed through this ancient woodland.

Suddenly, a translucent blue screen materialized in front of me, hovering in mid-air like a shimmering mirage.

[New Quest Available]

[Description: Slay a pack of Lower-Class Wolvens]

[Reward: 500 SP, Observation Skill (Lvl 1. MAX)]

Wolvens? I thought, the strange name echoing in my mind.

They must've been some kind of magical wolf.

The reward, though, was too tempting to ignore.

I needed those System Points, and the Observation Skill sounded incredibly useful.

But how was a five-year-old supposed to take down a pack of wolves, magical or otherwise?

I didn't even have a stick, let alone a sword.


The sound of a low growl snapped me out of my thoughts. 

The hair on my arms stood on end as I heard the rustle of leaves and the snapping of twigs.

A pack of wolvens, their eyes gleaming in the shadows, emerged from the underbrush.

I instinctively took a step back, my heart pounding in my chest.

They were larger than any wolves I'd seen in picture books, their fur matted and their fangs bared in a silent snarl.

"holy... shit..." 

My body trembled with fear, Even without skills or gifts, could I overcome these beasts?

I was a Godford after all, even if I didn't fully understand the implications.

I wouldn't let these creatures intimidate me.

Squaring my shoulders, I raised my chin and met their gaze head-on.

This was my first real test, and there was no telling how I measured up against the average mage or child.



The first wolven lunged, its maw wide open, teeth bared in a feral snarl.


A blast of wind erupted from its throat, a howl meant to knock Julian off his feet.

But the boy, surprisingly agile for a five-year-old, twisted his body mid-air, the wind barely grazing his cheek.

He landed softly on the forest floor, his eyes wide with adrenaline. 

"Jesus... I need to be careful."

The other wolvens circled, their paws padding silently on the moss-covered ground.

One leapt forward, its claws extended, each one gleaming with a faint, ethereal light.


Julian barely had time to react as the claws swiped at him, leaving trails of wind-formed energy.

He ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the attack.

This wasn't like the slow-motion combat scenes he'd read about in novels.

This was real, raw, and terrifyingly fast. But to his surprise, Julian found himself keeping up.

His small body moved with an instinctual grace, dodging and weaving through the wolvens' attacks with a speed that belied his age.

[You are beginning to awaken...]

The System's voice echoed in his mind, a calm amidst the chaos.

Julian barely registered the words as his vision began to shift.

The world around him fractured, colours swirling and morphing into prismatic colours of black, white, bright red, dark blue, and gold.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, his vision snapped back into focus.

But everything looked different now.

The wolvens were no longer just animals; they were intricate structures of blood vessels and mana, their bodies crisscrossed with glowing lines that pulsed with energy.

He could see their weak points, the places where their mana flow was most concentrated.

Even more fascinating were the tiny particles that filled the air, swirling and dancing around him like miniature stars.

Each particle glowed with a different colour, representing the various elements that made up the world.

Julian blinked, trying to make sense of this strange new sight.

But there was no time to ponder.

A wolven lunged again, its fangs dripping with saliva.

This time, Julian was ready. 

He saw the attack coming before it even began, the trajectory of the wolven's movement laid bare before his eyes. 

He darted to the side with a burst of speed, narrowly avoiding the snapping jaws.

Julian clenched his right hand, mana surging up his arm, enveloping his fist in a glowing blue aura.

He lowered his centre of gravity, bending his knee slightly.

Everything felt perfect in this moment.

The wind blew gently, birds chirped in celebration, and animals within the radius of Julian's mana sensed a strange, powerful phenomenon.


As if destiny aligned, the pack of wolvens stood before him.

His back leg pushed off the ground, propelling his body forward as his hips rotated.

His arm snapped out like a whip, momentum travelling up his shoulder, through his tricep, and into his fist.

With a single swing—


His knuckle connected with the Wolven's mana core.


The punch resonated with a boom that seemed to shake the air itself.

Mana erupted outward and a blinding wave of pure force tore through the trees.

As Julian opened his eyes, he saw a path of destruction, the Wolvens reduced to nothing.

This world had given birth to a monster.

And upon its arrival, it was welcomed into creation.

[The Following Gifts Have Awakened: Essence Of Magic (EOM), Essence Of God's Gift (EOGG), Divine Eyes Of Convergence (DEOC)]

For those concerned about whether I was working on this chapter today.

I wasn't.

These were already written beforehand and I planned on releasing these chapters accordingly on certain dates and have other chapters planned including the ones from TTA on a later date.

I'm still on break /ᐠ - ˕ -マ

zowjicreators' thoughts