
Race against time [2]

I crouched and quickly looted the weapons from the corpses.

With one weapon I can only create one constellation. I need more weapons to increase my arsenal.

After being done, I looked at the 6 sentries and clicked my tongue. Among them, only one was Iota-rank while the rest were high Meta-rank.

I have to end the battles fast or other sentries might be alerted, but constructing bigger weapons needed more ether.

This was why I was using daggers.

I can now construct daggers fast enough that by the time someone notices the noise, the daggers would be flying at them.

However, due to their lightweight, they were also easier to defend against.

"I should stop using these gloves and boots."

Although with these gloves and boots I was able to stick to walls and walk on them, I had to supply ether to use them.