
The Ex-wife's Revenge

A cryptic message lured her into an abyss of despair. Witnessing her father perish in a fire, her mother's mental breakdown, her unborn baby's sudden death, and her husband's treacherous plot to kill her, she was pushed to the brink. Miraculously, her resilient spirit reincarnated in a budding starlet. However, she awoke amidst multiple crises, with enemies from both lives waiting to send her to hell. Determined, Jane swore to reclaim what's owed to her, even if it meant a life of humiliation, deceit, and scorn. She pledged to make every debtor pay, regardless of the insults and accusations she might face. Thus, the obscure starlet evolved into a top diva, a scandalous queen in the entertainment industry, shining brilliantly despite constant men replacements at her side. She even bragged about her affairs with the world's elites, refusing to let any wrongdoer escape justice.

Satulovewriting · สมัยใหม่
36 Chs

Wanna Bet?

At night, Jane had just left the school campus when Principal Lawrence, waiting outside the gate, approached her. Noticing her outfit, he expressed his dissatisfaction, saying, "Mallory, what's going on! Didn't I tell you to dress nicely? Look at what you're wearing! Hurry up, get in the car and pick out some clothes!"

Jane ignored him and approached the car, opening the door and saying, "I'm a student, and this is how I should dress. Maybe Jackie likes me this way."

Upon seeing the heavily pregnant Boss Howard sitting in the back seat, Jane banged the door shut, then walked around and sat in the front passenger seat instead. She didn't want to sit with him.

Boss Howard remained silent, and Principal Lawrence grumbled a few more words before getting into the car.

After half an hour, the car arrived at a five-star hotel in the city center. The three of them entered a private room. Principal Lawrence paced anxiously while Boss Howard couldn't even light his cigarette, sweating profusely with impatience.

Jane leisurely took a sip of tea and asked, "Based on Jackie's personality, how did you manage to invite him?"

Jackie had a bad temper, and his social circle was quite limited. There was no way he would give Boss Howard, who was more like a contractor than a boss, the time of day. Jane hadn't thought much about it before because of Principal Lawrence's confident demeanor, but now it seemed quite precarious.

Principal Lawrence chuckled and anxiously explained, "We heard from the Education Commission that Jackie is having a meeting in this hotel tonight, in that private room over there. So, we thought that when Jackie comes out, you can-"

"You want me to pull him in?" Jane frowned, realizing how cunning their plan was.

"Since you're familiar with Jackie, help us out!" Principal Lawrence said, with a forced smile on his face.

Jane didn't refuse; she had her own plan. So she calmly said, "If I succeed in this, can the principal agree to one condition for me..."

"Deal! Missy, I'll agree to any condition you have!" Principal Lawrence hastily replied. After all, what could a little girl like her possibly ask for? If she handled Jackie, everything would be negotiable.


Perhaps it was fate, but as soon as Jane walked out of the private room, she saw Jackie also stepping out, with a waitress attentively leading the way, seemingly heading to the restroom.

Jane followed quickly and slipped into the nearby women's restroom right after him.

She listened to the commotion on the other side in silence. When the sound of running water from the sink began, Jane let out a breath and quickly came out of the restroom. Her movements were too forceful and swift as she charged straight towards Jackie. However, Jackie was agile and gracefully dodged, causing Jane to crash into the cold wall. She exclaimed in pain, "Ouch!" and turned around, glaring angrily at the well-dressed Jackie.

As Jackie wiped his hands, he looked at her and said, "Is someone trying to assault you in the restroom?"

Jane wanted to tear apart his venomous mouth, but instead, she touched her forehead, widened her eyes, and pretended to be surprised, "You still remember me?"

Jackie threw the tissue into the trash bin and stared at her face, "Thanks to your ghost-like makeup on that night, I found it a bit nauseating to think about it now."


No matter how much makeup that girl had on, he was still willing to approach her confidently. He called her endearingly, regardless of her appearance. How desperate was he? Jane cursed him countless times in her heart but nervously turned her face to the mirror and examined herself. "I didn't wear any makeup today, do I still look like a ghost?"

She wore a white t-shirt with overall shorts today, her long, straight black hair pulled back into a simple ponytail. Not only was she youthful, beautiful, playful, and cute, but it also showcased Mallory's long and straight legs, adding an enticing touch of innocence mixed with a hint of sexiness.

Jackie scanned her from head to toe, squinting his eyes slightly, seemingly amused. "You change personalities every day. The first two times, you were cold and indifferent, not shedding a tear or making a fuss about losing your virginity. But today, you deliberately threw yourself into my arms, playing the game of wanting to resist yet welcoming it?"

Jackie waited for her to become angry and embarrassed, but Jane flashed him a sweet smile, showing her teeth and not denying it. "Yes, I purposely came here today to seduce Jackie. I wonder if Jackie is willing to fall for it?" Jane knew exactly how to smile to make Mallory's face look the best. She had experimented in front of the mirror many times, and at this moment, her expression must be cute and playful.

Unexpectedly, she admitted it so straightforwardly. Jackie raised an eyebrow and showed a hint of interest. "Oh? I'd like to see how you will seduce me."

Seeing that Jackie's curiosity was piqued, Jane's smiling face suddenly drooped, and she pitifully bit her lip, "You're not wrong. I'm really going to be expelled by the principal. They threatened me to bring you to meet them and personally apologize to you. If I get expelled, I won't be able to use any seduction tricks..."

Jackie laughed and suddenly leaned in, pinching her delicate chin and planting a kiss on the corner of her lips, saying, "Darling, if you can't use them, then don't."

His voice was deep and magnetic, and both his fingertips and thin lips were gentle, almost unimaginable. It seemed like he was seducing her, but as soon as he finished speaking, he released Jane, took long strides, and left.

The trick of seeking sympathy doesn't work on Jackie. Jane, filled with rage, caught up with her and relentlessly exclaimed, "Jackie, dare you make a bet with me!"